TJ Bass among all guards for Week 12 per PFF

Think it's precious you're clueless the fact that Jerry doesn't care about any of us Jerry doesn't see these Jerry doesn't read them and I don't say them for Jerry to hear you think he's watching you think you affect the game by protesting and being angry and saying things that will not change a single thing I am actually being realistic I am stating facts and I don't care what you think and neither is Jerry we both don't care about you like that so why don't you go talk to your buddies and maybe they think you know something about football and they'll pat you on the back and make you feel good today but moving on I said what I said because it's actually true yes there's a lot of holes in this team and yes things need to be tweaked next year but anybody acting like this team went from 12 wins three straight years to off a Cliff and that injuries and just a little bad luck in some weird circumstances rookies taking a little more time to get in a groove that's what affected this year just like 2020 we'll be right back competing nobody's saying we're going to the Super bowl nobody's saying that every problem's gonna be fixed I'm telling you that you all think there's a huge problems and I'm telling you there's not and there's nothing you can do about Jerry or the Jones family if that's what you're worried about waiting till they leave and things to change it's time for you to change teams and get outta here delete your account and move on 'cause that parts not changing...

At least let's look forward a decade the Jones family's gonna have control of this team at least another 10 years so you might as well move on if that's your problem with this team if you think nothing's ever gonna change and you're on that 28 year narrative kick just move on already turn in the fan card sell all your gear give it to the Salvation Army and don't ever tell us you're leaving just go on out the back door quietly and move on I'll say what I say because it's my opinion has nothing to do with the Jones family...
Have you ever heard of a period? Holy run on sentence! We are not reading through all that ignorant mess. Type like you have some sense cowboy brother
SIDE NOTE: Speaking of the OLine... They gave up 1 sack vs Washington.

and that was more of a sacrifice by Cooper Rush when there was nothing downfield; went down on his own (late in the 4th QTR)

NYG is 5th in sacks, so Thanksgiving won't be easy for this OLine. The Tackles will be Tested
Have you ever heard of a period? Holy run on sentence! We are not reading through all that ignorant mess. Type like you have some sense cowboy brother
course I have but I use text to talk and I really don't care by the time I feel like going back and looking at it maybe make changes the same times out no editing so that's what you get but I don't type and no I don't care you could just not read it nor not respond I don't need you to remind me I have run on sentences I ramble and you will get full on rants for me all over this place but if you can't read without perfect sentence structure I'd say you might need to take a look in the mirror bro I can find numbers sentences and words and all those word jumbles you know the ones that are just like a giant what looks like a giant nothing but a jumble of words and numbers you know those little puzzles are you telling me that you can't read upside down like you seen those things on Facebook because really people with any IQ middle to high IQ they can look at things without sentence structure and still read it and then not bother them at all this is social media there is no rules this is the Twitter speak except for no limited characters which makes it dangerous for me and you...............................
but here i'll give you a little extra just in case i left something234567890-,./'';';'l''l'l'l'/;l,l'l;,'...m.m.m.m.m..////?????????<<<<<>??><>?><>??))*(*&^%%#$#@@@1

happy Turkey day eve...lmao
Assuming Martin is done would anyone consider drafting another OT this year if one presented itself? Maybe a LT type, slide Guyton to RT because Steele is cooked. Bass goes to RG, Tyler back at LG and then Beebe at C?

I'd do it.

PS _ Ugh what a bad contract Steele is.
I would lean yes, but the way Guyton has played, I am not sure he is an upgrade over Steele. 4 penalties last week, 3 pre-snap.
I am not going to overreact to one game. Bass played well, as did Hoffman. But I need to see more snaps for them.

We can cut or trade Steele after this year before March 17th 2025. After that his salary is guaranteed. Either way they save $4 million against the CAP with $14 million in dead money.

