This day in Dallas Cowboys history - January 28, 1996 - Super Bowl XXX


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I sort of enjoyed it, but like so many of the veteran players, it was more "relief" than joy.

And of course there was that feeling deep down that it would probably be the last championship run for that team. Which also added no joy.

Probably my least favorite Cowboys SB victory of all time... because of all those reasons above along with the fact that it felt like the entire nation was pulling for the underdog Steelers instead of the big bad Cowboys.


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I sort of enjoyed it, but like so many of the veteran players, it was more "relief" than joy.

And of course there was that feeling deep down that it would probably be the last championship run for that team. Which also added no joy.

Probably my least favorite Cowboys SB victory of all time... because of all those reasons above along with the fact that it felt like the entire nation was pulling for the underdog Steelers instead of the big bad Cowboys.
My feelings exactly. It’s crazy to think that is almost three decades in the past. I didn’t see that coming. And now—-unfortunately——it will probably be the last SB until the Jones family sells the team.


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I got the sense that we didn't take that game very seriously. It just wasn't enjoyable for me and I knew it was going to be the last time we saw the Super Bowl for a while.


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I sort of enjoyed it, but like so many of the veteran players, it was more "relief" than joy.

And of course there was that feeling deep down that it would probably be the last championship run for that team. Which also added no joy.

Probably my least favorite Cowboys SB victory of all time... because of all those reasons above along with the fact that it felt like the entire nation was pulling for the underdog Steelers instead of the big bad Cowboys.
It's my second favorite SB because the world was against us. I told everyone I knew Dallas would win and yet everyone acted like it was just some sort of law of nature that Pittsburgh beats Dallas in SBs.

Oh, and before the "we should have lost" brigade shows up:
1) Pittsburgh never had the lead in the game.
2) Dallas won by double digits, and the margin of victory was more than the combined total of Pittsburgh's 2 SB wins against Dallas.
3) Neil O'Donnell is not the only QB to throw picks and have a bad game in the SB.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I sort of enjoyed it, but like so many of the veteran players, it was more "relief" than joy.

And of course there was that feeling deep down that it would probably be the last championship run for that team. Which also added no joy.

Probably my least favorite Cowboys SB victory of all time... because of all those reasons above along with the fact that it felt like the entire nation was pulling for the underdog Steelers instead of the big bad Cowboys.
That's exactly how I felt. I just felt relief. I kept waiting for the game to get over. Totally different feeling from the other SB wins.


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I attended this game live in person.

Lost a girlfriend over it. Long story....

But had a blast and never once regretted it. It was a great day and a lifelong memory.


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Why in the hell would you post that video today? What did we do to you????? We will never get to another Super Bowl under Booger....and especially under Chuckles.....just sad.


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I was there.

I desperately wanted that one since I knew we were headed for a down cycle and Switzer wasn’t someone who was leading us forward in a positive way.

I fully remember a quote from Jerry at the time about how if he got that one, he would never ask for another. Make of that what you wish…I promise it’s not made up.

I never expected it would end up like this. Losing is one thing, but the new ways they found futility became like some sick joke a few years ago.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I was relieved after this win. After 20 years of hearing it from Steelers fans I could not take losing a third one to them.

I was ready to burn my Cowboys stuff when Pittsburgh got the ball down 20-17 with 4 minutes left. Not joking. :muttley:

Then Larry Brown happened (again) and Emmitt slammed the door. Now I'm an old man and haven't seen one since.


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It's my second favorite SB because the world was against us. I told everyone I knew Dallas would win and yet everyone acted like it was just some sort of law of nature that Pittsburgh beats Dallas in SBs.

Oh, and before the "we should have lost" brigade shows up:
1) Pittsburgh never had the lead in the game.
2) Dallas won by double digits, and the margin of victory was more than the combined total of Pittsburgh's 2 SB wins against Dallas.
3) Neil O'Donnell is not the only QB to throw picks and have a bad game in the SB.
They were running the ball at will in the second half. Bam Morris was kicking our butts. If not for Neil O'Donnell throwing two interceptions then we don't win.


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I cant watch. To much of s reminder of how far we have sunk
You're not missing anything and the Cowboys row of players who were lined up watching the offense get introduced was so indicative of why this team fell apart. The line was crooked by about 30°. Instead of the players running in a straight line they had to make a hard left once they got near the end of it. The attention to detail was Gone with Switzer and we didn't show up very prepared. We're so lucky we won.


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It’s the only SB I’ve ever seen the Cowboys play in. I was 10 years old.