This is who we are


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I saw this coming when we barely beat Seattle. And we won that game on a phantom PI.

We are soft up the gut - why more teams have not run against us is inexplicable.

I would not put the TV on or the radio one until just before kickoff next week.

We lead the league in penalties that is a reflection of the head coach, and the general manager.

We do not have a starting linebacker that anybody knows about that is our talent evaluator.

We have a defensive coordinator who has a draft day and who is constantly pushing to draft 6 foot three defensive backs late in the draft when we should be taking athletic middle of the field football players ie run stoppers .

Will McClay is awful - awful.

Philly will rebound because they have a strong mentality. They are a tough football team from the north east they don’t fold easily they’re going to bounce back watch.

I see us getting blown out again on Christmas Eve.

Prescott can’t beat zone coverage and Buffalo knew it .
He’s lazy he’s unfocused and he’s fraudulent.
I want to believe in him, but I can’t.

A sad sad loss


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.....btw, we made the playoffs today but don't let this doom and gloom post by XXLMIKE derail your fandom lol.


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Yes, it was who we are: we aren't winning anything on the road in a hostile environment, forget it.


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I mean expecting this team to be any different than past ones is fool's gold, especially after seeing us get mauled three times this year. Oh we may beat Miami next week and people will scream about how we are back and elite, but those types of wins tend to be fool's gold. That inevitably, this team does what it does best and comes up small in big moments.

Until they prove otherwise, it's the safe assumption to make about this franchise.


Well-Known Member
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I saw this coming when we barely beat Seattle. And we won that game on a phantom PI.

We are soft up the gut - why more teams have not run against us is inexplicable.

I would not put the TV on or the radio one until just before kickoff next week.

We lead the league in penalties that is a reflection of the head coach, and the general manager.

We do not have a starting linebacker that anybody knows about that is our talent evaluator.

We have a defensive coordinator who has a draft day and who is constantly pushing to draft 6 foot three defensive backs late in the draft when we should be taking athletic middle of the field football players ie run stoppers .

Will McClay is awful - awful.

Philly will rebound because they have a strong mentality. They are a tough football team from the north east they don’t fold easily they’re going to bounce back watch.

I see us getting blown out again on Christmas Eve.

Prescott can’t beat zone coverage and Buffalo knew it .
He’s lazy he’s unfocused and he’s fraudulent.
I want to believe in him, but I can’t.

A sad sad loss
How TF is Will McClay catching strays? If the Joneses let that dude cook in FA who knows what the Cowboys would look like. The front office can only be measured in Joneses.


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Still the 2nd best team in NFC. Bad game move on.
There's a clear gap between the 1st best team and the rest of the conference. And honestly, I am not sure this team could beat Detroit in Detroit right now.

We've been blown out in three games this year so it's not exactly an anomaly here.


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They'll never be good enough. Same thing every year - same mistakes, same shortcomings. The only way they can have a real chance to win it all is if they have such an easy schedule where everything falls their way to get 13+ wins for a #1 seed.


Well-Known Member
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I saw this coming when we barely beat Seattle. And we won that game on a phantom PI.

We are soft up the gut - why more teams have not run against us is inexplicable.

I would not put the TV on or the radio one until just before kickoff next week.

We lead the league in penalties that is a reflection of the head coach, and the general manager.

We do not have a starting linebacker that anybody knows about that is our talent evaluator.

We have a defensive coordinator who has a draft day and who is constantly pushing to draft 6 foot three defensive backs late in the draft when we should be taking athletic middl8e of the field football players ie run stoppers .

Will McClay is awful - awful.

Philly will rebound because they have a strong mentality. They are a tough football team from the north east they don’t fold easily they’re going to bounce back watch.

I see us getting blown out again on Christmas Eve.

Prescott can’t beat zone coverage and Buffalo knew it .
He’s lazy he’s unfocused and he’s fraudulent.
I want to believe in him, but I can’t.

A sad sad loss.