But we need to know more about Bass and Hoffman.
Have you ever heard of a period? Holy run on sentence! We are not reading through all that ignorant mess. Type like you have some sense cowboy brother
skip to the bottom if you don't wanna read it

btw I stand by what I said the people around here that are upset about the 28 year narrative about all the dumb things Jerry says all the lack of activity or aggressiveness in the offseason the way they treat free agency the way they treat trays in the trade deadline none of us changing so if it bothers you that much it's a trigger just delete the apps go away find another team to pull for because the constant complaining and whining is not gonna change a damn thing and we're tired of being therapists look we all get upset over losses and bad seasons and bad games bad players bad coaching Staffs but at some point we don't need 75 posts explaining why you're so upset about the management or the mismanagement of this team and the narratives about droughts and nothing's ever gonna change it's been said it's very plain and simple that it's all out there everybody's aware of it we don't need to be told that there needs to be protests about fire Jerry the GM because it's not happening nothing is gonna happen unless this team becomes super bad and I mean that Dave Campbell years bad because that's not what's going on here this is a bad year followed by three seasons that we won 36 games two division titles been in the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years and whenever Prescott starts the season and ends the season healthy he's never been part of a losing season we're far from that Cliff and and I said it and I keep saying it we don't need people here starting new posts about what they think needs to be done here and that Jerry will never do it so they're griping about how they don't care anymore and yet they're here showing how much they actually care... You can't constantly post about Jerry Jones and the Cowboys and then say you're apathetic and don't care anymore and that you can't care less it's quite the opposite he lives rent free in you guys heads the same way he does the media no matter what Jerry says it becomes national news curtains become national news whenever we can write stories about bad turf bad weather wind it all affects the games I mean bad refs you know the way they call penalties or don't call penalties all of it affects the game but yet it's a big national story when it's Jerry Jones and it gets tiresome where where the problem the only thing you can do is just root for the team and the star that's it that's what we pull for I don't care who the owner the coach with quarterback I'm pulling for the Dallas Cowboys you guys keep complaining nothing is gonna happen but I hope it's free therapy for y'all because we have to deal with it on a constant basis when there's already 50 posts open everybody has to come in with their own letter of apathy and let us all know how they feel and what they think is fake Internet GM experts on how to fix this team...

You need an example Jerry says what's on his mind because he's asked he's asked about Mike McCarthy's job he says there's always a possibility he might come back and that triggers everyone and now that's a news story now it's on every single ESPN story you know what it's kind of obvious isn't that what captain obvious is about why would he tip his hand and tell his coaching staff they're all fired at the end of the year and still keep them coaching for six more games it would be really dumb as an employer who's asked that question they say Oh yeah they're all fired at the end of the year but everybody's triggered because he says it's not impossible to believe Mike McCarthy still has a chance to come back and he says it's because the guys has 1 here and he's won in the NFL and he's the Super bowl champion how was any of that not factual how was any of that a surprise but it becomes a story here it becomes a story everywhere nobody's gonna answer if you ask any owner that still has a coaching staff the probability they're gonna be fired if you ask them right now they're gonna have the same answer that they don't know right now everything is in play that's what you say in public when people ask that..

I remember this was talked about when al Davis passed on you know what Raider still looked like the same team to me how many years ago was that that he left I mean how many times did the Cleveland Browns change names or ownership or GM's or head coaches and has anything changed no they won one division title since I don't know the early 90s I think it's 1989 but I could be mistaken that's it one division title imagine them imagine all the really bad teams that have to deal with this and yet the Cowboys make it a national story as if there's something that the fan base can do about it now this would take a 5 year run of half 50 stadiums and terrible and I mean terrible play for Jerry Jones to change but by that time he may have passed on and for his family to change the way this is ran because they feel like this is the best way and we're not gonna do anything to change that..

There isn't any amount of negativity or posters that people are standing in front of the stadium with bags on their head that is not gonna affect Gary one bit because it happens all over it's kind of funny though the Dallas Cowboys right now are what 10th or is it 11th in the draft order how is that if we're the worst team in the NFL how are we picking 10th right now we dropped out of the top ten in the draft that means there's some really bad teams in the NFL according our fan base it's the worst but how can it be if we're not number one on the board right now when's the last time the Dallas Cowboys at the number one overall pick how many times have we been in the top five in the draft not many....

