The great big holes people are doing in their ear lobes and body piercing. On a woman a set or 2 of ear rings looks nice. I don't see anything attractive about nose rings, tongue spikes, spikes through the eyebrows or other body parts and I really don't get the big stupid looking ear lobe destroyers. In a fight I guarantee you I'd rip that right out. It's too inviting a target to inflict pain. Yep hammer nail contact
Tattoos. My question is why do they get them on there neck and hands and places like that. Can we say fries with that the rest of your lives
Smoking. It is expensive, unhealthy, and smells awful. For the life of me I cannot see why anyone would want to smell like cigarette smoke and pay a lot of money to smell that way. It is even more perplexing where I live. It is 110 degrees outside and they build a fire 4 inches from their face. I could not agree more especially after working in a Bar I had to rush home every night I worked and scrub myself and wash everything right then I could not stand myself it was so bad.
Text Messaging. Funny I am an IT guy have a crackberry for email (Was part of my job to know how to support it) I still do not know how to text
Shopping. I want to walk in, grab what I want and leave. Wandering around looking at stuff is nauseating to me. Women
Spammers. Who are the stupid fools who are buying from these parasites so that it is still happening? By now it should be a complete failure. Someone has to be stupid and I pay for it by getting all kinds of stupid spam that I am never even going to look at. Funny you should say that Hos we had a person call are helpdesk to reset her password at work due to a spam email that slipped threw saying they needed to reset their password :bang2::bang2:
The Designated Hitter in Baseball. The very first rule says it is a game played with 9 players per team, not 10. I agree here
Why some people do not like John Wayne. How in the hell does that happen? He was one of the greatest hollywood stars ever __________________