Time for us to Abandon the Cowboys

Go ahead....I'm here for the long haul.....through thick or thin, til death do us part. My dad didn't raise a quitter. That said, if it makes you feel better to walk, I don't blame you if you do. Every one should handle it their way and not need to take others with them..
I agree. The Cowboys are my team through thick and thin. Others can move on if they want.

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Be sure to slice your ball directly at Jerry Jones' head if you spot him standing anywhere within striking distance. Most likely you will never see him BUT IF YOU DO...
I think a good start would be skipping tomorrows BS-fest presser where Jerry tells us Brian was always their top candidate and they planned this hiring 2 years ago.
What a tough guy. If it wasn't that serious then you wouldn't have reacted the way you did. It sure is serious to you.

There aren't any good times with the Cowboys. Haven't been any good times in 30 years, and there aren't going to be any good times coming up.
One should strive to be mentally tough over being a "Debbie downer". Toughen up or cry me a river. It's all entertainment to me. The sun is still going to shine tomorrow!

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