This woman says she is too beautiful

rkell87;4493856 said:

these are average faces, she is not above average based on these

Those faces are not average, they are fanciful guesses at what the average citizen in a particular city will look like in the future. Pick a city and look at the individual photos and every single one will look worse than the "average" photo.

Keep in mind this woman is British, they have some pretty women over there but not a whole lot. :laugh2:
Cythim;4493978 said:
Those faces are not average, they are fanciful guesses at what the average citizen in a particular city will look like in the future. Pick a city and look at the individual photos and every single one will look worse than the "average" photo.

Keep in mind this woman is British, they have some pretty women over there but not a whole lot. :laugh2:

the women in those pictures are also younger
WoodysGirl;4493186 said:
Can't speak for others, but I can honestly say I've never been jealous of another woman.

Faerluna;4493188 said:
I can't say that I ever have been either. *shrug*
No, neither of you strike me as the jealous type and thankfully neither is my wife.

But I am betting you've both known some women who are jealous.
She is what i called cute and not the :omg:look at that girl. She is not that good looking but she is by no means ugly either but I bet most of the hate has to do more with the way she acts.
Cythim;4493978 said:
Those faces are not average, they are fanciful guesses at what the average citizen in a particular city will look like in the future. Pick a city and look at the individual photos and every single one will look worse than the "average" photo.

Keep in mind this woman is British, they have some pretty women over there but not a whole lot. :laugh2:

More than 100 women of 41 different nationalities and ethnicities were photographed in cities all over the world in an effort to find common regional features.

The photos were carefully laid over each-other using a computer program to create an individual image for each area - and the biggest surprise is that the 'common' faces are all quite beautiful.
There are, of course, regional differences in face shapes, colours and features.
Peruvians and Iranians have bigger mouths, Ethiopians and Samoans have curlier hair, and fringes seem to be big in Latvia and Poland.

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SkinsandTerps;4493395 said:
Most blondes are not all that. I prefer brunettes and redheads.

Most blondes aren't even blondes.

As for this woman, her face is not symmetrical.

Almost like she was hit with Bell's Palsy at some point along the way.
rkell87;4494151 said:
More than 100 women of 41 different nationalities and ethnicities were photographed in cities all over the world in an effort to find common regional features.

The photos were carefully laid over each-other using a computer program to create an individual image for each area - and the biggest surprise is that the 'common' faces are all quite beautiful.
There are, of course, regional differences in face shapes, colours and features.
Peruvians and Iranians have bigger mouths, Ethiopians and Samoans have curlier hair, and fringes seem to be big in Latvia and Poland.

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I remember seeing this in a class once.

I think they did it between nationalities and the result came out the same.

Pretty interesting really.

Although, they aren't really "average". Any specific unattractive individual trait would be weeded out of the photo while many of the feminine characteristics are enhanced.

Just a guess but I would say any any of the averages would be more highly regarded than a significant number of it's constituent persons.

Some of them are pretty damn good looking.
rkell87;4494151 said:
More than 100 women of 41 different nationalities and ethnicities were photographed in cities all over the world in an effort to find common regional features.

The photos were carefully laid over each-other using a computer program to create an individual image for each area - and the biggest surprise is that the 'common' faces are all quite beautiful.
There are, of course, regional differences in face shapes, colours and features.
Peruvians and Iranians have bigger mouths, Ethiopians and Samoans have curlier hair, and fringes seem to be big in Latvia and Poland.

Read more:
Read more:

I don't need to read it from the dailymail, I went to the project website and looked at the individual faces that were photographed. What we have here is a cumulative total of all of the pictures that were taken, that does not make it average.
Cythim;4494235 said:
I don't need to read it from the dailymail, I went to the project website and looked at the individual faces that were photographed. What we have here is a cumulative total of all of the pictures that were taken, that does not make it average.

CanadianCowboysFan;4493848 said:
she's definitely above average

She's below average.

Breaking down her features from a photography/beauty point of view, she's got some very unattractive parts to her.

