Sorry guys if the following sounds a bit big-headed (it isn't meant that way) but that's the way i know and experienced things.
I try to start with a question: Do you all really believe that just by chosing other (better) training methods you can improve your sprinting ability by 0.1-0.2secs on a 40yds dash in a month or two?
If you really think so let me tell you this:
You can't!
First of all we don't talk about casual players here. In college the competition between the players is really high and already there is a lot of money involved. That means already in college these are well trained athletes who compete at their performance limits. You might be able to improve at such a high pace when you don't work out at all but not when you are a trained athlete.
Second point i like to mention is: When Donovan Bailey (i guess you all know him but for all who don't: he is a canadian 100meter Track&Field star who ran a new World record a few years ago. I guess his final time was 9.86 - but i maybe wrong, but i am sure it was 9.8x) ran the above mentioned World record they stopped his 40yds time and it was 4.3secs. Just to emphasise this point: Donovan Bailey does nothings else then training sprints. He does that for his living. He was the best in the world and before him (except Ben Johnson, and his time was "deleted" because he used illegal substances) nobody was able to crack the 9.8x barrier. So do you really believe that a guy who is running a 4.5 for instance is able to improve his time to a 4.3 or 4.2 just by changing his training methods? And what's more the guys we are talinkg about outweight Bailey by about 20-25 pounds.
I know this is going to be long but let me tell you another story (btw i love this one

You all (may) know Linford Christy? He also was a famous 100m Track&field star a few years ago. For all of his long career he was always a runner up but at the ending he won the World Championship with 34years of age. And believe me this is really old for a sprinter. But anyways shortly he retired. At the time he did germany was in search of a coach for their track&field 100m athletes (as you all know germany is not the biggest player in the 100m dash - and i must know, i am from germany

) Linford was offering his knowledge to germany to coach our athletes but germany denied and Linford became the "personal" trainer of a 24year old british sprinter (i don't remember his name). At that time this sprinter ran the 100m dash in 11.5secs. Two years later the same guy ran a 10.0 secs at a worlwide event. Now you all can easily imagine that the whole world was fingerpointing at germany how "stupid" we were when we denied Linford's proposal.
But the story doesn't end here. It's safe to say that you can consider a 24year old 100m dash athlete in the prime of his career. If he isn't able to run a good 100m dash time by then he probably never will. Of course with a trainer on his side with the knowledge and experience of Linford Christy he may be able to improve his time dramatically. But to imagine that such an athlete is able to improve his personal best by about 1 and 1/2 sec in just to years is - let me say - far reached. Anyways... 1-2 years later a old test of Linford failed a new examination and he was accused guilty of taking Nadrolon (a kind of anabol steroid) during his active career.
Now i let you do the math what kind of "knowledge" Linford "handed over" to this 24year old athlete. Btw if some german people really felt hurt when the whole world was fingerpointing at them this must have been a late soothing for them
Now after all these "fairy tales"

let me write my humble opinion:
Of course you can't compare old 40yds time with new ones because of better training methods, better equipment and better tracks but to think that a athlete can improve his time by 0.1-0.2 secs just because he is training differently for 1 or 2 months is rediculous.
As a writer above already mentioned the draft is all about the number you will be picked at. The higher you getting picked the bigger your paycheck will be. And we don't talke about hundreds of dollars. We talk about deals were your whole family is safe (and doesn't have to work anymore) for generations. This is about the big bucks. And when the reward is high you take a higher risk easier. Now here is my point: to take illegal substances is a high risk. First for yourself and your health and second when you get caught. But when the reward is high people are willing to take higher risks.
So to me these faster times mainly come because of better "pills" these athletes use. This is all a question of dosage and having the better pharmacist. If you can afford both you are able to minimize risk to get caught and as written above the gain of performance is just amazing. You are able to minimize the risk because when you know (and are able to pay the right people) you are able to invent or use new kind of substances where there are no working drug tests to detect your abuse.
Does anyone know how the doping tests in the offseason work in the states? As i know it there are 2 announced tests each year. If it's like that this proceeding is by far not sufficient to limit the use of illegal substances. But i remember the big scandal when a lot of u.s. track&filed stars were tested positive of using illegal substances. This was a few years ago so maybe they changed their proceeding by now.
So to me all those fast times are just a source of doping. To me it is not possible that an athlete who weights around 200 pounds is faster then the reigning world champion in the 100m dash, even when it on the first 40yards. To me it's not possible to improve your time for around 0.2 secs without doping - not when you are already have a personal best that is comparable with the times only the best athletes in the world are able to run.