That's right I couldn't help myself more rambling run on rant sentences because this is my early morning coffee rants but you guys gotta understand nothing's gonna change but there are far worse situations in the NFL than with the Dallas Cowboys have experienced the last 10 years we are top six team I know it's disappointing in the playoffs I know I get it we haven't been to an NFC championship game in so long that we forgot what one felt like we haven't been to a Super Bowl I get it we're all upset we all want more but nothing is gonna change the way Jerry does business here not for awhile so the constant complaining is gonna be checked by some of us are tired of hearing about the complaining so we're gonna complain about the complaining so y'all are gonna have to deal with it so as long as you're complaining we're gonna be complaining about your complaining see this vicious circle we're in at least we're not calling each other names and getting benched not yet I get benched about 3 * a year because I get tired of some of the delusional clueless statements around here because they use descriptive words that don't apply they do not apply to this Dallas Cowboys franchise because they have never been I mean when's the last time you could say the Dallas Cowboys were truly below average when the last time the Cowboys were like 16th in the League One year at a time 2015 boom big bounce back 2020 boom big bounce back this Dallas Cowboys hadn't had a long losing streak in a truly bad streak but if you listen to fans they think we're the New York Jets they think we're the Cleveland Browns because of the playoff failures without forgetting that you have to get to the playoffs you have to win in the regular season and the Cowboys are at least winning divisions and they're on prime time and that's just the way it is we're not gonna change the damn thing if you don't wanna read it I don't care I'm gonna get it off my chest I'm just sick of hearing about it..

This Dallas cowboy team and the ownership and the way it's ran , will remain the same probably for another decade

if you can't deal with it to a point where all you do is 24/7 365 negativity and Debbie downer and you hate your team type things we don't want to hear it it's not changing a thing. So fully expect that some of the core and hardcore cowboy fans will react the way I do if you choose to keep posting that way it's gonna be a vicious circle of us infighting as fans..

So my advice to you is how about a little less of the anti cowboy rhetoric in a cowboy zone we can talk about the bad things that are happening in front of our eyes but some of these narratives just need to stop because nothing's changing there is no protest that are gonna help from the fans..

Yes things are bad right now but we don't need 75 new posts a day about the disdain for the Jerry Jones family because it's not gonna change.. Would it be easier for some of you guys just to change teams who's the flavor of the month is it the lions maybe you should pull for the lions oh wait a minute they haven't won a single thing in their entire history but hey they're about to so you can get on board or you can be a Kansas City Chiefs fan because it's easier I mean maybe you oughta go off the deep end and just get on the San Francisco bandwagon oh wait they haven't won a Super Bowl since 1994... But I'm just saying there's gotta be something easier for you guys besides on a weekly basis and on a daily basis reposting the same nonsense about Jerry Jones because it's not gonna change even if he's gone I don't think it's gonna change..



This is why it's amusing sometimes and not in a good way of the way people talk about guytan calling him a bust, to move him out to right tackle ,because they just remember the negative plays of course, the penalties suc,k but that one holding call was not a hold it's funny when they had a big old run I believe it was Daniels touchdown run one of their offensive lineman fell or was it could have been a tight end on our linebacker or safety, same way basically held him down on the ground, you know with his weight, and they didn't call it but they called that slip falling on top a hold??

So yeah Guyton is improving, playing the hardest transitional and hardest it's debatable position in the game of footbal if you have a right-handed quarterback left tackle is definitely difficult and he was gonna have growing pains , but this man is not a bust and yeah at worst he's going to end up playing right tackle but right now people giving up on this guy fans will only see the negatives.. they're not looking at the upside that's why the coaches keep putting him back in he's not Chaz green, he had injuries he was going in and out, they were trying to coach him up and he blocked pretty well most games this year, not all but he's had good moments in many games ie seems like a year ago but blocked MG game 1 pretty well, and people just don't see it they don't want to see it..

IMHO they want this here's the narrative they want Jerry Jones to be wrong about their first round pick so they can gripe more about it that's the long and short of this they want the Cowboys to lose in every way possible including having players on their own team turn out to not be good just so they can say I told you so...

