Time for Pacman to sue the NFL


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ninja;2339918 said:
Pacman "supposedly" drank some alcohol and got into a fight with his bodyguard/friend, WHO did not press charges. 1) no crime at all. 2) what proof of alcohol use? Do you have a blood test? 3) Leonard Little was drunk and killed a lady and is still playing in the NFL after only a 4 or 5 game suspension! 4)How many convictions does Pacman have? 5)And how has "Pacman's actions" brought harm to the NFL? Decreases ratings? I don't think so! Decreased ticket sales? Try again! Bottom line: Pacman ain't hurting the NFL even with his behavior.

You want to go to court and tell a jury Pacman's actions are worse than Little's? Good luck!!! Pacman already served more time than Little for far less. Enforcement has to be fair. Game, Set, Match on that one. Arbitrary punishments are not well received in court.

Rent contracts, real estate contracts, employment contracts all fall under contractual law. If a judge deems the contents nonbinding for whatever reason, Pacman wins.

Little Lenonard is a mute point it was a different Commish (cough cough Tags) and a different time frame in the NFL when that happen. Please that that argument would get you laughed out of court. Come one you have to do better than that than the old weak Lenaord argument. Even Chris Henery had to serve a 4 games when all charges where dropped for the alleged attacking a motorist stuff.

What was a tradgey was the court systems letting Lenoard Little of scott free.

Travis henery suspension was differnt it fell under Alchol and Drug abuse program it has it's own set of rules (negotiated by the Union) that have been around for what 20 years or more.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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ninja;2339918 said:
Pacman "supposedly" drank some alcohol and got into a fight with his bodyguard/friend, WHO did not press charges. 1) no crime at all. 2) what proof of alcohol use? Do you have a blood test? 3) Leonard Little was drunk and killed a lady and is still playing in the NFL after only a 4 or 5 game suspension! 4)How many convictions does Pacman have? 5)And how has "Pacman's actions" brought harm to the NFL? Decreases ratings? I don't think so! Decreased ticket sales? Try again! Bottom line: Pacman ain't hurting the NFL even with his behavior.

You want to go to court and tell a jury Pacman's actions are worse than Little's? Good luck!!! Pacman already served more time than Little for far less. Enforcement has to be fair. Game, Set, Match on that one. Arbitrary punishments are not well received in court.

Rent contracts, real estate contracts, employment contracts all fall under contractual law. If a judge deems the contents nonbinding for whatever reason, Pacman wins.

bottom line dude is stop defending this thug...he didnt get mistreated ...he wasnt being singled out and it aint the man coming down on him.............hes been involved with the law 13 times in what 5 years.......he deserves no fair shake at anything........he should have been permantly removed the last time this was a mercy chance we gave him and he isnt respecting it.........he isnt that great a talent that we should put the rest of the team through this when...not if...........WHEN it happens again........

he should be tared and feathered at this years Super Bowl on national TV.


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ninja;2339918 said:
Pacman "supposedly" drank some alcohol and got into a fight with his bodyguard/friend, WHO did not press charges. 1) no crime at all. 2) what proof of alcohol use? Do you have a blood test? 3) Leonard Little was drunk and killed a lady and is still playing in the NFL after only a 4 or 5 game suspension! 4)How many convictions does Pacman have? 5)And how has "Pacman's actions" brought harm to the NFL? Decreases ratings? I don't think so! Decreased ticket sales? Try again! Bottom line: Pacman ain't hurting the NFL even with his behavior.

You want to go to court and tell a jury Pacman's actions are worse than Little's? Good luck!!! Pacman already served more time than Little for far less. Enforcement has to be fair. Game, Set, Match on that one. Arbitrary punishments are not well received in court.

Rent contracts, real estate contracts, employment contracts all fall under contractual law. If a judge deems the contents nonbinding for whatever reason, Pacman wins.

So Pacman's a victim now? NONSENSE! Goodell is not the villan. This is about the 7th time that he has had some kind of off the field incident. He violated the terms of his probation and he violated his agreement for reinstatement in the NFL. I heard him read his reinstatement letter to Goodell on Hard Knocks and he "assured" the commissioner that he wouldn't repeat his past mistakes.

