Things you don't get

5Stars;2147005 said:
A pet peeve of mine are kids that get their first car and NEVER wash their windows! Usually it's girls that have filthy windows, but alot of boys too!

Thick azzz film all on the inside and outside, fingerprints all over the insides, smoke film, all kinds of crap! Then, they think they can go speeding 40 miles and hour to get 3 blocks away...probably without really seeing what the hell they are supposed to see...of course texting on their cell phones!


Oh man I am so guilty of that. I mean it doesn't hinder my vision but yeah I definitely don't make it a priority to wash my But maybe its not so bad cause I don't smoke.
Dawgs0916;2147209 said:
Oh man I am so guilty of that. I mean it doesn't hinder my vision but yeah I definitely don't make it a priority to wash my But maybe its not so bad cause I don't smoke.

Break out the Windex and some paper towles and wash them inside and outside...REAL GOOD! So, smoke or's in there. WASH IT OFF!

You will think it's a new car!!


Hostile;2144407 said:
Not only do I not drink, I have never been hung over and I can't fathom drinking knowing that and the who crapped in your mouth breath are waiting in the morning.

People brag about how drunk and sick they got. My response is huh? I do not want anyone or anything in control of my faculties.

For a buzz? I don't get it.
I like the buzz part, but I find it increasingly harder to deal with hangovers as I get older.
Madden quitters. People (and I do mean adults not kids) who begin a game with you online on Madden and quit when they’re losing. If you can’t play and accept losing, don’t play.

Non-appreciative employees. One good example are people behind the cash register/counter who talk to everyone BUT you the customer. If you don’t like ‘wasting your time’ at your job, quit and have a good ole time being a happy, yet broke sob.

Streetwalkers (no, not that kind). People, usually kids, who can’t walk on the side of the road. Roads are for vehicles and are not meant for your narrow behind.

The technologically challenged. If you can’t operate it, don’t buy it. If you’re scared of using the self-serve checkout lane, don’t stand in my way for 15 minutes trying to scan/ring up a gallon of milk (true story).

Political sheep. On my 18th birthday, I registered to vote… as an Independent. I have voted Republican, Democrat, Independent and even Libertarian once. People should think for themselves and choose either the best candidate OR the lesser of two evils. However, not voting at all is totally un-American. JMO.

Callous pet owners. If you can’t love it, don’t get it. Why should a pet end up on the street simply because you’re not mature enough to take care of it in the first-place?

People with tunnelvision. I know that you love tomatoes, but I hate tomatoes. If you’re taking my order for a hamburger and I tell you to cut the tomatoes, don’t ask me if I’m sure! Idiot.

Traffic testers. If you’re trying to pull into traffic, don’t drive your car far enough into the nearest lane to see whether or not it’s okay to merge. Do you really think it’s okay to have half of your vehicle WITHIN a lane of oncoming traffic? Do you? Physics, people, physics.

Female baiters. They ask you a question only a fool or a moron would answer. “Do I look fat in this dress?” Come on. Where’s the Twix bar???
Oh...another thing that makes me go "huh"? Kids that don't know how to fix a freaking keyboard or a kid that can't just buy one for 10 or 15 dollars, yet can go to the Mall and waste whatever money their mommy and daddy just gave them!!

yea, growing up i got 5, 10 or 15 dollars for my birthday, totally spoiled....

plain sandwiches- all i eat are dagwood esque sandwiches. How can you not eat onions, tomatoes etc.

I dont eat sandwiches, go figure
MarionBarberThe4th;2147512 said:
also, nascar. lets not pretend its a sport, but even as a hobby its stupid

I used to love it when I had a favorite driver (Dale Jarret).

Nascar is nothing but one big strategy to finish first at the end. If you have someone you like then its a good time.

There is nobody I really care about anymore on the circuit so I no longer watch but I now understand how people can like it.
5Stars;2147222 said:
Break out the Windex and some paper towles and wash them inside and outside...REAL GOOD! So, smoke or's in there. WASH IT OFF!

