Things you don't get

locked&loaded;2146041 said:
How can you not take something as delicious as corn and try to concoct something even better. cream corn is great, dont knock it till youve tried it.
I have tried it. It sucks like a Hoover vacuum.
i drink skim milk bc i drink like a half gallon of milk when i work out. if i drank any percent, id turn into a fatty.

Sylvester Stallone.
Rocky was a good movie. The rest of his are crap. Yes, I include the Rambo series.

First Blood was cool, Brian Dennehy as the sheriff is one of the best casting decisions ever. Yes I know Stallone can't act.

Why the Motown Sound ever went out of style.
If you don't like the old Motown artists and their music you do not have soul. They were what music is about.

Motown sucks, no soul? oh well.

Creamed corn. How can you take something as delicious as corn and cream it? I think that ought to be a jail-able offense.


Why people go to the Emergency Room for stuff that isn't an Emergency.[/B] Nyquil. It works. All you are doing is slowing down the really hurt people from getting care and driving up insurance costs for everyone.

That would be your uninsured so they don't give a **** anyway.

Why Drive-in theaters are so rare. They were the best way to go to the movies. Take a pickup truck, load up some chairs, a grill and your meal for the night and have a damn party.

There's not enough mosquito repellent in the world to watch a movie outside in Houston in the summer.

Locks on doors of stores open 24 hours a day.[/B] Here are the keys, don't lose them. Why not?

For when the employee has to use the restroom?
jimmy40;2146315 said:
There's not enough mosquito repellent in the world to watch a movie outside in Houston in the summer.
Put some Listerine in a spray bottle and spray it around the area where you are going to watch the movie.

No skeeters.

Try it. It really works.
Commander Fans How can anyone in their right mind be one?

Minimum Wage With Gas being 4 bucks a gallon people should get way more money

Ketchup on Hot dog I know a lot of you have put ketchup on steak and I agree but i've never understood it on a hotdog either

Orange and Yellow Jolly Rancher They are the worst ones and usually the worst flavors in any assorted candy.

Driving way to fast Why would anyone want to risk death just to go fast?

College Football BCS BCS... Enough said

Being an adult at 18 Everyone is still just as dumb as ever at 18

Swimming in a lake People go to the bathroom in the lake as do millions of fish.

Computer Viruses who was the jack arse that invented those?

Roller Coasters Why would you want to be slung around and have no control?

There is a million others I could think of but im supposed to be working.....

:laugh1: <----- That emoticon as well. Im sure im just missing something but I dont get it.
Hostile;2146319 said:
Put some Listerine in a spray bottle and spray it around the area where you are going to watch the movie.

No skeeters.

Try it. It really works.
I was told it also works for Poison Ivy rash.

The Smart Car -- It looks like a clown car, is a death trap on the highway, and doesn't even get 40 mpg. If I'm going to look like an idiot and not even be able to take more than one person with me in the car, that sucker better get at least 60 mpg!


Pimped Out Cars -- I especially don't understand why people spend tons of money "pimping out" cheap cars. Why not take that extra money and buy a nice car to begin with?

Bottled Water -- I hate to break it to you, but that bottle you just paid a $1.50 for... it's free out of the tap. And if you're worried about impurities, buy a purifier and it'll pay for itself in less than a month. The laugher now is that people are starting to say that bottled water might be bad for you as well.

Facebook -- I just don't get it. I don't really get My Space either, but it makes more sense than Facebook, I suppose. I probably am not educated enough on either to intelligently comment on them, but oh well.


Sushi -- To quote Terry Bradshaw: "Looks like bait!"
Danny White;2146396 said:

The Smart Car -- It looks like a clown car, is a death trap on the highway, and doesn't even get 40 mpg. If I'm going to look like an idiot and not even be able to take more than one person with me in the car, that sucker better get at least 60 mpg!

I'm with you on that. I don't mind the looks. It ain't pretty, but I've never really cared how my car looked. It just has to be better on gas mileage than what they are offering. You would think something that small would be over 40 mpg. I heard that the foreign versions got over 60 mpg diesel. I am not sure if that is true or not.
Hostile;2146319 said:
Put some Listerine in a spray bottle and spray it around the area where you are going to watch the movie.

No skeeters.

Try it. It really works.

Thanks. Gonna try that.

jimmy40;2146315 said:

Sylvester Stallone.
Rocky was a good movie. The rest of his are crap. Yes, I include the Rambo series.

First Blood was cool, Brian Dennehy as the sheriff is one of the best casting decisions ever. Yes I know Stallone can't act.

Yo... you know I had to chime in on this one... lol

Stallone was never considered an actor... he is a movie star. There is a difference. MORE credit should be given to those who cant act AND STILL achieve HUGE success.

Will Smith even said it... I am no actor, I am a movie star... one day I hope to be an actor.

First Blood is a great movie and I am not even a big fan of the series.

He has actually "acted" very well in: FISTS, Victory, Copland, Cliffhanger was pretty good.

Lets face it... he set the bar pretty high after Rocky and TOPPED it in many ways with First Blood.

Sylvester Stallone has cemented himself in cinematic history. Two Franchises... not one.
I don't get.....

Drinking Alcohol- I never understood anyone wanting to get drunk or just a buzz. Anytime I saw someone drunk they were either doing stupid things, or were just plain mean. I never understood why people wanted to be like that.

