Things I just don't get that millions of people do..

jcollins28;4359354 said:
  1. The Boss
  2. U2
  3. Cold Play
  4. Anything from Apple

Seriously, all of these things seem severely overrated to me.

The Boss has some good songs, but his voice turns me away for the most part.

I'm with you on U2. Musically they're not at all interesting to me. Lyrically they write some good songs, but I can hardly stand 'The Edge's' high end guitar sound and the rest are pedestrian musicians.

I know 1 Cold Play song and have nothing to say about them otherwise.

Apple has helped me earn a good living for about 14 years, so I won't complain about their products, just their service at times.
jcollins28;4359354 said:
  1. The Boss
  2. U2
  3. Cold Play
  4. Anything from Apple
Seriously, all of these things seem severely overrated to me.

I agree.

Interestingly enough... even though I liked the early U2 I began to lose interest in them as time went on.

The final nail in the coffin was when they partnered with Apple to release that song that you could only get on an I-Pod.

I actually fell asleep at a Springsteen concert. Didn't pass out. Fell asleep.
BrAinPaiNt;4359606 said:
I am always making fun of this young girl (well 22 is young to me) at work.

Huge..>HUGE kardashian fan and also a beiber fan.

So I am always making fun of those two.

Well she comes back to work after the Holidays and someone had gotten her some kind of pendant/charm for her necklace that has Justin Beibers smiling face on it. She says, look what my little cousin got me..knowing I will make fun of it.

Well this young lady is kind of on the heavy side, is well endowed and tends to wear tops that show a good bit of cleavage. So I say...well does it feel weird to have a picture of Justin smiling while hanging and resting in your cleavage. She has not worn it since. :laugh2: :laugh2:

HR needs to have a talk with you :laugh1:
I don't understand the need to be first. The first one with the new tech gadget or the first one to see a new movie. I can understand wanting a new iPad, for example, but I can't understand waiting in line of hours if not more to be one of the first to get one.
joseephuss;4359941 said:
I don't understand the need to be first. The first one with the new tech gadget or the first one to see a new movie. I can understand wanting a new iPad, for example, but I can't understand waiting in line of hours if not more to be one of the first to get one.

I guess that's why your name isn"t "Techseephuss"
Hoofbite;4359429 said:
I've never understood why people dislike Apple for the strange reasons they do.

Do these same people have similar dislikes for expensive clothing companies?

I dislike $150 jeans, but I love Apple products.

Apple products are quality made and will last years over any old PC.

Jeans are jeans.
CowboyWay;4360109 said:
Apple products are quality made and will last years over any old PC.

If you buy an apple product, you're paying for the brand name. The quality of the product isn't bad, but it isn't worth the sticker price.

Stating that an apple product will last years over any old PC is just foolish. That depends entirely on the PC and - once again - you can build a quality PC for a fraction of the cost of an apple product. I built my own desktop PC in late 2008 for under 800 dollars. I had to replace the hard drive once, otherwise, flawless.
CowboyWay;4360109 said:
I dislike $150 jeans, but I love Apple products.

Apple products are quality made and will last years over any old PC.

Jeans are jeans.

Define last.
CowboyWay;4360109 said:
Apple products are quality made and will last years over any old PC.

This is a very broad statement and holds little truth. I know of collection of 7 crappy gateway WinXP desktops that are 10 years old running in a server environment pumping data out of a Sybase server and into a SQL Server 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They only reason they haven't been swapped out is because they haven't failed.

Yeah, old crapy gateway desktops. Sometimes PCs have hardware failures. Sometimes PC failures are the users fault. I would say most times it is the users fault.
tupperware;4360324 said:
Define last.

I will define it as soon as one of the multiple apple products I own fails.

Hell, I dropped my iphone in the lake last weekend while duck hunting. It died for two days and then it dried out and fired up. I'm not saying other phones won't do the same, but I've had outstanding luck with their stuff.

Am I a "fanboy". No. Do I like everything they do? No. Do they make quality products? Yes.
CowboyWay;4360473 said:
I will define it as soon as one of the multiple apple products I own fails.

Hell, I dropped my iphone in the lake last weekend while duck hunting. It died for two days and then it dried out and fired up. I'm not saying other phones won't do the same, but I've had outstanding luck with their stuff.