And you think he should sue the NFL for being held accountable? The dude has a problem and lawyers aren't his answer.

Mr Cowboy

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Criminal behavior, whether arrested, convicted or whatever, has nothing to do with an employer's personal conduct policy.

He was explained what the policy was as it pertained to him and he didn't listen.

Case closed.


White and Nerdy
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im not defending pacman....he deserves all the punishment he gets.......but how come Goodell goes all out against him, but gives the Pats a slap on the wrist, even after they basically ruined the integrity of the game? where was the punishment for Matt Jones and his drug nonsense in the offseason? there have been others as well.

Basically Goodell is being very biased towards the PacMan punishments. I am all for the punishments, cause I want the league cleaned up.....but Goodell needs to be consistent across the board and he quite frankly has not been.


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Kangaroo;2340210 said:
Little Lenonard is a mute point it was a different Commish (cough cough Tags) and a different time frame in the NFL when that happen. Please that that argument would get you laughed out of court. Come one you have to do better than that than the old weak Lenaord argument. Even Chris Henery had to serve a 4 games when all charges where dropped for the alleged attacking a motorist stuff.

What was a tradgey was the court systems letting Lenoard Little of scott free.

Travis henery suspension was differnt it fell under Alchol and Drug abuse program it has it's own set of rules (negotiated by the Union) that have been around for what 20 years or more.

Leonard Little is STILL playing in the leagure today. How can you say it is a different time frame. Different commish? Who cares, the NFL is the NFL regardless of the commish. These arbitrary, unfair punishments get you in trouble with the courts. What standard do you use? The number of arrests? The number of convictions? Do arrests weigh more heavily than convictions.

The NFL would have to prove two things: 1) Pacman's behavior/publicity is causing decreasing revenue/viewership. Problem: not supported by fact. In fact, Pacman's shenanigans is actually generating more revenue/viewership 2) Pacman's criminal convictions. Problem: none.

And the NFL would have to explain why some members can drink alcohol(a legal substance) while some others are forbidden. All members are barred from illegal drugs. That's fair. Some members can drink but others can't. That's not fair. How about coffee? Is it ok for some to drink coffee and others not? No. So why is alcohol different?

Do you want to start suspending people for bad behavior/publicity? Who decides? Using what criteria? No way a jury is going to buy any of that, imo.


Lightning Rod
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gotta love the holier than thou crowd but I digress

I would love it if Larry Flynt offered 1 million to anyone with something dirty on Robespierre Goodell. He probably visits hookers, drinks too much and watches porn.


Zone Scribe
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Biggems;2340283 said:
im not defending pacman....he deserves all the punishment he gets.......but how come Goodell goes all out against him, but gives the Pats a slap on the wrist, even after they basically ruined the integrity of the game? where was the punishment for Matt Jones and his drug nonsense in the offseason? there have been others as well.

Basically Goodell is being very biased towards the PacMan punishments. I am all for the punishments, cause I want the league cleaned up.....but Goodell needs to be consistent across the board and he quite frankly has not been.

I imagine if the Patriots kept doing it 7 more times in the span of 2 years the punishments would get progressively worse after each violation.

You act like PacMan just got in trouble once and Goodell threw the book at him. Goodell drew a line in the sand, Pac stepped over it. Goodell drew another line in the sand, Pac stepped over it again. Goodell drew another line in the sand, Pac stepped over it again. On and on and on.


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CanadianCowboysFan;2340392 said:
gotta love the holier than thou crowd but I digress

I would love it if Larry Flynt offered 1 million to anyone with something dirty on Robespierre Goodell. He probably visits hookers, drinks too much and watches porn.

What's wrong with porn? Is that a no-no in the NFL now under Goodell? How about those scantily dressed cheerleaders? Are the players forbidden to look at the cheerleaders?


Jesus is Lord
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My question is what happen to Randy Moss during a charge that was brought up during the super bowl.

