The Video Game Thread

Yes, definitely more of a pirate game than a real AC game; centering on your ship, crew, upgrading your weapons onboard like cannons, fire arrows, ram ability, etc. One element I really liked was upgrading your crew and captains as you progress and meet others with higher abilities.

It's definitely worth it, probably my fave of the series for that reason. When you do go on land to meet merchants, etc. it's AC. But you're on the water 90% of the time. I got the remaster on PS4 when they re-released. Fanboy I think they call me :D

What about exploration on land, is there any?
Ok quick question for anyone that has played Assassins Creed Black Flag.
I have never played a AC game in my life, only watched someone play. I noticed Black Flag{the pc version}was on sale for 7 bucks on Steam. Is it worth it? I have heard it is more pirate game than a AC game, your thoughts?
Black flag is my favorite in the series. I'm not even a fan of being in the water or going to the beach, but I loved the atmosphere of this game.

Look at AC: Rogue, it's a ps3/360 game remastered on ps4/one and is a spin off of black flag. So if you like black, I'd get rogue as well.

Origins and 2 are solid as well
What about exploration on land, is there any?
Yeah there's some exploring on land too. You will mainly come across islands and newer territories/ports with the main port being in Havana Cuba. There are missions on the islands too, so you do need to do a little exploring once on land, just not to that grand level you normally see with AC games where the map is bigger than earth. Little long but the first few mins below give you the vibe of what the game plays like.
I just watched the Xbox games reveal and they had some okay looking games; State of Decay 3, The Medium (Silent Hill type game), Avowed, Bright Memory (FPS not sure of the name). See them getting raked over the coals kind of bad online, but I wasn't expecting anything so I guess I'm pleasantly surprised.

I watched some of these yesterday as well. Some great looking games coming out. Halo looks equally as amazing!

Hey fellow Ghost players, what's the actual deal with the assassination element? I get you're not supposed to as a honorable Samurai and they reinforce that w/cutscenes. But then they have skill points and charms for it so I'm kind of lost as to what they're trying to lead you onto.

So if you go rogue and go down that route are you screwing yourself over? I think I've done it a handful of times almost by mistake, etc. and still pretty early so figured ask the group?

Gamefly finally shipping me the latest Need For Speed game. NFS Heat. I'll see how that is. They had some fantastic games in the early to late 00s and then they just kind of lost their charm. The last one, Payback, actually wasn't TOO bad. I've always enjoyed a good racing game so I will stay hopeful!

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