Hey but that's my opinion but guyton is nowhere near in the same category as a possible issue with mazi... The jury's still out on him he's improving slowly but he may end up just being a good backup a rotational guy I don't see that in guy and he'll either be the starting left or the starting right tackle of the future unless he just all of a sudden melts down after an injury like Terrence steel it happens...
TJ is why some have suggested moving Tyler to LT, Bass to LG, Guyton to RT and cut Steele as a cap casualty. They need to draft Martins replacement but this would be a really solid OL next year.
TJ is why some have suggested moving Tyler to LT, Bass to LG, Guyton to RT and cut Steele as a cap casualty. They need to draft Martins replacement but this would be a really solid OL next year.
HOFFMAN=bridge to Martin RG spot..hes playig well.. so thers that with Richards etc as swing in my opinion this draft does not need to be wasted by picking an offensive lineman we need way way too many other positions and I think we have it here nobody needs to be an all pro or pro bowler they just need to play solid technique do their jobs and win more than they lose they need to just play the position well like Doug free did and nobody like Doug free and before Terrence steals injury he played pretty well for an undrafted free agent I think everyone around here thinks if we replace Martin it has to be with an all pro or pro bowler it does not you just need a player a good player that's what you need you can't fill every position on the team with a salary cap and a roster limit with all pros it just doesn't work that way..

Hoffman is getting just as good a grades as bass is and they both have flashed the last two seasons as potential replacements for what we have now they're pretty young physical they got a good demeanor as far as they can get nasty at times.. There's a lot on this team that says you can rebuild this offensive line with what we have and you could play around with different scenarios of where they go I mean you could even make Hoffman the center and make BB the right guard...
course I have but I use text to talk and I really don't care by the time I feel like going back and looking at it maybe make changes the same times out no editing so that's what you get but I don't type and no I don't care you could just not read it nor not respond I don't need you to remind me I have run on sentences I ramble and you will get full on rants for me all over this place but if you can't read without perfect sentence structure I'd say you might need to take a look in the mirror bro I can find numbers sentences and words and all those word jumbles you know the ones that are just like a giant what looks like a giant nothing but a jumble of words and numbers you know those little puzzles are you telling me that you can't read upside down like you seen those things on Facebook because really people with any IQ middle to high IQ they can look at things without sentence structure and still read it and then not bother them at all this is social media there is no rules this is the Twitter speak except for no limited characters which makes it dangerous for me and you...............................
but here i'll give you a little extra just in case i left something234567890-,./'';';'l''l'l'l'/;l,l'l;,'...m.m.m.m.m..////?????????<<<<<>??><>?><>??))*(*&^%%#$#@@@1

happy Turkey day eve...lmao
Since you can’t be bothered to take the time to make your opinion readable, how about just shut up already? This way everyone wins.
This is what I would do if/when Tyler Smith fully recovers from injury:

LT: Tyler Smith (back to his college position)
LG: Cooper Beebe (back to his college position)
C: Brock Hoffman (more accurate snapper and fires out better during each snap)
RG: T.J. Bass (back to his college position)
RT: Tyler Guyton (back to his college position)
skip to the bottom if you don't wanna read it

btw I stand by what I said the people around here that are upset about the 28 year narrative about all the dumb things Jerry says all the lack of activity or aggressiveness in the offseason the way they treat free agency the way they treat trays in the trade deadline none of us changing so if it bothers you that much it's a trigger just delete the apps go away find another team to pull for because the constant complaining and whining is not gonna change a damn thing and we're tired of being therapists look we all get upset over losses and bad seasons and bad games bad players bad coaching Staffs but at some point we don't need 75 posts explaining why you're so upset about the management or the mismanagement of this team and the narratives about droughts and nothing's ever gonna change it's been said it's very plain and simple that it's all out there everybody's aware of it we don't need to be told that there needs to be protests about fire Jerry the GM because it's not happening nothing is gonna happen unless this team becomes super bad and I mean that Dave Campbell years bad because that's not what's going on here this is a bad year followed by three seasons that we won 36 games two division titles been in the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years and whenever Prescott starts the season and ends the season healthy he's never been part of a losing season we're far from that Cliff and and I said it and I keep saying it we don't need people here starting new posts about what they think needs to be done here and that Jerry will never do it so they're griping about how they don't care anymore and yet they're here showing how much they actually care... You can't constantly post about Jerry Jones and the Cowboys and then say you're apathetic and don't care anymore and that you can't care less it's quite the opposite he lives rent free in you guys heads the same way he does the media no matter what Jerry says it becomes national news curtains become national news whenever we can write stories about bad turf bad weather wind it all affects the games I mean bad refs you know the way they call penalties or don't call penalties all of it affects the game but yet it's a big national story when it's Jerry Jones and it gets tiresome where where the problem the only thing you can do is just root for the team and the star that's it that's what we pull for I don't care who the owner the coach with quarterback I'm pulling for the Dallas Cowboys you guys keep complaining nothing is gonna happen but I hope it's free therapy for y'all because we have to deal with it on a constant basis when there's already 50 posts open everybody has to come in with their own letter of apathy and let us all know how they feel and what they think is fake Internet GM experts on how to fix this team...