Big Dakota

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CanadianCowboysFan;2340392 said:
gotta love the holier than thou crowd but I digress

I would love it if Larry Flynt offered 1 million to anyone with something dirty on Robespierre Goodell. He probably visits hookers, drinks too much and watches porn.

Don't we all..........don't we all....:p:


New Member
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We really need a thread that says this is all overreacting! Or maybe a thread that crys about ppl who expect too much from the Boys. I think we need another Raider fan thread to help us with the past 3weeks! How bout a Jerry is Chicken Little thread?


Lightning Rod
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ninja;2340424 said:
What's wrong with porn? Is that a no-no in the NFL now under Goodell? How about those scantily dressed cheerleaders? Are the players forbidden to look at the cheerleaders?

I have no problem with porn, hell I watch porn dubbed into Italian late on Saturdays ;) but I'm sure Robespierre hates it.


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ninja;2339811 said:
His lawyers have to go for the scorched earth plan. Sue the NFL for $100 million. I think he's got a good case. Enough of a case to make Goodell blink.

Pacman has been arrested. But, has he been convicted(this is key)? He was forced to agree to Goodell's terms to be reinstated. Yes, he signed that thing with Goodell. But, just because you sign something doesn't necessarily make it legal and binding. Ever sign a lease saying you are responsible for 1 years rent with no lease breakage clause? It ain't worth the paper it is printed on. Judges will allow only 2 months rent(from what I read and heard). If a judge throws out the contents as nonbinding, Goodell has nothing.

Suing the NFL for $100 million will get the owners attention. Defending the lawsuit will cost, say $5 Million. The owners may force Goodell to back off. Why go to court and spend $5 mil with a chance to lose $100 million or more? And Pacman and his lawyers can air out all the league's dirty laundry about players conduct and unfair punishments. It just ain't worth it.

Goodell may try to delay for 1 or 2 years. But, Pacman might be able to get a stay while the case is pending.



I'm kind of a Big Deal
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ninja;2340358 said:
Leonard Little is STILL playing in the leagure today. How can you say it is a different time frame. Different commish? Who cares, the NFL is the NFL regardless of the commish. These arbitrary, unfair punishments get you in trouble with the courts. What standard do you use? The number of arrests? The number of convictions? Do arrests weigh more heavily than convictions.

The NFL would have to prove two things: 1) Pacman's behavior/publicity is causing decreasing revenue/viewership. Problem: not supported by fact. In fact, Pacman's shenanigans is actually generating more revenue/viewership 2) Pacman's criminal convictions. Problem: none.

And the NFL would have to explain why some members can drink alcohol(a legal substance) while some others are forbidden. All members are barred from illegal drugs. That's fair. Some members can drink but others can't. That's not fair. How about coffee? Is it ok for some to drink coffee and others not? No. So why is alcohol different?

Do you want to start suspending people for bad behavior/publicity? Who decides? Using what criteria? No way a jury is going to buy any of that, imo.

1) NFL is a business they can hire and fire who they want

2) Pac signed a LEGAL contract that says he wouldn't drink.....i think his actions and accounts from witnesses would prove hes been drinking..

3) if he played for the Skins no one on this forum would be defending him

4) hes a CRIMINAL by all definitions....

5) why would you want him here if he even brings a little bad light on our beloved team

6) if he weren't a gifted athlete he wouldn't have gotten half the chances he already has been given

only problem i have with this is Goodell not being consistent....not that he was too harsh on Pac but that he hanst been equally as harsh on others


White and Nerdy
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InmanRoshi;2340414 said:
I imagine if the Patriots kept doing it 7 more times in the span of 2 years the punishments would get progressively worse after each violation.

You act like PacMan just got in trouble once and Goodell threw the book at him. Goodell drew a line in the sand, Pac stepped over it. Goodell drew another line in the sand, Pac stepped over it again. Goodell drew another line in the sand, Pac stepped over it again. On and on and on.

i dont act like anything. I openly stated that PacMan deserves any and all punishments that the league wants to throw down on him.....

my issue is that Goodell isn't consistent with his punishments across the board. It seems like he has singled out a couple of players and hit em very, very hard. There have been several players who have gotten little or no punishment.

i just want consistency from Goodell.........