Am I a "fanboy". No. Do I like everything they do? No. Do they make quality products? Yes.

Any other faulting products you had, had nothing to do with anything inherently faulty or flawed about them, they just failed, electronics do that.

My sister in law has a computer from about 2001 and it is still chugging away.

Also, you might want to keep in mind that Apple now uses products from: Intel, AMD, Nvidia. (Not including their Portable Devices)

The same products that you build your typical desktop machine with, are inside iMacs Mac Books and Mac Pros. I know you said you're not a fanboy, I'm just pointing out a bit of what I feel is not accurate information. The failure rate of any component within your average Apple computer should be roughly the same as something like a Dell PC.
tupperware;4360618 said:
Any other faulting products you had, had nothing to do with anything inherently faulty or flawed about them, they just failed, electronics do that.

My sister in law has a computer from about 2001 and it is still chugging away.

Also, you might want to keep in mind that Apple now uses products from: Intel, AMD, Nvidia. (Not including their Portable Devices)

The same products that you build your typical desktop machine with, are inside iMacs Mac Books and Mac Pros. I know you said you're not a fanboy, I'm just pointing out a bit of what I feel is not accurate information. The failure rate of any component within your average Apple computer should be roughly the same as something like a Dell PC.

Could be. All I can speak of is the experiences I've had. I've owned $2000 PC's that break less than a year later, and i've owned $2000 macs that I'm typing this on that I've owned for over 3 years now without a thing in the world wrong with them. Ditto for all my iphones and ipads.

The older I get, the less patience I have for crap that breaks. I will always choose quality over price as I've been burned over and over again. If you or anyone else has had great luck with PC's, great, keep buying them, but I made the mac plunge 3 years ago, and I couldn't possibly see ever going back. I was such a believer after the macbook pro, that I bought an imac for work and I couldn't be more happy.

I think you have alot of "anti" fanboys who think its cool to hate on apple the same way people hate on starbucks. Its just "cool" to be the "anti" thing for whatever seems to be popular.

If you have bought a mac and hate it, fine, I won't try to persuade you to buy another, but there are many people who ***** about macs who have never owned or used one. Those are the guys I laugh at. And they know who they are.
I still don't get all of the Apple hate...

The Apple products that I have are FAR and away more solid than their PC counterparts...

My profession is PC based. Love Windows 7 hate the Dell I have to run it on...

I have multiple iPhones as well as... Windows 7, Macbook Pro, Linux, Unix... I have it all...

I make an observation that the quality is better on Apple products and the damn dam busts... I'm the dreaded "fanboy"...

I am not... from now on refer to me as "it just works boy" and I will be fine... or "Apple-Sider"...

Don't tell me how my Apple products don't work... they work... Don't tell me Windows 7 is the boss when I have all kinds of issues with the system although it is pretty good... and as I stated. I like Windows 7... thy are now only 5 years behind Apple...

I'm typing this on a Dell that ejected the "e" key two weeks in to the brand new state. I had to Superglue it and Dell said it's not a problem... they won't warranty it...

They refuse to fix it and say it has nothing to do with quality. It has EVERYTHING to do with quality... I now have to double-scan everything because my "e" key doesn't work correctly. They stated I may use it too much... DUH... it's the most used letter in our alphabet... I need to use it less?

I sold my Macintosh Powerbook 165 15 years ago and to this day for a premium, Dell laptops have failed to match the quality and reliability...

Fire away, but I have been there...
Hmm I'm not saying Apple products are void of quality. What I'm saying is, other products aren't void of quality just because Apple products are quality made. Apple products break too, as do normal PC's. It may not of been your experience, but it happens.

Now as to who may handle your hardware better? Who may fix your key popping off your keyboard? Apple might have better service, I don't know as I haven't needed that kind of thing. I don't own Apple computers. I've owned an iPod and an iPod nano in the past but that's it.

