Tiki Roasts Irvin, et al, over Retirement

DABOYZ;1120087 said:
Tiki is just itching to come out of the closet.

Ya know, I was getting ready to post something similar to this just before I read your post!

I absoutely hate hearing him talk like a fairy...his little soft, sweet, cuddling, slow, smiling voice...with those tombstones in his mouth shining like candles...he does come across, at least to me, as a little ghey...but I could be wrong (no offense to some of you)...

RB Tiki Barber called media members who have criticized him for announcing his pending retirement "idiots."

"I will call them 'idiots' because they have neither spoken to me nor any one of my teammates or any of my coaches, yet all they do is criticize me for being a distraction with this retirement thing," Barber said. Barber had especially strong words for ESPN's Michael Irvin, whom he sarcastically called " the ultimate character guy" before wondering if he looked "distracted" while beating the Cowboys Monday night.
Source: Newsday
Wow, a little message from Mr. "I'm great" Tiki Barber. The man obviously has a giant ego. Does he think he is the only guy to overcome problems? I think Irvin overcame quite a few.
Do you think that maybe Michael Irvin's worried about losing his gig with ESPN to Tiki Barber??

The talk was about Barber wanting to go into broadcasting. He calls out Irvin and says he needs to learn to be a journalist. Barber on the other hand has already been doing journalistic work (albeit with FauxNews), but he's been working at it...

Is Mike worried of getting Romo'd?
I just hope that this whole Romo thing really turns our season around. I so much want Dallas to kick some Giant *** next go round. From Tiki, Strahan Pierce etc etc zI just want to shut them up. I think right now I would rather beat the Gints than the Beagles or the Deadskins!
It is clear to me Tiki doesn't know the difference between a journalist and what Irvin/Jackson are. A journalist would be one that reports the news. During Irvin and Jackson's piece about him, they were asked their opinions. That's why Irvin starts it off as "I believe..." or "in my mind", it was something like that.

Tiki says they need to learn how to be journalists. He's dead wrong. They're not journalists, they don't need sources and they are merely speculating. They didn't state their opinions as if they were facts, it was clear they are opinions.

Tiki said in an interview that "there's alot in this world that I don't know about yet", and he's dead on. He's clueless on this topic.

Hey Tiki.. buddy.. Irvin and Jackson are considered analysts, same kind of thing as those who write opinion pieces. There's no need for sources. Irvin and Jackson are former football players, which is why they have credibility in the area. If Tiki is gonna get in the business, he better start understanding this now. If Irvin and Jackson and the rest of Sunday Countdown were journalists, they would have been fired by now. There's a huge difference between someone like Michael Irvin and let's say.. Ed Werder. Werder has to report the news (don't get me started), when Irvin is there for his opinion.
So Tiki said this was his last year. Big deal? No. Im sure it's not a distraction in NY, especially since its already settled.
All I know is that I saw Tiki jaking an injury after fumbling the ball against us on monday night.

No way was he injured on that play.

Great play by Ware but Tiki was playing the sympathy card by hitting the ground like he was shot.

It was glancing blow and hardly hard enough to merit laying on the field for that much time.

Maybe Tiki will take up acting after his playing days are over.