You will think it's a new car!!



Use newspaper instead of paper towels. It works better.
Hostile;2144077 said:
Tattoos. I just don't get them. I've never seen one that looks good enough that I'd want one. Especially once you start aging and the ink no longer looks fresh. I really don't get them on the face. It doesn't improve looks at all. I could never date a woman who had a tat. It just is an immediate turn off.

I think some tattoos cross the line but I wouldn't start ruling women out because of it. You're right about the aging though, they start looking bad. I heard a comedian today talk about his Grandmother getting a tattoo of a falcon on her chest when she was young. He said by the time he found out about, it had turned into a pelican.

Smoking. It is expensive, unhealthy, and smells awful. For the life of me I cannot see why anyone would want to smell like cigarette smoke and pay a lot of money to smell that way. It is even more perplexing where I live. It is 110 degrees outside and they build a fire 4 inches from their face.

I'm with you on this one. I can't believe that restaurants used to have smoking/non-smoking sections. I know some places still do but where I live, I couldn't even consider sitting down to eat with someone next to be smoking. I can't understand it. Like you said, smells terrible, unhealthy, and expensive. Guess all you gain is a few friends in Jr. High and High School.

On a side note, I like to a guy waste him time running and working out only to go home and suck down a pack of smokes.

Blind Loyalty to a Political Party. Beyond amusing to me that one party can believe everything that you do. Where I come from the absence of all conflicting beliefs is called brainwashing. I never saw the attraction of being a sheep.

I'll expand that to blind loyalty to anything.

Ketchup on steak. My best friend in High Scool did this. I told him it should be a hanging offense.

I know guy who goes with ketchup everywhere. Scrambled eggs, Macaroni, you name it.

The Designated Hitter in Baseball. The very first rule says it is a game played with 9 players per team, not 10.

What I think is odd is that only half the MLB has a DH. The NL doesn't use DHs, ***?

Why Hemp Isn't Used to Make Paper. Save the trees. You can harvest it up to 7 times per year as opposed to once every 20 years for a tree. The stupid dopers make this not going to happen.

I was discussing this with someone a while back and they told me that fully mature trees do no provide a net gain in oxygen. Basically its better to cut down the old and plant new, if that little piece of info is accurate.
Why Jessica Alba won't return my calls....

Why old people are allowed to drive...

Why people drive slow... I don't want to spend my entire day on the road, I want to get from point A to point B in a timely and efficient manner.

Country music. It sucks. I'd rather have Hostile kick me in the balls than listen to it.

My 4 Iron. I am pretty sure it doesn't get me either.

Reality TV, MTV, and all that ******** *** ****. How do people watch that garbage? Except for Big Break Kaanapoli (the Golf Contest.... I can watch that)

How people hate on the History Channel. It pwns.

Mustard. If it looks like ***, smells like ***....tastes like crap....chances are it is crap.

Old people driving. Its so bad it needs to be mentioned twice.

Expensive coffee. Coffee sucks, why does anyone want to pay $5 for crap?

Why we cannot get drilling/refining going.... if I am paying $4 a gallon for gas, AT LEAST LET THE MONEY GO INTO OUR ECONOMY.

Thin Mint Blizzards.....why are they so delicious?

Why seafood tastes so delicious? I can never get enough.

Why I enjoy steak, but am perfectly content (and prefer) to only eat it maybe three times a year? (Probably relates back to the seafood thing)

Why we can't win a playoff game. It would be nice to win one sometime in the next 5 years. At this point, I'd consider it as euphoric as winning a Super Bowl.

Why people spend $400 on drivers and are pefectly content with their $30 crap putters. ROFL.

Why I am so scared of my emotions....

Why does it feel like I am constantly lost... much to ponder.
Dawgs0916;2147191 said:
I have to disagree with you. From what you stated earlier, you said you haven't been out of the country.

I am half mexican, my mom is fully Mexican, born in Mexico City. From when I was born I visit my family down there every single summer, in fact I am leaving at the end of this month.

