no but maybe you are a little slow, maybe a touch of ADHD ,maybe you have the IQ of a gnat???? hmm throw those words at me see the response.
I mean ,
if you wanna have a debate,
this isn't Twitter or text, Its full powerful forum...
I mean, did I need to make this in crayon???

I need to draw you a meme or a picture??

ARE you actually capable of reading something that's not a novel ,that's not a book, that has a lot of helpful information because my responses are because I'm sick and tired the way everyone else responds and has 75 posts in the new post area all on the same subjects instead of just carrying one on in the same thread, you know keep it active and at the top you all must have your say on the same 3 topics all to your lonesome IE loo aty ,le look at me, im mad, im upset, and I'll be redundant.. The horse is dead stop beating it or you're going to keep getting my responses, but I think they fit it's a vicious circle isn't it...
I'm telling you the stuff you guys are complaining about is never going to change, so why be a fan of the team if all you're going to do is complain about it/??!!!!
I get complaining about games, bad plays, bad coaching , bad execution, player issues, things that normal football debates usually have when we get mad at what the team did or has done this year we stay week to week... thats understandable.. Like for instance CD lamb yesterday ****** me off dropping 3 easy passes he didn't help his quarterback all he does is talk in the media about being injured but he's being the Ultimate Team player then he comes out and ruins the game flow by dropping important passes that would've been first downs and one of them turned into a field goal that could have been a touchdown drive. Sure those negative complaints those are normal that's what most of us wanna talk about here is the games is the game of football not something that can't be changed like the GM and the ownership that's not something that will ever change at least for the next decade but you don't wanna read that you just wanna complain about it 'cause you think there are real protests you think somehow the fan bases that you're reading about have any effect on Jerry and you'd be 100% wrong it will not affect him unless we have 3 or 4 years like this year and that will happen but they need to be all consecutive and they need to be really bad....
we have talks about football but when it keeps circling back the things that for what Jerry doesn't read these nobody that works for Jerry Reads this, nobody cares ,even if they did come across it and read these , they do not care. You all are Fans not Pro Team gm executives or owners they have zero interest in your opinions..
and yet you all complain as if this is your therapy area,
so I am going to respond this way on purpose, that my therapy,
but I use talk to text ,has nothing to do with autism, but I'm sure the people who actually have autism would be a little bit taken aback by you throwing that word around like other words are not allowed in here, but I can tell you this if you all can't read the way I write with talk to text with run on sentences and no sentence structure because I do it on purpose......
I don't have the time nor the inclination to want to make these perfect for you guys to read, but I do like to get these things off my chest in a hurry so talk to text works for me, but I can read them..
I can read anything people write whether it's old text speak Twitter speak, you know fragmented sentences, run on sentences are easy to read for most people with any IQ whatsoever..
they make jumbles you didn't realize that right, they make all those things in the back of the paper they're not just crosswords they're like find the words find the groupings find the numbers ,that don't match the rest of the numbers you know they give you a big giant page of just things and most of us can even read upside down...