This is how we should all feel

Whiskey Cowboy

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In other words, he has nothing to say because McCarthy is staying? He sounds like the many here. Stop making videos. Tired of seeing adults cry like children.
Cry like children? My guy, the front office has continued to fail for 30 years. I have 5 nephews that bleed blue and have never seen an NFC championship game featuring the Cowboys. How do you suppose I approach them after the most recent failure? There has always been optimism to be found. Last year, we won a playoff game and could've won a second. The year prior, we made it to the playoffs after what looked like a complete rebuild. Before that, we finally ditched a bad coach and moved in what seemed like a better direction, and so on and so forth. This year? Complete failure at home against an inferior team. Total team meltdown from top to bottom. Is this just who we are now? Just a bunch of losers who accept a notch above mediocrity? Unacceptable.

Fans have lost faith in McCarthy and the front office. There was an opportunity to do something meaningful and correct course for the franchise, and leadership chose to stand firm. The players chose their leader, and for that, I've lost my faith in them too. How do I tell my oldest nephew, 18 years old and starting a career with the fire department, whom I've discussed football extensively since he was 10, that this team is serious about winning, when I don't believe it myself? What ammunition do we as fans have when approached by other fans, ridiculing the obviously poor decisions that the front office has made, and the comical consistent failures on the field?

I've always been an optimistic person, searching for a silver lining and doing my best to ease the more apprehensive minds with logic and reason, when able. I don't see any sort of silver lining. No light at the end of the tunnel. Just bleak darkness and despair, so much so that I've contemplated turning my back on the team that I've followed religiously since I was 10....1996. If you want to be the yes man to tow the company line I'll gladly hand you my torch, but you have no right to ridicule those who are seeing this for what it is, and coming to terms with the fact that we care more about this team than those that run it. I will absolutely ALWAYS bleed blue, DC4L, but my faith in this organization has been fractured, and I don't see how that can be mended if they choose to continue on the current path.


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Really fix the defense and the current offense retains momentums against any tough team...
I don't see that! I've seen the Cowboy defense hold the chiefs to under 20 and Dak leads the Cowboys to 3 FGs. Saw same thing when Dak played Eagles for a win and your in the playoffs. That playoff game against the 49ers Purdy struggled badly and Dak was choking that game. Yes the defense is a problem but Daks just as much of a problem too.


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Heavens Gate sounds pretty good right now....where's my black NIKE's.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't see that! I've seen the Cowboy defense hold the chiefs to under 20 and Dak leads the Cowboys to 3 FGs. Saw same thing when Dak played Eagles for a win and your in the playoffs. That playoff game against the 49ers Purdy struggled badly and Dak was choking that game. Yes the defense is a problem but Daks just as much of a problem too.
Our defense for the past 3 years is NOT the problem.
The offense has all the responsibility for our playoff collapses and when we lose against teams over .500 they cannot produce points and need the defense to carry them with numerous T/O and 110% efforts.
They quit on last Sunday as they have seen our trash offense fail again and again..............right SF?


Well-Known Member
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Cry like children? My guy, the front office has continued to fail for 30 years. I have 5 nephews that bleed blue and have never seen an NFC championship game featuring the Cowboys. How do you suppose I approach them after the most recent failure? There has always been optimism to be found. Last year, we won a playoff game and could've won a second. The year prior, we made it to the playoffs after what looked like a complete rebuild. Before that, we finally ditched a bad coach and moved in what seemed like a better direction, and so on and so forth. This year? Complete failure at home against an inferior team. Total team meltdown from top to bottom. Is this just who we are now? Just a bunch of losers who accept a notch above mediocrity? Unacceptable.

Fans have lost faith in McCarthy and the front office. There was an opportunity to do something meaningful and correct course for the franchise, and leadership chose to stand firm. The players chose their leader, and for that, I've lost my faith in them too. How do I tell my oldest nephew, 18 years old and starting a career with the fire department, whom I've discussed football extensively since he was 10, that this team is serious about winning, when I don't believe it myself? What ammunition do we as fans have when approached by other fans, ridiculing the obviously poor decisions that the front office has made, and the comical consistent failures on the field?

I've always been an optimistic person, searching for a silver lining and doing my best to ease the more apprehensive minds with logic and reason, when able. I don't see any sort of silver lining. No light at the end of the tunnel. Just bleak darkness and despair, so much so that I've contemplated turning my back on the team that I've followed religiously since I was 10....1996. If you want to be the yes man to tow the company line I'll gladly hand you my torch, but you have no right to ridicule those who are seeing this for what it is, and coming to terms with the fact that we care more about this team than those that run it. I will absolutely ALWAYS bleed blue, DC4L, but my faith in this organization has been fractured, and I don't see how that can be mended if they choose to continue on the current path.
The problem with so many fans is they were following the Cowboys when the Cowboys had earned respect and loyalty. That's the old Cowboys! This Cowboys team doesn't deserve any loyalty or respect. They haven't earned it. If anything they deserve to be hated and criticized.