Mexicans put sour cream on ALOT of stuff. Its a different type of sour cream though. Its more creamy. The stuff here is like solid and stuff. There is a store in Austin my mom buys "Mexican style" sour cream at. Its the good stuff. I couldn't imagine eating enchiladas or tostadas or chilaquiles without sour cream and salsa.

That's something I didn't know. I figured it migrated over here to New Mexico from Texas.

But I still hate it. :)
DallasEast;2147394 said:
Non-appreciative employees. One good example are people behind the cash register/counter who talk to everyone BUT you the customer. If you don’t like ‘wasting your time’ at your job, quit and have a good ole time being a happy, yet broke sob.

Streetwalkers (no, not that kind). People, usually kids, who can’t walk on the side of the road. Roads are for vehicles and are not meant for your narrow behind.

Political sheep. On my 18th birthday, I registered to vote… as an Independent. I have voted Republican, Democrat, Independent and even Libertarian once. People should think for themselves and choose either the best candidate OR the lesser of two evils. However, not voting at all is totally un-American. JMO.

Callous pet owners. If you can’t love it, don’t get it. Why should a pet end up on the street simply because you’re not mature enough to take care of it in the first-place?

Traffic testers. If you’re trying to pull into traffic, don’t drive your car far enough into the nearest lane to see whether or not it’s okay to merge. Do you really think it’s okay to have half of your vehicle WITHIN a lane of oncoming traffic? Do you? Physics, people, physics.

Vintage;2147837 said:
Why Jessica Alba won't return my calls....

Why old people are allowed to drive...

Why people drive slow... I don't want to spend my entire day on the road, I want to get from point A to point B in a timely and efficient manner.

Reality TV, MTV, and all that ******** *** ****. How do people watch that garbage? Except for Big Break Kaanapoli (the Golf Contest.... I can watch that)

How people hate on the History Channel. It pwns.

Old people driving. Its so bad it needs to be mentioned twice.

Why seafood tastes so delicious? I can never get enough.

Why I enjoy steak, but am perfectly content (and prefer) to only eat it maybe three times a year? (Probably relates back to the seafood thing)

The lazy man's way of answering this; to wait until enough of the things you don't get are said by others and just quote them...

Thanks for thinking like me guys! :D
Thehoofbite;2147792 said:
I know guy who goes with ketchup everywhere. Scrambled eggs, Macaroni, you name it.
My friend that put it on steak, also put it in his coffee instead of sugar.

I nearly yacked.
I don't get why I go stand in a line at a store for either a purchase or assistance, then the phone rings and the employee stops what he or she is doing to take care of the person on the phone over everyone else.

Hello? I actually drove here and showed up. Give me priority.
Yeagermeister;2147942 said:
She's busy taking care of my baby. :D

She's beautiful, but she's skinny.

Which brings me to another "I don't get."

Many models don't look good to me and I'm not sure why so many women are obsessed with being so thin.

Curves are good.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think women should have a narrow little butt.
Hostile;2147879 said:
My friend that put it on steak, also put it in his coffee instead of sugar.

I nearly yacked.

One time.. I was at a light and I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a guy picking his nose.

After he filled up his fingernail, he proceeded to clean said fingernail with teeth and at the boogas.

So when I got home I googled it.

Mucas (boogers, snot, what-have-you) drains out of our sinuses into the nose and from there runs down the back of the throat. Here it mixes with saliva and is swallowed.
We all eat boogers all the time.

So he was just taking the "manual" approach... instead of automation lol
YoMick;2148026 said:
One time.. I was at a light and I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a guy picking his nose.

After he filled up his fingernail, he proceeded to clean said fingernail with teeth and at the boogas.

So when I got home I googled it.

Mucas (boogers, snot, what-have-you) drains out of our sinuses into the nose and from there runs down the back of the throat. Here it mixes with saliva and is swallowed.
We all eat boogers all the time.

So he was just taking the "manual" approach... instead of automation lol

Why oh why did you have to say that around lunchtime?

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