Video: This is now roughing the passer


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That was a good penalty called. Not only can a defender NOT land his weight on him, but at the end he left his feet and drove him to the ground. He could have avoided that.

Not only is trolling frowned upon around here, it's downright dangerous. There's a poster who goes by the moniker, "Troll Slayer"....I suggest you not let him catch you in the act.


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Just a poor call. Wouldn't expect to see many more because it would basically occur a dozen times per week.

Supposedly, this is the final rule:

A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating and punishing acts as "stuffing" a passer into the ground or unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has thrown the ball, even if the rusher makes his initial contact with the passer within the one-step limitation provided for in (a) above. When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of him with all or most of the defender's weight. Instead, the defensive player must strive to wrap up the passer with the defensive player's arms and not land on the passer with all or most of his body weight.

QB was clearly not in a defenseless posture, and he even braced for the hit. Bracing for a hit is mentioned (or has been up until a year or two ago) in other parts of the rule book, including what constitutes a catch. 160 sacks so far in the preseason and I haven't heard of any others like this.

Just a poor call. Umpire is closest to the play and he just watched it happen. Had the call not come from the crew chief, I'd bet it would have been waved off. Preseason game with a piss poor call by the crew chief, I doubt anyone even cares to argue.


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Absolutely not, I see his shoulder and weight leaning down while both are mid air for half a second. This is so micromanaged to the point of absurdity. Are we now judging psychics? That’s now driving someone into the turf? He tackled him in such a text book manner.

If you don't see it, I don't know what to tell you. It's quite clear.