You need an example Jerry says what's on his mind because he's asked he's asked about Mike McCarthy's job he says there's always a possibility he might come back and that triggers everyone and now that's a news story now it's on every single ESPN story you know what it's kind of obvious isn't that what captain obvious is about why would he tip his hand and tell his coaching staff they're all fired at the end of the year and still keep them coaching for six more games it would be really dumb as an employer who's asked that question they say Oh yeah they're all fired at the end of the year but everybody's triggered because he says it's not impossible to believe Mike McCarthy still has a chance to come back and he says it's because the guys has 1 here and he's won in the NFL and he's the Super bowl champion how was any of that not factual how was any of that a surprise but it becomes a story here it becomes a story everywhere nobody's gonna answer if you ask any owner that still has a coaching staff the probability they're gonna be fired if you ask them right now they're gonna have the same answer that they don't know right now everything is in play that's what you say in public when people ask that..

I remember this was talked about when al Davis passed on you know what Raider still looked like the same team to me how many years ago was that that he left I mean how many times did the Cleveland Browns change names or ownership or GM's or head coaches and has anything changed no they won one division title since I don't know the early 90s I think it's 1989 but I could be mistaken that's it one division title imagine them imagine all the really bad teams that have to deal with this and yet the Cowboys make it a national story as if there's something that the fan base can do about it now this would take a 5 year run of half 50 stadiums and terrible and I mean terrible play for Jerry Jones to change but by that time he may have passed on and for his family to change the way this is ran because they feel like this is the best way and we're not gonna do anything to change that..

There isn't any amount of negativity or posters that people are standing in front of the stadium with bags on their head that is not gonna affect Gary one bit because it happens all over it's kind of funny though the Dallas Cowboys right now are what 10th or is it 11th in the draft order how is that if we're the worst team in the NFL how are we picking 10th right now we dropped out of the top ten in the draft that means there's some really bad teams in the NFL according our fan base it's the worst but how can it be if we're not number one on the board right now when's the last time the Dallas Cowboys at the number one overall pick how many times have we been in the top five in the draft not many....

That's right I couldn't help myself more rambling run on rant sentences because this is my early morning coffee rants but you guys gotta understand nothing's gonna change but there are far worse situations in the NFL than with the Dallas Cowboys have experienced the last 10 years we are top six team I know it's disappointing in the playoffs I know I get it we haven't been to an NFC championship game in so long that we forgot what one felt like we haven't been to a Super Bowl I get it we're all upset we all want more but nothing is gonna change the way Jerry does business here not for awhile so the constant complaining is gonna be checked by some of us are tired of hearing about the complaining so we're gonna complain about the complaining so y'all are gonna have to deal with it so as long as you're complaining we're gonna be complaining about your complaining see this vicious circle we're in at least we're not calling each other names and getting benched not yet I get benched about 3 * a year because I get tired of some of the delusional clueless statements around here because they use descriptive words that don't apply they do not apply to this Dallas Cowboys franchise because they have never been I mean when's the last time you could say the Dallas Cowboys were truly below average when the last time the Cowboys were like 16th in the League One year at a time 2015 boom big bounce back 2020 boom big bounce back this Dallas Cowboys hadn't had a long losing streak in a truly bad streak but if you listen to fans they think we're the New York Jets they think we're the Cleveland Browns because of the playoff failures without forgetting that you have to get to the playoffs you have to win in the regular season and the Cowboys are at least winning divisions and they're on prime time and that's just the way it is we're not gonna change the damn thing if you don't wanna read it I don't care I'm gonna get it off my chest I'm just sick of hearing about it..