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Our defense for the past 3 years is NOT the problem.
The offense has all the responsibility for our playoff collapses and when we lose against teams over .500 they cannot produce points and need the defense to carry them with numerous T/O and 110% efforts.
They quit on last Sunday as they have seen our trash offense fail again and again..............right SF?
I totally agree


Well-Known Member
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The truth is Dak and McCarthy are staying. Go follow another team.
Brother stop telling us to go find another team. Most of us are stuck with this team. Its engrained in us. So let us vent. You know come the draft half this board will be back on board. Give us a minute lol

CT Dal Fan

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This is an open forum where fans are allowed to vent their frustrations, and not be called out for "crying like children".

Everyone here has their opinion and everyone here should respect others' opinions. If we are sick and tired of 28 years of failure than this should be the place where we can let off some steam.

If certain fans are happy with just being a good regular season team and watching someone else win it all three decades straight, fine. In fact I am happy for you because you enjoyed this season a heck of a lot more than I did.

For those of us wanting postseason success there is nothing wrong with expecting this team to deliver it. And there is nothing wrong with being upset with the team maintaining the status quo when it's clear what they are doing now doesn't work. The Cowboys are basically banging the TV remote with their hands expecting it to suddenly work instead of changing the batteries.


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I don't see that! I've seen the Cowboy defense hold the chiefs to under 20 and Dak leads the Cowboys to 3 FGs. Saw same thing when Dak played Eagles for a win and your in the playoffs. That playoff game against the 49ers Purdy struggled badly and Dak was choking that game. Yes the defense is a problem but Daks just as much of a problem too.
Philly crashed and burned this did the defense against GB. How far was Dallas behind in the first quarter alone? Last week...

How many points was the last San Francisco game lost by and with the starter running back injured and a weak offensive line. The previous year.

The first had a very weak receiver group producing and you say all was on the quarterback. I won't run from a fair and reasonable picture, intead of what can be fit in two lines chosen for blame.


Well-Known Member
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I don't see that! I've seen the Cowboy defense hold the chiefs to under 20 and Dak leads the Cowboys to 3 FGs. Saw same thing when Dak played Eagles for a win and your in the playoffs. That playoff game against the 49ers Purdy struggled badly and Dak was choking that game. Yes the defense is a problem but Daks just as much of a problem too.
A good running team was successful against this Dallas defense and also in the passing game as well. There is the missing game element.


Well-Known Member
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Cry like children? My guy, the front office has continued to fail for 30 years. I have 5 nephews that bleed blue and have never seen an NFC championship game featuring the Cowboys. How do you suppose I approach them after the most recent failure? There has always been optimism to be found. Last year, we won a playoff game and could've won a second. The year prior, we made it to the playoffs after what looked like a complete rebuild. Before that, we finally ditched a bad coach and moved in what seemed like a better direction, and so on and so forth. This year? Complete failure at home against an inferior team. Total team meltdown from top to bottom. Is this just who we are now? Just a bunch of losers who accept a notch above mediocrity? Unacceptable.

Fans have lost faith in McCarthy and the front office. There was an opportunity to do something meaningful and correct course for the franchise, and leadership chose to stand firm. The players chose their leader, and for that, I've lost my faith in them too. How do I tell my oldest nephew, 18 years old and starting a career with the fire department, whom I've discussed football extensively since he was 10, that this team is serious about winning, when I don't believe it myself? What ammunition do we as fans have when approached by other fans, ridiculing the obviously poor decisions that the front office has made, and the comical consistent failures on the field?

I've always been an optimistic person, searching for a silver lining and doing my best to ease the more apprehensive minds with logic and reason, when able. I don't see any sort of silver lining. No light at the end of the tunnel. Just bleak darkness and despair, so much so that I've contemplated turning my back on the team that I've followed religiously since I was 10....1996. If you want to be the yes man to tow the company line I'll gladly hand you my torch, but you have no right to ridicule those who are seeing this for what it is, and coming to terms with the fact that we care more about this team than those that run it. I will absolutely ALWAYS bleed blue, DC4L, but my faith in this organization has been fractured, and I don't see how that can be mended if they choose to continue on the current path.
Not a single sole on site fails to at least understand failure has to be corrected. That has to be on management applications and not fan excuses of their own origin.


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You're entitled to your opinion, but all you're doing right now is piling on to the mountain high of crapola all of the whiners have built since Sunday. Nonstop. Enough already. Time to toughen up.
Yes and of course you to yours. All you're doing is supporting the same dysfunction that put us here in the first place. I've been more than fair, but in the face of changing evidence only a fool doubles down.


Well-Known Member
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Yes and of course you to yours. All you're doing is supporting the same dysfunction that put us here in the first place. I've been more than fair, but in the face of changing evidence only a fool doubles down.
That is an assumption here...he has a baseline of football knowledge.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Nah, I've never related to this overly-emotional fan boy. Screaming and yelling, as a grown man, while claiming he doesn't care. Yeah, sure.

He actually thinks the Cowboys will have a record-breaking 15-2 season in 2024. They're more likely to go 10-7.


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Most of us are past getting mad over the year in and year out failures of this team. We never just lose in the playoffs, it's always in some spectacular way.
It doesn't do any good getting upset over our failures. We all know Jerry just does enough to make the playoffs and he doesn't add anything to this team along the year.

It comical actually. Admit it, if the eagles lost in the playoffs like we have since 1996 we'd be laughing all the time.