You cannot time travel anymore than you do today. (traveling along the belt of time) You can only compress or stretch the effect of time.
For instance, you can never go back in time. Once time has occurred, it's in the past. The faster you are moving the more you compress the effects of time on mass. The slower you move, you are stretching out the effects of time on mass.
Think of it like this. Say you are traveling 100 miles and that distance is "time". If you were going 60 miles you would come upon a mile marker every 60 seconds. If you sped up to 120mph, you would come across a mile marker every 30 seconds. You would have only aged 30 seconds, yet still traversed the same distance of time. You are still experiencing the entire "distance" of time, but it is happening faster.
If you slowed to 30mph, you would still travel the same time (distance), but would age at twice the rate before you reached each mile marker. In that extra 60 seconds of time, your body ages an extra 60 seconds due to the fact that you're only moving half the rate.
Now, that is only a analogy. The spectrum of speed to time dilation is actually much much greater. (ie, you would have to go much faster to see the effects).
You would have to travel at 446,400mph for 100 years straight to experience gain of about 702 seconds (11.7 minutes) in time dilation. Meaning to be 11.7 minutes younger than a guy born at the exact same moment as you on just living life on Earth for the same 100 years.