This Dallas cowboy team and the ownership and the way it's ran , will remain the same probably for another decade

if you can't deal with it to a point where all you do is 24/7 365 negativity and Debbie downer and you hate your team type things we don't want to hear it it's not changing a thing. So fully expect that some of the core and hardcore cowboy fans will react the way I do if you choose to keep posting that way it's gonna be a vicious circle of us infighting as fans..

So my advice to you is how about a little less of the anti cowboy rhetoric in a cowboy zone we can talk about the bad things that are happening in front of our eyes but some of these narratives just need to stop because nothing's changing there is no protest that are gonna help from the fans..

Yes things are bad right now but we don't need 75 new posts a day about the disdain for the Jerry Jones family because it's not gonna change.. Would it be easier for some of you guys just to change teams who's the flavor of the month is it the lions maybe you should pull for the lions oh wait a minute they haven't won a single thing in their entire history but hey they're about to so you can get on board or you can be a Kansas City Chiefs fan because it's easier I mean maybe you oughta go off the deep end and just get on the San Francisco bandwagon oh wait they haven't won a Super Bowl since 1994... But I'm just saying there's gotta be something easier for you guys besides on a weekly basis and on a daily basis reposting the same nonsense about Jerry Jones because it's not gonna change even if he's gone I don't think it's gonna change..


Jesus Christ. Are you autistic or something?

I didn’t read but maybe 4 words of that. But let me say this. If the fans don’t demand and make the Jones VERY uncomfortable then of course nothing will ever change. Especially with idiot fans like you. The Jones love having fans like you. And you are too dumb to even realize it
Jesus Christ. Are you autistic or something?

I didn’t read but maybe 4 words of that. But let me say this. If the fans don’t demand and make the Jones VERY uncomfortable then of course nothing will ever change. Especially with idiot fans like you. The Jones love having fans like you. And you are too dumb to even realize it

Jesus Christ. Are you autistic or something?

I didn’t read but maybe 4 words of that. But let me say this. If the fans don’t demand and make the Jones VERY uncomfortable then of course nothing will ever change. Especially with idiot fans like you. The Jones love having fans like you. And you are too dumb to even realize it
no but maybe you are a little slow, maybe a touch of ADHD ,maybe you have the IQ of a gnat???? hmm throw those words at me see the response.

I mean ,

if you wanna have a debate,

this isn't Twitter or text, Its full powerful forum...

I mean, did I need to make this in crayon??? :facepalm: I need to draw you a meme or a picture?? :huh::muttley:

ARE you actually capable of reading something that's not a novel ,that's not a book, that has a lot of helpful information because my responses are because I'm sick and tired the way everyone else responds and has 75 posts in the new post area all on the same subjects instead of just carrying one on in the same thread, you know keep it active and at the top you all must have your say on the same 3 topics all to your lonesome IE loo aty ,le look at me, im mad, im upset, and I'll be redundant.. The horse is dead stop beating it or you're going to keep getting my responses, but I think they fit it's a vicious circle isn't it...

I'm telling you the stuff you guys are complaining about is never going to change, so why be a fan of the team if all you're going to do is complain about it/??!!!!