Wouldn't touch it.
Cythim;4494302 said:
A sarcastic face does not change the facts. :cool:

what do average mean again? they didn't take individual features and make a face, they took hundreds of pictures, overlaid them and the most common features came to the forefront.

an average, or measure of central tendency,[1] of a data set is a measure of the "middle" value of the data set.

I swear if I had face to face interaction with some posters on here on a day to day bases my hand would hurt from all the sense I would be trying to slap into people
rkell87;4494318 said:
what do average mean again? they didn't take individual features and make a face, they took hundreds of pictures, overlaid them and the most common features came to the forefront.

an average, or measure of central tendency,[1] of a data set is a measure of the "middle" value of the data set.

I swear if I had face to face interaction with some posters on here on a day to day bases my hand would hurt from all the sense I would be trying to slap into people

Not to get all technical but isn't that the mode? :D
Hoofbite;4494157 said:
I remember seeing this in a class once.

I think they did it between nationalities and the result came out the same.

Pretty interesting really.

Although, they aren't really "average". Any specific unattractive individual trait would be weeded out of the photo while many of the feminine characteristics are enhanced.

Just a guess but I would say any any of the averages would be more highly regarded than a significant number of it's constituent persons.

Some of them are pretty damn good looking.

It initially seems somewhat contradictory but he most beautiful people have the most symmetric "average" faces.

What is meant by that is that there is this biological imperative we have to procreate and procreation works best if you are attractive. So evolution has this tendency to make us attracted to average faces.

Now if you go out and take 100 photographs of people and now average them into one face you will end up with someone who is very beautiful because they are very, very average in facial features across the board.

Most people end up being unattractive due to asymmetry or some divergence away from average.
Eskimo;4494366 said:
It initially seems somewhat contradictory but he most beautiful people have the most symmetric "average" faces.

What is meant by that is that there is this biological imperative we have to procreate and procreation works best if you are attractive. So evolution has this tendency to make us attracted to average faces.

Now if you go out and take 100 photographs of people and now average them into one face you will end up with someone who is very beautiful because they are very, very average in facial features across the board.

Most people end up being unattractive due to asymmetry or some divergence away from average.

That's a great point, symmetry. Take for example Jaenelle Monae. I happened to catch a glimpse of her in Funs "We Are Young" video.


Skip to 2:33 when she does the cameo.

Or check her out here.

That face is very symmetrical. Beautiful too.

The thing with the lady in question saying she's too beautiful is not only a lack of symmetry, but she has a few off-putting characteristics. Her nose, for instance, is hideous. Her face is oval, but her chin is sharp. Her forehead is large, but her eyes are smallish producing yet another mismatch.

Her face is also too large for her small eyes and small mouth. You can look past it, but we're stuck with a Boris Yeltsin-sized nose. Her hair is also pretty thin.

And sorry ladies if your teeth are off like hers in the front either A. Get them fixed or B. Get them fixed.

No one in their right mind would consider casting her as anything besides the "before" model for an advertisement for a plastic surgery and orthodontics clinic because she's definitely below average.

Man-sized fingers doesn't exactly help her cause either.
vta;4493469 said:
Maybe she (or whoever concocted this piece) just wanted to see the reaction such a statement would engender. I'm guessing the comments on that page didn't stray too far from their expectations.

I think this.
SaltwaterServr;4494377 said:
And sorry ladies if your teeth are off like hers in the front either A. Get them fixed or B. Get them fixed.

This is why I like Salty :lmao2:
rkell87;4494318 said:
what do average mean again? they didn't take individual features and make a face, they took hundreds of pictures, overlaid them and the most common features came to the forefront.

an average, or measure of central tendency,[1] of a data set is a measure of the "middle" value of the data set.

I swear if I had face to face interaction with some posters on here on a day to day bases my hand would hurt from all the sense I would be trying to slap into people

If you draw three circles by hand and lay them on top of each other the cumulative result will be more perfectly round than the individual circles. That project filtered out the oddities in each face that make us unattractive because they are uncommon. Those are photos of the most common features. When dealing with averages you usually divide by the count at the end and I don't see where the artist did that.

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