This team can rally around the Romo injury with Brad Johnson


1st Round Pick
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Asklesko;2333901 said:
I'm afraid not. Romo going out is equivalent to Brady going out. There's nothing in the bullpen.

Its the same equivalent but Brad Johnson can manage a game for us.

Hes a guy who will try to pick his spot to win the game with 1 or 2 big throws during the game unlike Romo 8 to 9 throws that win a game.

Its back to Bill Parcells style football and try to win that way.

The Oline, the Barbarian, and The Cat better be ready.

Don Corleone

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In watching this team, two things have stuck out to me:

1) Cowboys lack a backbone.
2) Cowboys don't put the gauntlet down on other teams.

Someone earlier pointed out that we went on SB and playoff runs with backups when Aikman was injured. Sure, but that team knew how to crank it up a notch when a player was out. I have zero confidence in this team's ability to crank up their intensity while Romo is out. Sure, they haven't been put in this situation before, but they've lacked a backbone all year. What changes now?

Also, I can't remember another time when I feared a turnover or bad play whenever the Cowboys get a break from the opposing team. FWIW, we left 14 to 17 easy points on the field yesterday due to silly mistakes and bad plays. This team lacks the ability to go for the kill shot!


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This particular Cowboys team hasn't had much of a history of doing anything but folding like a lawn chair. We'll see.


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This will be a test for the coaching staff, especially Mr. Garrett. He's got to dial in the long receiver patterns and show diversity in the run game.

If they trot Johnson out there with the same gameplan as in the last 3 games, he's doomed.


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CATCH17;2334010 said:
Its the same equivalent but Brad Johnson can manage a game for us.

Hes a guy who will try to pick his spot to win the game with 1 or 2 big throws during the game unlike Romo 8 to 9 throws that win a game.

Its back to Bill Parcells style football and try to win that way.

The Oline, the Barbarian, and The Cat better be ready.

The Cat is in the pen for a couple weeks. The OL isn't the same w/out Kosier and Flozell has stunk it up lately.

I wouldn't be at all suprised to see Brooks Bollenger at some point the next few weeks. I don't think Brad has much left.

Billy Bullocks

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chinch;2333675 said:
this team has no history with Romo injury, but for 4 weeks having brad as a BABYSITTER might not be such a bad thing. Red will have to abandon the "big-play-only" offense and get MB, Felix and TO involved in shorter patterns conducive to RAC. We should play a much more controlled, calm, less bone-headed offense. Noone will be on autopilot expecting a "miracle finish"

also expectations & pressure are waaaaaay lower without your starting QB.

Agreed. I think we will get back to playing some ball controll offense.

Not that I'm nessecarily happy, but maybe it will make Garrett redefine his approach to calling a game.

Maybe Romo will clear his head.

I'm not thrilled that this is the case, but maybe SOMEBODY will step up in Romo's absence and start making some plays.


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Let's not act like we are putting an unproven rookie in there. Brad is not new to the NFL game and will be fine. I think he can be the steadying force for the offense and the timing on this might just be right to get the ENTIRE team playing together again. If everyone does their job, I think they go at least 2 - 1 in the 3 games and this is just a blip on the radar screen. This team needs a wakeup call and maybe this is it. They ALL need to play with some urgency.