I have my own feelings about the whole power user thing and the customization of each OS. (In this case, OSX is synonymous with Apple as PC seems to be synonymous with Windows)

I've used them all, too. I won't deny that Apple products are elegant, they are. I very much like the simplicity and design of their devices. I don't agree with everything they do, nor their prices.. For example I just pieced together this:

Mac Mini $599

2.3 Ghz Dual Core i5, 3MB L3 cache
2GB 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram
500 GB 5400 rpm HD
Intel HD Graphics 3000 (CPU based Graphics)
No CD/DVD Drive

CustoMac $406

3.1 Ghz Dual Core i3 3MB L3 cache
8GB 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram
500 GB 7200 rpm HD
Intel HD Graphics 3000 (CPU based Graphics)
Mini-ITX Case
CD/DVD Included

The bottom system has the $30 purchase of OSX Lion included. So for $200 less, I can build quite a bit more powerful system and install OSX Lion on it (Hackintosh). Is the extra $200 worth Apples included warranty and the Apple hardware design and quality? Depends. For me, someone who can easily RMA any parts that go bad and plop in a different CPU/GPU/RAM whenever needed, it's not.

This is of course assuming you're not completely computer illiterate. I think, just based on my experience using OSX, that it would be far easier to handle for a computer newbie. In fact, my reason for building a Hackintosh will be for a family member.

Here's a video of Mac Pro performance for much much cheaper :)

tupperware;4360939 said:
Hmm I'm not saying Apple products are void of quality. What I'm saying is, other products aren't void of quality just because Apple products are quality made. Apple products break too, as do normal PC's. It may not of been your experience, but it happens.

Now as to who may handle your hardware better? Who may fix your key popping off your keyboard? Apple might have better service, I don't know as I haven't needed that kind of thing. I don't own Apple computers. I've owned an iPod and an iPod nano in the past but that's it.

I have my own feelings about the whole power user thing and the customization of each OS. (In this case, OSX is synonymous with Apple as PC seems to be synonymous with Windows)

I've used them all, too. I won't deny that Apple products are elegant, they are. I very much like the simplicity and design of their devices. I don't agree with everything they do, nor their prices.. For example I just pieced together this:

Mac Mini $599

2.3 Ghz Dual Core i5, 3MB L3 cache
2GB 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram
500 GB 5400 rpm HD
Intel HD Graphics 3000 (CPU based Graphics)
No CD/DVD Drive

CustoMac $406

3.1 Ghz Dual Core i3 3MB L3 cache
8GB 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram
500 GB 7200 rpm HD
Intel HD Graphics 3000 (CPU based Graphics)
Mini-ITX Case
CD/DVD Included

The bottom system has the $30 purchase of OSX Lion included. So for $200 less, I can build quite a bit more powerful system and install OSX Lion on it (Hackintosh). Is the extra $200 worth Apples included warranty and the Apple hardware design and quality? Depends. For me, someone who can easily RMA any parts that go bad and plop in a different CPU/GPU/RAM whenever needed, it's not.

This is of course assuming you're not completely computer illiterate. I think, just based on my experience using OSX, that it would be far easier to handle for a computer newbie. In fact, my reason for building a Hackintosh will be for a family member.

Here's a video of Mac Pro performance for much much cheaper :)


Not everyone wants to build a Hackintosh, though. Most consumers want their products ready to go when they take them home and plug them in.
casmith07;4360959 said:
Not everyone wants to build a Hackintosh, though. Most consumers want their products ready to go when they take them home and plug them in.

Yeah and I think that's why it would be better for some people. Like those who can't or didn't know individual components come with warranties too.

I'm just addressing the whole angle of "My Apple is quality made and other things I owned have broken" as if to say, that's the normal outcome, it's not. I know he put it out there as his own experience, but it comes across as if to say the PC is inferior in terms of quality, when it isn't. He just had some bad luck.
Apple puts premium hardware in their products. (for the most part anyhow, they have been cheaping out a bit lately on some parts) If you buy a PC with premium hardware, the quality is no different.

If you buy a $399 PC off the shelf, then you get what you pay for.

In the PC world you get what you pay for. In the Mac world you just pay more for it. It's the Apple premium. You all know Apple makes a large margin on their products. PC hardware makers do not do this. PC hardware has very low margins. Both low end and higher end hardware. You know this too, I can't figure out why you guys keep arguing the point.

This isn't Apple hate. It's just the way it is. If you want a PC that has Apple quality hardware, then buy a PC with quality hardware. That is what I do. Except I get it even cheaper because I build it myself.

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