Doing 50 up a 25 MPH Court- Why speed up the street just to slam on your brakes when you near your driveway or in your driveway. It is not only stupid but endangers the kids that live on this street.

Soccer- Just boring watching people run around a field for hours at a time.

Hostile said:
Creamed corn. How can you take something as delicious as corn and cream it? I think that ought to be a jail-able offense.

Reminds me of the M*A*S*H episode where went through a whole year in one episode (towards the last few seasons of the show), and Father Mulcahy had grown some corn and was looking forward to having Corn on the Cob on the 4th of July, but when he arrived to the table, the cook had creamed the corn, and was so mad he didn't know what to say.:laugh2:

And reguarding the diet coke discussion, my dad likes to drink diet coke because he says regular coke tastes too sweet.

I prefer regular coke to diet coke.
DallasFanSince86;2146611 said:
I don't get.....

Drinking Alcohol- I never understood anyone wanting to get drunk or just a buzz. Anytime I saw someone drunk they were either doing stupid things, or were just plain mean. I never understood why people wanted to be like that.

Doing 50 up a 25 MPH Court- Why speed up the street just to slam on your brakes when you near your driveway or in your driveway. It is not only stupid but endangers the kids that live on this street.

Soccer- Just boring watching people run around a field for hours at a time.

Reminds me of the M*A*S*H episode where went through a whole year in one episode (towards the last few seasons of the show), and Father Mulcahy had grown some corn and was looking forward to having Corn on the Cob on the 4th of July, but when he arrived to the table, the cook had creamed the corn, and was so mad he didn't know what to say.:laugh2:

And reguarding the diet coke discussion, my dad likes to drink diet coke because he says regular coke tastes too sweet.

I prefer regular coke to diet coke.

I never was a big drinker but when one beer started giving me headaches the next morning I stopped completely.
Buttermilk - my Dad swore by the stuff, but it just made my stomach turn
Liver - yes, I get that it is good for you, but how do you get passed the taste and smell. It has to be an acquired taste because it is just, plain, nasty.
Girls going to the bathroom together - and God said "Wherever two or more females are gathered, if one has to go to the bathroom, ALL must go". Why??
First date salad ordering women - OK, you're pretty, I like you enough to ask you out, and you order salad? If you're a dang vegan me and you aren't gonna last long; if you like steak, order it! I did.
Rackat;2146657 said:
Buttermilk - my Dad swore by the stuff, but it just made my stomach turn
Liver - yes, I get that it is good for you, but how do you get passed the taste and smell. It has to be an acquired taste because it is just, plain, nasty.
Girls going to the bathroom together - and God said "Wherever two or more females are gathered, if one has to go to the bathroom, ALL must go". Why??
First date salad ordering women - OK, you're pretty, I like you enough to ask you out, and you order salad? If you're a dang vegan me and you aren't gonna last long; if you like steak, order it! I did.

Buttermilk biscuits rule but as for drinking I agree. My Pops used to put corn bread in a glass and fill it with buttermilk.....:puke:
Yeagermeister;2146675 said:
Buttermilk biscuits rule but as for drinking I agree. My Pops used to put corn bread in a glass and fill it with buttermilk.....:puke:
Totally agree. Buttermilk biscuits rock! Never tried buttermilk on cornbread, I could still smell it.
Cell phones: We touched on texting but the whole cell phone craze is ridiculous IMO. There are certainly some true conveniences but nowhere near the proportion to which people carry and use them. I find it kind of sad to see people list this as a necessity.

Coffee: and these expensive brews in particular.

Excess: Our society is so excessive. Homes, cars, vacations, activities etc., today have to be bigger and better than the last generation's. And the sacrifices we are willing to make, to the point of ruining lives is just sad. I truly wish we would all cut each other some slack and find a little contentment.
CoCo;2146696 said:
Cell phones: We touched on texting but the whole cell phone craze is ridiculous IMO. There are certainly some true conveniences but nowhere near the proportion to which people carry and use them. I find it kind of sad to see people list this as a necessity.

I hear what you are saying. But that is a conventional mindset.

Read up on some future goings on and how things are going to change in a relatively short period of time.

It will change your outlook... no thats too presumptuous of me... it will show you "stuff" you never thought possible.
Chitlins. You know what it is. You can smell it cooking. Yet you still put them in your mouth? Gag.

Why when something smells bad, we smell it twice. You sniff it and it revolts you, but then you will smell it again. And if that isn't crazy enough you want someone else to smell it too, and they will sniff it and agree it is awful, and then smell it again. What the hell is that about?

Scented toilet paper. Huh?

Why people blow their nose and then look in the tissue to see it. Is there a particular color or something that is going to be there?

What happened to big time boxing? It used to be such a great sport and now it is a joke.

Spaghetti sauce without some kind of meat for flavor. Just why?

Why the Cowboys wait until the last minute to sign their draft picks. It kills me.
Hostile;2146726 said:
Chitlins. You know what it is. You can smell it cooking. Yet you still put them in your mouth? Gag.

Why the Cowboys wait until the last minute to sign their draft picks. It kills me.

My father tried to pass chitlins off as fried shrimp once. My sisters fell for it. I didn't. :laugh2:

Jerry waits that long because it kills you. :laugh1:

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