This woman says she is too beautiful

Cythim;4494716 said:
If you draw three circles by hand and lay them on top of each other the cumulative result will be more perfectly round than the individual circles. That project filtered out the oddities in each face that make us unattractive because they are uncommon. Those are photos of the most common features. When dealing with averages you usually divide by the count at the end and I don't see where the artist did that.
I agree.
I think those compiled photos add up to above average looking women.
BTW, most of them are better looking that that lady in the OP, imo
SaltwaterServr;4494377 said:
And sorry ladies if your teeth are off like hers in the front either A. Get them fixed or B. Get them fixed.

Cut her some slack. She's British. :D
Although a few years younger, here is an example of a beautiful woman.

SaltwaterServr;4494314 said:
She's below average.

Breaking down her features from a photography/beauty point of view, she's got some very unattractive parts to her.

Wouldn't touch it.

yes you would if offered
LOL! I love threads like these where people get into the "She's definately average." "Ummm, no she's absolutely above average."

"No she certainly is nothing but average, bordering on unattractive."

As if anyone in here has any official say on whats 'average' and what's not. lol. Cracks me up.

To me the woman in the OP is a nice looking woman. I wouldn't drool over her or think of her as anything amazing or anything but she's a nice looking woman.

Oh and I LOVED the CEO response to the gold digger. That cracked me up.
Teren_Kanan;4493960 said:
No. She's really not. She's average at absolute best, but bordering more on the unattractive side. Look at her makeup, there is a LOT of it.

Second picture down. Much less make up, much less average. Wedding picture. Arm flaps, saggy boobs.

She's 40, and just barely looks it with make up on, without make up she's looking 50 +.

There is nothing above average about this woman at all. She's a skinny blond and that's the only thing she has going for her look wise. There is *NOTHING* Significant about her facial features. *NOTHING* Significant about her body. It's a standard body of an aging woman.

I can’t wait for the wrinkles and the grey hair that will help me blend into the background.

Clearly the woman does not look in the mirror often. She already has both of those things in abundance. Good thing white hair blends in well with blond.

:laugh2: :laugh2:

I think you just proved the woman's point with this post!

Here is a beautiful lady. But, then again, I grew up in New Mexico, so I might be a little biased. But, she is much prettier than that blond women.
5Stars;4495228 said:
Yeah, she's hot. My preference leans that way too. Light years ahead of the OP chick.

Yet, you can't stereotype blondes and brunettes based on this hottie and that .....

Not saying you were doing that, but just could pick a Jagette bruntee and hot blonde and have the same results.
DFWJC;4495291 said:
Yeah, she's hot. My preference leans that way too.
I'm not sure you can stereotype blondes and brunettes based on this hottie and that .....

Not saying you were doing that, but just could pick a Jagette bruntee and hot blonde and have the same results.


Hey...although I think this brunette is hottter than that blond lady...I would not turn down either of them if they know how to make me a samwich afterwards.
5Stars;4495228 said:

Here is a beautiful lady. But, then again, I grew up in New Mexico, so I might be a little biased. But, she is much prettier than that blond women.

yeah she is well above average

Sofia is pretty perfect too

vta;4493469 said:
Maybe she (or whoever concocted this piece) just wanted to see the reaction such a statement would engender. I'm guessing the comments on that page didn't stray too far from their expectations.

the media only cares about hits. i'd not be suprised at all if this was done just for them.
CanadianCowboysFan;4494940 said:
yes you would if offered

No chance in hell. I've dated too many models and my standards remain at that level. When I say she's unattractive, I mean she's unattractive.
SaltwaterServr;4495557 said:
No chance in hell. I've dated too many models and my standards remain at that level. When I say she's unattractive, I mean she's unattractive.


Sooo? You don'tdrink?
Phoenix;4493386 said:
If that. I don't particularly find this woman attractive at all.

But that may be because she's got herself so high up on her own pedestal I can't really see her too well from way down here.

All women should be put on a pedestal...just high enough to look up her skirt...LOL
As a comedian over here said the other night on tele there's an awful lot of hate going around if women hate each other based on looks down to this level of attractiveness.

ps. there are plenty of stunning women over here thank you very much.

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