Time for Pacman to sue the NFL


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His lawyers have to go for the scorched earth plan. Sue the NFL for $100 million. I think he's got a good case. Enough of a case to make Goodell blink.

Pacman has been arrested. But, has he been convicted(this is key)? He was forced to agree to Goodell's terms to be reinstated. Yes, he signed that thing with Goodell. But, just because you sign something doesn't necessarily make it legal and binding. Ever sign a lease saying you are responsible for 1 years rent with no lease breakage clause? It ain't worth the paper it is printed on. Judges will allow only 2 months rent(from what I read and heard). If a judge throws out the contents as nonbinding, Goodell has nothing.

Suing the NFL for $100 million will get the owners attention. Defending the lawsuit will cost, say $5 Million. The owners may force Goodell to back off. Why go to court and spend $5 mil with a chance to lose $100 million or more? And Pacman and his lawyers can air out all the league's dirty laundry about players conduct and unfair punishments. It just ain't worth it.

Goodell may try to delay for 1 or 2 years. But, Pacman might be able to get a stay while the case is pending.


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maurice clarett couldn't get into the nfl.

don't see pacman winning this.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Pacthug will run out of money for legal fees about a hundred years before the NFL will.


Zone Scribe
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ninja;2339811 said:
His lawyers have to go for the scorched earth plan. Sue the NFL for $100 million. I think he's got a good case. Enough of a case to make Goodell blink.

Pacman has been arrested. But, has he been convicted(this is key)? He was forced to agree to Goodell's terms to be reinstated. Yes, he signed that thing with Goodell. But, just because you sign something doesn't necessarily make it legal and binding. Ever sign a lease saying you are responsible for 1 years rent with no lease breakage clause? It ain't worth the paper it is printed on. Judges will allow only 2 months rent(from what I read and heard). If a judge throws out the contents as nonbinding, Goodell has nothing.

Suing the NFL for $100 million will get the owners attention. Defending the lawsuit will cost, say $5 Million. The owners may force Goodell to back off. Why go to court and spend $5 mil with a chance to lose $100 million or more? And Pacman and his lawyers can air out all the league's dirty laundry about players conduct and unfair punishments. It just ain't worth it.

Goodell may try to delay for 1 or 2 years. But, Pacman might be able to get a stay while the case is pending.

The NFL, just like any private enterprise, has every right to establish personal conduct requirements for their employees as long is it doesn't involve discrimination.


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Employment contracts are not like rent contracts.....


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He violated his parole by consuming alcohol. He got in trouble again after being suspended by the NFL and was given strict guidelines by the Commish.

The judge would laugh at his case.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Sounds From The Lair
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Chocolate Lab;2339819 said:
Pacthug will run out of money for legal fees about a hundred years before the NFL will.
Dude, Pacman isn't a thug. He's just an idiot.


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Pacman has no money to pay for lawyers.

I was disappointed when the NFLPA and Pacman dropped their appeal last year. I was hoping they would pursue it. I think it would have helped to establish a good precedent for the league and the players when it comes to these types of matters.

What Pacman should do is find out whomever is handeling appeals for the Broncos' players. Travis Henry and Brandon Marshall both got their suspensions lowered in the last year while with the Broncos. I still don't understand how that happened.


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Yeagermeister;2339815 said:
Sorry but he has no case
Yes he does. someone has to stand up to this clown Godell and say no. Nick Barnett, of Green bay threw down a ref last year and got nothing. Matt jones cocian, got nothing.Lynch of Buffolo. hit and run and nothing.Roger cowboy hating godell is out of control. and he's trying to destroy our team.


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Pacman "supposedly" drank some alcohol and got into a fight with his bodyguard/friend, WHO did not press charges. 1) no crime at all. 2) what proof of alcohol use? Do you have a blood test? 3) Leonard Little was drunk and killed a lady and is still playing in the NFL after only a 4 or 5 game suspension! 4)How many convictions does Pacman have? 5)And how has "Pacman's actions" brought harm to the NFL? Decreases ratings? I don't think so! Decreased ticket sales? Try again! Bottom line: Pacman ain't hurting the NFL even with his behavior.

You want to go to court and tell a jury Pacman's actions are worse than Little's? Good luck!!! Pacman already served more time than Little for far less. Enforcement has to be fair. Game, Set, Match on that one. Arbitrary punishments are not well received in court.

Rent contracts, real estate contracts, employment contracts all fall under contractual law. If a judge deems the contents nonbinding for whatever reason, Pacman wins.


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ninja;2339918 said:
Pacman "supposedly" drank some alcohol and got into a fight with his bodyguard/friend, WHO did not press charges. 1) no crime at all. 2) what proof of alcohol use? Do you have a blood test? 3) Leonard Little was drunk and killed a lady and is still playing in the NFL after only a 4 or 5 game suspension! 4)How many convictions does Pacman have? 5)And how has "Pacman's actions" brought harm to the NFL? Decreases ratings? I don't think so! Decreased ticket sales? Try again! Bottom line: Pacman ain't hurting the NFL even with his behavior.

You want to go to court and tell a jury Pacman's actions are worse than Little's? Good luck!!! Pacman already served more time than Little for far less. Enforcement has to be fair. Game, Set, Match on that one. Arbitrary punishments are not well received in court.

Rent contracts, real estate contracts, employment contracts all fall under contractual law. If a judge deems the contents nonbinding for whatever reason, Pacman wins.
Again you are right on the money. where is the outrage from cowboy fans everywhere? i can not believe some on this board who say they are cowboy fans, saying they agree with what this Cowboy hating clown did.again,WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Achozen;2339829 said:
Dude, Pacman isn't a thug. He's just an idiot.

I think the stripper he beat up or his bodyguard he attacked would disagree.


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Phantom;2339823 said:
He violated his parole by consuming alcohol. He got in trouble again after being suspended by the NFL and was given strict guidelines by the Commish.

The judge would laugh at his case.

pacman was on parole? when did he go to prison?


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LatinMind;2340123 said:
pacman was on parole? when did he go to prison?

I think he meant to say probation.

Pacman might have violated terms of his probation. Goodell won't like that

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October 13, 9:58 PM
by Paula Duffy, Sports Examiner

NEWS UPDATE: Pacman suspended a minimum of four games. Read details right here.

Espn.com has reported tonight that Adam "Pacman" Jones might have to be concerned about losing his job after the incident last week during which he was in a scuffle with a member of his security team. The incident was in public at a hotel in Dallas.

NFL sources said that one of the conditions of Jones' reinstatement to the league required that he be in compliance with the terms of his probation. Jones pleaded no contest in Georgia to a felony charge and law enforcement sources told espn.com that one of the requirements of the three-year probation was to refrain from alcohol-related incidents.

It is unknown whether Jones was drinking at the time police were called to the scene of the pushing and shoving match in a hotel bathroom that included a shattered mirror. No arrests were made and no charges were filed.
The NFL is using its own security team to investigate the incident and it will report its findings to Commissioner Goodell. If I'm Pacman I hope I had a Diet Coke in my hand at the time.