Tip your waiters!!!!

Hostile;2814290 said:
...and look for any excuse not to.

NO, the excuses come to me. I want PERFECT SERVICE if I could have it and pay 25%-30% instead of have the problems. I don't want my stuff wrong, not any of it if I can and I don't want to wait 15 minutes just to get a coke when it's not busy, that type of thing you know. I don't look for the excuse; I want my food the way I want it. I don't like overdone fries, YUK!! The waiter at Chili's got tipped 27% because he did that. He showed he CARED and took EFFORT into the job instead of be lazy like that Outback waitress did. She didn't care about anyone but her tip, when she should have cared about her customers in order for her customers to care about her when it comes tip time. What goes around, comes around.
Anyone who ever waited on Springs is going straight to heaven when they die. It's the least God can do.
bbgun;2814298 said:
Anyone who ever waited on Springs is going straight to heaven when they die. It's the least God can do.


...and true, too!
Springs1;2814294 said:
NO, the excuses come to me. I want PERFECT SERVICE if I could have it and pay 25%-30% instead of have the problems. I don't want my stuff wrong, not any of it if I can and I don't want to wait 15 minutes just to get a coke when it's not busy, that type of thing you know. I don't look for the excuse; I want my food the way I want it. I don't like overdone fries, YUK!! The waiter at Chili's got tipped 27% because he did that. He showed he CARED and took EFFORT into the job instead of be lazy like that Outback waitress did. She didn't care about anyone but her tip, when she should have cared about her customers in order for her customers to care about her when it comes tip time. What goes around, comes around.
I don't know of any chain or fine dining restaurants where the wait staff can walk on water. If I find any I will let you know right away.

I pity anyone who has to serve you. Pity them. You obviously found this forum just by looking for the topic. I pity us having to read this crap.
Hostile;2814313 said:
I don't know of any chain or fine dining restaurants where the wait staff can walk on water. If I find any I will let you know right away.

I pity anyone who has to serve you. Pity them. You obviously found this forum just by looking for the topic. I pity us having to read this crap.

We have had perfect service LOTS of times, so I pity you that you want things to go wrong with your service. WHO IN THE WORLD WANTS THAT? That's just stupid to want such a thing. You don't want good service?

There have been MANY of times when the servers we have had didn't make ONE mistake and got us things in a very timely manner. I pity anyone that would want to be with someone that EXPECTS things to go wrong.
Hostile;2814213 said:
Okay, this is an honest question. I drink a LOT of water. I explain that to the waiter or waitress as soon as they take drink orders. It is my favorite drink. Sometimes I feel I get crappy service on my refills because there's no money attached to water. Am I wrong?

BTW, I have never stiffed a tip despite feeling parched because I went without water for much of the meal. I have however, reduced the tip if there was something else wrong too.

I have never lifted my glass to a waiter or watiress to suggest I want a refill. I feel it should be obvious, especially since I let them know ahead of time I drink a lot of water.

Oh yeah, one more thing. If the restaurant has crushed ice instead of ice cubes I tip better. I have no idea if anyone else feels that strongly about it, but as a water drinker it makes it so much more refreshing not to have lukewarm water later because the ice is all gone.

Like you, I drink a lot of water. I have asked waiters to bring me an extra galls and have never been refused. I usually get a sense of relief from my waiter as he (or she) knows that an additional water trip won't be necessary. This strategy is best used with restaurants who fill their glasses 2/ full of ice. As for getting the waiter's attention, I will be tenacious about getting a response if it's important. I've only ambushed one waiter, and I did it on the way to the gent's room and was as subtle as I could be. It worked and he knew I really needed him to attend to my table.
Springs1;2814315 said:
We have had perfect service LOTS of times, so I pity you that you want things to go wrong with your service. WHO IN THE WORLD WANTS THAT? That's just stupid to want such a thing. You don't want good service?

There have been MANY of times when the servers we have had didn't make ONE mistake and got us things in a very timely manner. I pity anyone that would want to be with someone that EXPECTS things to go wrong.
Don't try to read between the lines lady. You clearly can't do it very well.
Hostile;2814316 said:

No way am I going to buy this after the posts in this thread.

WHY? Just because I am being this way here doesn't have ANYTHING to do with what I do in the restaurant.
Hostile;2814313 said:
I pity anyone who has to serve you. Pity them. You obviously found this forum just by looking for the topic. I pity us having to read this crap.

They must scatter like cockroaches when they spy her walking through the door, or draw straws to see who gets her table. Something tells me she's even reduced the driveup window kid to tears.
Springs1;2814299 said:
NO, I am nice.

You will have a chance to redeem yourself the next time you dine out. Prove us all wrong by being the charming, considerate human being you know you are. Compliment the waiter. Offer to have his child. Write a letter to his mother. Write another letter to his Congressman. Commission a portrait of your waiter, but do remember to tip....for you....at least 25%.:p:
I got it figured out. Springs is 90 yrs old. My father in law is 90 and gets all bent out of shape when his fries are too hard. But he only has about three teeth left so at least he has a reason. Put my wife, father in law and Springs at a table and I guarantee the wait staff would quit and probably commit multiple murders.

Springs, I don't get what you want with your damn fries. Load them down with ketchup to soften them up and stop annoying the waiters of the world. I guarantee that nobody here eats out more than I do, (I think the wife last cooked in 1994) and with as high maintenance as my wife is, she at least has learned to save the battles for something really bad.
bbgun;2814322 said:
They must scatter like cockroaches when they spy her walking through the door, or draw straws to see who gets her table. Something tells me she's even reduced the driveup window kid to tears.
I kid you not, if I owned a restaurant I would refuse her service based on this thread.
what is perfect service anyway. I think everybody would have a different interpretation of that. Some may want Miss People Person to show up and let us hear how sanquine she is. Some may want a jokester. Some may want Miss Hooters 2007 with her boobs hanging out. I don't expect perfect service. I know I am not their only client. Things happen. Maybe the waiters mind is thinking about a sick baby at home. Maybe the waiter just got scolded by the manager. I am not going to add to anybodys problems. Do the best you can and unless there is something major, don't worry about it. I plan on giving 20% at least unless you really mess up. And it will take a royal mess up for me to dock you. Fries being a little crispy won't do it.
bbgun;2813130 said:
"I know that, Mr. Man! They also called them serials. I'm not stupid ya know... Anyway, my favorite was Rocketman, and once it was a no breaks chapter. The bad guy stuck him in a car on a mountain road and knocked him out and welded the door shut and tore out the brakes and started him to his death, and he woke up and tried to steer and tried to get out but the car went off a cliff before he could escape! And it crashed and burned and I was so upset and excited, and the next week, you better believe I was first in line. And they always start with the end of the last week. And there was Rocketman, trying to get out, and here comes the cliff, and just before the car went off the cliff, he jumped free! And all the kids cheered! But I didn't cheer. I stood right up and started shouting. This isn't what happened last week! Have you all got amnesia? They just cheated us! This isn't fair! HE DIDN'T GET OUT OF THE COCK - A - DOODIE CAR!"


This is one of the most spot-on perfect posts I have seen in a long time. :bow:

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