Things you don't get

joseephuss;2145575 said:
If someone doesn't like regular soda, how is a diet soda a better alternative as far as taste? I have tried them and they taste worse than regular sodas in my opinion. I understand that some people can't drink them.

My list is very long, but I think I can summarize it in one word. Everything. There are times that I often feel that I just don't get anything that happens in this world. I read all these lists so far and agree with a great many of them for many of the same reasons.

Yeah I have no choice but to drink diet sodas so I know what they taste like. I understand what you mean though.
joseephuss;2145575 said:
There are times that I often feel that I just don't get anything that happens in this world. I read all these lists so far and agree with a great many of them for many of the same reasons.

Starbucks. That's a lot of money to pay for coffee.

In & Out Burger. I like them, but not enough to wait in line like some people will. I would wait in line before going to McDonalds though.

Taco Bell. You've got to be absolutely desperate for Mexican food to eat there and I say Mexican food very tongue in cheek.

How people can not like John Wayne. I amdit, I am stealing this from Kangaroo. He is dead right. I don't get how anyone can not like the guy.

The Matrix. So it has interesting graphics. So what? The story sucks.

Britney Spears & Paris Hilton attraction. Every time I see them on camera it just screams skank.

The Scion SUV. That is the ugliest piece of crap ever. People pay for those? Why?

Spinner rims. Oh my gosh. It was cool for about a month.

MP3 players on a phone. I'd rather just have an MP3 player.

Wearing your pants to so low your underwear shows. I laugh at these idiots. I don't care if they see me laughing. It looks stupid. You're suposed to laugh at stupid stuff.

Why it's so funny when someone falls. I can't help it. I laugh. I don't know why I can't help it.

Pet rocks. Okay it was a long time ago. I still don't get it.

School shootings. I was never afraid to go to school. Now I am afraid for my children. How did this become a fad?

Crocs shoes. I am too vain to wear those bright colored things. I don't care how comfortable they are supposed to be.

The Goth look. I just never wanted to look dead.

Berets other than for a military uniform. Is it supposed to look tough? It doesn't. It looks the opposite.

Women who don't shave their legs or pits and the men who are with them. ~shudder~

Why anyone would wear patchouli. It smells like mud.

Soccer. Sue me soccer fans. I think it is beyond boring.

The Disco Look. The worst thing is my school pictures in 5th grade and the big collar and poofy sleaves on my shirt. Was I high? I bet I had on bell bottoms too.

Pickled pigs feet. I don't even want to know.
Hostile;2145661 said:
Starbucks. That's a lot of money to pay for coffee.

I few weeks ago I stopped by a Starbucks to visit a friend I had not seen in a while. She is the manager at this location. It was a hot 100 degree day and I walked into the Starbucks and it was hotter inside. The air conditioning had gone out. I talked to her for a minute, but it was pretty unbearable. She hooked me up with a free iced tea.

The part I didn't get was that there were people just sitting and drinking their coffee. I spoke to her a couple of weeks afterwards. She told me that several of the regulars came in and sat through the heat for hours sipping on their expensive coffee. Those are dedicated weirdos.
Adam Sandler.

He seems like a good guy, but I've never thought he was funny.

Chris Farley. Yes.

Will Ferrell. Certainly.

But I don't get Sandler's humor.
Hostile;2145661 said:
[Soccer. Sue me soccer fans. I think it is beyond boring.

Totally agree.

There's something unnatural about playing a sport where you can't touch the ball.

What's funny about the soccer love is how defensive their fans are of the sport. They get angry almost to the point of rioting. Oops. That's a sore subject with this group.
joseephuss;2145678 said:
I few weeks ago I stopped by a Starbucks to visit a friend I had not seen in a while. She is the manager at this location. It was a hot 100 degree day and I walked into the Starbucks and it was hotter inside. The air conditioning had gone out. I talked to her for a minute, but it was pretty unbearable. She hooked me up with a free iced tea.

The part I didn't get was that there were people just sitting and drinking their coffee. I spoke to her a couple of weeks afterwards. She told me that several of the regulars came in and sat through the heat for hours sipping on their expensive coffee. Those are dedicated weirdos.

My father drinks coffee in the heat of the summer. He says it cools him off by making him sweat. I just say ok Pop. :laugh2:
Yeagermeister;2145645 said:
Yeah I have no choice but to drink diet sodas so I know what they taste like. I understand what you mean though.

Isn't water a better alternative? It tastes better, and it's better for you. And this is coming from someone who can't really stand to drink water unless I'm extremely thirsty from exercise and the water is very very cold. I try to get lemonade or fruit punch or something when I eat out. No soda for me, and definitely no diet soda. I'll save that for when I'm at the point where it's either drink diet, or die.
HeavyHitta31;2145429 said:
I felt the same way until I saw ConAir.

