This day in Dallas Cowboys history - January 28, 1996 - Super Bowl XXX


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Full game and Film Session.

Wife and I were there! Our newborn daughter was 1 month old and MIL babysat. We flew up in the morning and flew back after the game. Our SB tickets were $200 bucks each and we had great seats. Lower level. Diana Ross entered the field in a helicopter at halftime. We went to all 3 Cowboys SBs in the 90's. Hopefully, I will see another in my lifetime.


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It's my second favorite SB because the world was against us. I told everyone I knew Dallas would win and yet everyone acted like it was just some sort of law of nature that Pittsburgh beats Dallas in SBs.

Oh, and before the "we should have lost" brigade shows up:
1) Pittsburgh never had the lead in the game.
2) Dallas won by double digits, and the margin of victory was more than the combined total of Pittsburgh's 2 SB wins against Dallas.
3) Neil O'Donnell is not the only QB to throw picks and have a bad game in the SB.
Larry Brown MVP.


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Ah, yes, Barry Switzer's Super Bowl. His ex-wife and girlfriend sharing the hotel room, the players drinking and partying and never practicing, Switzer drinking and partying even more than the players, him inviting all his former players at OU to the drinking and partying, the alcohol bill supposedly exceeding $100,000 in 1996 dollars. It's beyond hilarious to read about it in retrospect (especially since the Cowboys won despite Switzer), although it would have given us a heart attack if we had known about all that at the time.

I do think it's a little unfair how his eating of the hot dog at the Pro Bowl is also used against him, though. Especially with how nobody would care about that hot dog eating today. If anything I give Switzer brownie points for that- he just admitted that the Pro Bowl was a ridiculous joke at a time when some people were pretending to take it seriously.


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Just think…people were still using AOL free trial promo CDs for internet.

Actually, that Super Bowl was so long ago that it was around the time that AOL was just barely beginning to surpass Prodigy and Compuserve, the other two companies that were considered the "Big Three" internet providers. What, you don't even recognize the names Prodigy or Compuserve at this point, if you ever even heard of them in the first place? Exactly, that's the whole point.


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The Cowboys' engine was gone by that point and they were already just a roller , but still had enough momentum left to beat the Steelers.
Just goes to show you how good that team was that Jimmy Johnson built.
They should have won five or six Super Bowls.


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If somebody took a time machine back to that day and told me that was the last time I would.see our Cowboys in a Super Bowl for at least 30 years, I wouldn't have believed it.

Unfortunately, we all know the reality.
I was thinking about that this week. In 92-96 I was 7-11 years old. I feel like my earliest memories were the cowboys nfc championships especially growing up in NorCal where we would always be going up against the niners. I can still see myself on the phone with my aunt after their last nfc championship saying to her “wow we go to the Super Bowl every year!” If you would have told that 10 year old kid they’d never sniff one again I would have said you were crazy.

PA Cowboy Fan

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They were running the ball at will in the second half. Bam Morris was kicking our butts. If not for Neil O'Donnell throwing two interceptions then we don't win.
We dominated the first quarter and Pittsburgh dominated the rest of the game. I never could relax. Knowing what I know now maybe I should have enjoyed it more.