Things I really enjoyed about tonight's game...


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bbgun;1745460 said:
When I'm on my deathbed, I can honestly tell my loved ones that I once saw Marcus Spears make a play. Good for him.

:lmao: Youre horrible ;)


The Boognish
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It was several things for me.

1) Seeing our defensive coaching staff make quick adjustemtns. We were gettting gashed up the middle early on that first TD drive and I was having nightmares of Andrews destroying our LB again but lo and behold were fixing defensive issues before the next drive.

2) Romo is fearless, Columbo will rip your arms off and beat you with it, Owens and Barber seek contact and punish defenders and Witten showed the biggest cajones this night. Big balls, very big balls.

3) Bradie James running downfield stride for stride with a receiver, stuffing runs and screens in the backfield all day long. Ware had a good game but James was our best LB tonight. Spears was our best DL as well consistently getting penetration.

4) Its the 3rd quarter and the game was getting ugly and it looked like the 4th was going to be a mess. Wade Phillips deserves a lot of credit for handling it like he did with that disgusting prevent we ran in the 4th it basically defused the entire situation and demonstrated a ton of class.

5) Stanback showing off some of that 4.7 speed as he racced up the sideline and Henry getting the pick that iced it.


Arch Defender
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theogt;1745499 said:
Dude's got terrible hands. He's a great corner, but he'll never have a lot of INTs because of it.

its strange, because he really does have great hands...I've seen comments about how he catches everything in practice and TC...he fields punts well and has practiced some at WR



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silverbear;1745432 said:
Read that carefully, I did not say they'd be the best Cowboys team ever, just that they'd have the best record... if they can beat the Giants, they can well finish no worse than 14-2, and to the best of my recollection, the best regular season record any Cowboys team ever posted was 13-3...

You just never know... it could turn out to be true. We are doing things that other Cowboys teams havent done.... time will tell


Still waiting...
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dbair1967;1745558 said:
its strange, because he really does have great hands...I've seen comments about how he catches everything in practice and TC...he fields punts well and has practiced some at WR


This is why DBs don't play WR. Generally, the issue is NOT speed - but hands... or lack thereof.


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bbgun;1745460 said:
When I'm on my deathbed, I can honestly tell my loved ones that I once saw Marcus Spears make a play. Good for him.

Line of the night.

I never thought I'd be able to see it either, friend.


White and Nerdy
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the only things that disappointed me was the int by romo, had he led Crayton, we would have had the TD there instead of having to intercept it and get the TD a few minutes later.

westbrook was their entire offense and yet, they couldnt tackle him or stop that stupid checkdown pass and screen pass all night.

Joe a Cowboys fan

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I was pleased to see both T-New and Henry on the field playing looking like they had no problems backing up, sprinting and making course corrections in the game. Now if we can only get T-Glenn back on the field things could get interesting.


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theogt;1745499 said:
Dude's got terrible hands. He's a great corner, but he'll never have a lot of INTs because of it.

What's strange is he played a bunch of WR in college. I know college isn't the NFL, but he was a pretty good WR.


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The 1977 Team was 12-2. The only Boys team to have that few losses.


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As I mentioned in another post I felt this was the best all around game the Cowboys played this season. I thought both sides of the ball played great football.


Outta bounds
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silverbear;1745432 said:
Mark Colombo, always willing to fight for a teammate...

That's what I loved to see. The team coming to the aid of one of their own and slapping some guys around for a cheap shot.

This game really helped solidify the team, IMO. Big win getting over the Philly hump and defending a player against a cheap shot can only help team chemistry.

This is what good teams are made of.

That cheap shot was on Julius too, and he's just one of the guys. Imagine if it would have been on Romo. The whole OL would have ripped the guy apart.


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The Henry int, and the way he broke on the ball.....made me believe that ankle if better.


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CrazyCowboy;1746343 said:
The Henry int, and the way he broke on the ball.....made me believe that ankle if better.

I was glad he got the int in his 1st game back. I think this secondary is only going to get better as we get all of our guys back.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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dbair1967;1745559 said:
its strange, because he really does have great hands...I've seen comments about how he catches everything in practice and TC...he fields punts well and has practiced some at WR


Yeah, just watching him in pregame, he catches everything in his hands just like you'd teach it. And he looks natural doing it, unlike some DBs.

Maybe he's just not sure what to do in this new D where the corners get to read the play and break on the ball. :D

Seriously, though. he should have caught it, but it was great just seeing the play unfold. He was sitting back watching, and then read where McNabb was going and broke all the way across to the wider WR to make the play. We NEVER saw anything like that in the last four years. Or six years.

Our O-line's dominaton was awesome. That might be the best game they've played since the Super Bowl days. And of course Tony was totally on fire.

I also think this was T.O.'s best game of the year. Even the critics like me had to love how he played last night. That looked like the old T.O. from the San Fran/Philly days.

Stanback finally got to show his talent, too. Love that forward lean he has when he runs. Can't wait to see him catch a couple of slants at WR!

But the best thing was just generally seeing us turn them into a totally helpless and disogranized high-school-looking team. People can act like they aren't that good -- as mysteriously happens to every team after we play them -- but the truth is that they aren't as bad a team as we made them look.

Canadian BoyzFan

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I thought it was funny when Romo was mimicking the ref on the penalty call against the Eagles in the 3rd I think.

Zimmy Lives

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Good post!

I do think, however, that NY, Washington, and Detriot can easily steal a win from the Cowboys if they don't play smart football.

Also, Crayton's disappearance the last few games has me concerned. I hope it's because Witten, T.O., and the backs are so open that Crayton isn't needed in the passing game. We'll see.


Salary Cap Analyst
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silverbear;1745432 said:
7.6 yards per play... friends, when this offense is firing on all cylinders, it's scary good... I wonder if their 434 yards will be enough to move them up to first or second in total offense?? IIRC, both the Pats and Colts had under 350 yards of total offense today.

We were second going into the game, and we're still second. We're 15.7 YPG ahead of the Colts, so we're a solid second.

That 7.6 yards per play raised our average for the season to 6.5 YPP. That ranks ... No. 1 in the NFL. That's right, as great as the Patriots' offense has been this season, our offense actually averages more yards per play. We're at 6.522, and they're at 6.409. But they've run 4.6 more plays per game than we have.


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AdamJT13;1747062 said:
We were second going into the game, and we're still second. We're 15.7 YPG ahead of the Colts, so we're a solid second.

That 7.6 yards per play raised our average for the season to 6.5 YPP. That ranks ... No. 1 in the NFL. That's right, as great as the Patriots' offense has been this season, our offense actually averages more yards per play. We're at 6.522, and they're at 6.409. But they've run 4.6 more plays per game than we have.
Adam, I swear I could hear Spock's voice as you typed that out. :D


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Nice rundown silverbear, I'd agree with all of those...Unfortunately, still can't get the bad taste out of my mouth over those cheapshots from the Eagles (Ramsey and Mikell)...Loved, loved, loved seeing the OLine let all hang out after Ramsey's cheapshot...You can't let those things slide, penalties or not