I'm pretty pumped for this "season", hopefully we get plenty of action scenes, and they finally progress the DAMN STORY LINE.
The problem is that they haven't had a good story-teller since Darabont left after season 1.
I greatly enjoyed season 1 because while it used the graphic novel as a guide Darabont moved off of it in different directions. Since then it has become much more like what George Romero pointed out, "A soap opera with zombies as a side-show".
Don't get me wrong there have been some terrific episodes since then...
-The "cleansing" of the barn in season 2
-The finale of season 2
-Merle/Daryl "hanging out together" episode of season 3
-The "Hey we found Morgan!" episode of season 3
But for the most part they seem to be following the graphic novel much more rigidly. I don't know if that's AMC's way to help control costs by reducing the number of writers (not as much new creative is needed if they're following the graphic novel) or what, but the story line seems to go as the graphic novel goes.