How did a below average action movie with one of the worst performances of Cage's career make you feel different?
ChldsPlay;2145870 said:
Isn't water a better alternative? It tastes better, and it's better for you. And this is coming from someone who can't really stand to drink water unless I'm extremely thirsty from exercise and the water is very very cold. I try to get lemonade or fruit punch or something when I eat out. No soda for me, and definitely no diet soda. I'll save that for when I'm at the point where it's either drink diet, or die.

I prefer diet coke
Hostile;2145661 said:
your other list...

Starbucks. They are paying for it now... started closing stores a while back.... 600 more in one shot I believe.

Taco Bell. The Mexican phone company? lol

The Matrix. I can agree with you somewhat. The first one could have been enough. The rest was to just cash in.

Britney Spears & Paris Hilton attraction. - I know its popular to rip Britney(not saying you are).... but this kid has been in this industry since day 1... she doesnt know any better... she is a victim of her own success.

Paris is just smart. She was rich and not famous. Voila! Now she is both.

MP3 players on a phone. I agree.... but it is getting to where we(maybe not you lol) will want everything all in one.

Wearing your pants to so low your underwear shows. This is just ridiculous. I dont understand it.

Why it's so funny when someone falls. Ok, so I am bowling about 20 years ago and passed the line and it was slippery and I fell on my arse.... I laughed, we all laughed... but then the guys that we didnt know in the other lane laughed and tried to start something...

So... I didnt even get a chance to decide to let it go or say something...

No sooner did I have a secont to think.... the guy that laughed the hardest fell on his very next throw... my fall was forgotten and he looked like a bigger idiot for saying something and then doing the same thing. HA!

School shootings. I fear the days of abusing kids in school and them crawling into a hole and hiding has come to pass... now they get revenge.... very dangerous phase we are going through.
ChldsPlay;2145871 said:
How did a below average action movie with one of the worst performances of Cage's career make you feel different?

I love ConAir because of how campy it is. That's why I see mostly every new Cage movie. I don't know if he is doing it on purpose...But every word that comes out of his mouth is funny to me for some reason. I loved Wicker Man because of that. Wicker Man was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.
ChldsPlay;2145871 said:
How did a below average action movie with one of the worst performances of Cage's career make you feel different?

DemonBlood;2145932 said:
I love ConAir because of how campy it is. That's why I see mostly every new Cage movie. I don't know if he is doing it on purpose...But every word that comes out of his mouth is funny to me for some reason. I loved Wicker Man because of that. Wicker Man was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

I thought it was atleast average... not below.

Some great scenes.

"He's got the whole world in his hands...."

"He's got the whole wide world....... in his hands"

Creepy... but good :laugh2:
Cowboy Junkie;2144537 said:
I dont get why a person whon is driving behind me speeds up then cuts me off just to arrive a the same place at the same time 30 miles down the road. Now that Pisses me off
Sorry, it's the HEMI.
SALADIN;2144597 said:

Loud a** mufflers on itty bitty cars Thanks for the wakeup call Sergio but I had my alarm clock set for 2 hours from now. :rolleyes:

No kidding, don't these idiots realize these cars sound like boats with a Johnson outboard?
1. Madonna
2. Why Aretha Franklin is on any top Rock music lists.
3. Michael Bolton
4. aggies
5. Dodge pickups without a HEMI. wth????
6. HEMIs that are not dualed out. again, wth????
7. Non programmable coffee makers.
8. Fridges with no water/ice in the door.
9. Texting, it's a freaking phone, talk.
10. aggies.
Skim milk. What the hell is this stuff and why do people pay for it? Sorry MB4, I do not get that at all.

Edible underwear. I'm all in favor of foreplay, but let's not get sick.

Sylvester Stallone.
Rocky was a good movie. The rest of his are crap. Yes, I include the Rambo series.

Why the Motown Sound ever went out of style.
If you don't like the old Motown artists and their music you do not have soul. They were what music is about.

Creamed corn. How can you take something as delicious as corn and cream it? I think that ought to be a jail-able offense.

Why logos on baseball caps have to be boring letter. At least the old Brewers logo was cool with the M and the B forming a glove with a ball. Most of them are pure boring.

Why people go to the Emergency Room for stuff that isn't an Emergency.
Nyquil. It works. All you are doing is slowing down the really hurt people from getting care and driving up insurance costs for everyone.

Why Drive-in theaters are so rare. They were the best way to go to the movies. Take a pickup truck, load up some chairs, a grill and your meal for the night and have a damn party.

Anchovies on pizza. Are you out of your freaking mind?

Sardines. Use your nose.

Locks on doors of stores open 24 hours a day.
Here are the keys, don't lose them. Why not?
Hostile;2146024 said:
Creamed corn. How can you take something as delicious as corn and cream it? I think that ought to be a jail-able offense.

How can you not take something as delicious as corn and try to concoct something even better. cream corn is great, dont knock it till youve tried it.

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