I get complaining about games, bad plays, bad coaching , bad execution, player issues, things that normal football debates usually have when we get mad at what the team did or has done this year we stay week to week... thats understandable.. Like for instance CD lamb yesterday ****** me off dropping 3 easy passes he didn't help his quarterback all he does is talk in the media about being injured but he's being the Ultimate Team player then he comes out and ruins the game flow by dropping important passes that would've been first downs and one of them turned into a field goal that could have been a touchdown drive. Sure those negative complaints those are normal that's what most of us wanna talk about here is the games is the game of football not something that can't be changed like the GM and the ownership that's not something that will ever change at least for the next decade but you don't wanna read that you just wanna complain about it 'cause you think there are real protests you think somehow the fan bases that you're reading about have any effect on Jerry and you'd be 100% wrong it will not affect him unless we have 3 or 4 years like this year and that will happen but they need to be all consecutive and they need to be really bad....​
we have talks about football but when it keeps circling back the things that for what Jerry doesn't read these nobody that works for Jerry Reads this, nobody cares ,even if they did come across it and read these , they do not care. You all are Fans not Pro Team gm executives or owners they have zero interest in your opinions..​
and yet you all complain as if this is your therapy area,​
so I am going to respond this way on purpose, that my therapy,​
but I use talk to text ,has nothing to do with autism, but I'm sure the people who actually have autism would be a little bit taken aback by you throwing that word around like other words are not allowed in here, but I can tell you this if you all can't read the way I write with talk to text with run on sentences and no sentence structure because I do it on purpose......​
I don't have the time nor the inclination to want to make these perfect for you guys to read, but I do like to get these things off my chest in a hurry so talk to text works for me, but I can read them..​
I can read anything people write whether it's old text speak Twitter speak, you know fragmented sentences, run on sentences are easy to read for most people with any IQ whatsoever..​
they make jumbles you didn't realize that right, they make all those things in the back of the paper they're not just crosswords they're like find the words find the groupings find the numbers ,that don't match the rest of the numbers you know they give you a big giant page of just things and most of us can even read upside down...​
so yeah, I don't have autism I simply like to get my point across quickly in an area that a non priority for me, but maybe you need help, so I'll try to put a couple spaces and periods in this one, SO you can read really slow and maybe you'll get it, alright little D?:oldcouple::muttley::popcorn::welcome::bow:
no but maybe you are a little slow, maybe a touch of ADHD ,maybe you have the IQ of a gnat???? hmm throw those words at me see the response.

I mean ,

if you wanna have a debate,

this isn't Twitter or text, Its full powerful forum...

I mean, did I need to make this in crayon??? :facepalm: I need to draw you a meme or a picture?? :huh::muttley:

ARE you actually capable of reading something that's not a novel ,that's not a book, that has a lot of helpful information because my responses are because I'm sick and tired the way everyone else responds and has 75 posts in the new post area all on the same subjects instead of just carrying one on in the same thread, you know keep it active and at the top you all must have your say on the same 3 topics all to your lonesome IE loo aty ,le look at me, im mad, im upset, and I'll be redundant.. The horse is dead stop beating it or you're going to keep getting my responses, but I think they fit it's a vicious circle isn't it...

I'm telling you the stuff you guys are complaining about is never going to change, so why be a fan of the team if all you're going to do is complain about it/??!!!!

I get complaining about games, bad plays, bad coaching , bad execution, player issues, things that normal football debates usually have when we get mad at what the team did or has done this year we stay week to week... thats understandable.. Like for instance CD lamb yesterday ****** me off dropping 3 easy passes he didn't help his quarterback all he does is talk in the media about being injured but he's being the Ultimate Team player then he comes out and ruins the game flow by dropping important passes that would've been first downs and one of them turned into a field goal that could have been a touchdown drive. Sure those negative complaints those are normal that's what most of us wanna talk about here is the games is the game of football not something that can't be changed like the GM and the ownership that's not something that will ever change at least for the next decade but you don't wanna read that you just wanna complain about it 'cause you think there are real protests you think somehow the fan bases that you're reading about have any effect on Jerry and you'd be 100% wrong it will not affect him unless we have 3 or 4 years like this year and that will happen but they need to be all consecutive and they need to be really bad....​
we have talks about football but when it keeps circling back the things that for what Jerry doesn't read these nobody that works for Jerry Reads this, nobody cares ,even if they did come across it and read these , they do not care. You all are Fans not Pro Team gm executives or owners they have zero interest in your opinions..​
and yet you all complain as if this is your therapy area,​
so I am going to respond this way on purpose, that my therapy,​
but I use talk to text ,has nothing to do with autism, but I'm sure the people who actually have autism would be a little bit taken aback by you throwing that word around like other words are not allowed in here, but I can tell you this if you all can't read the way I write with talk to text with run on sentences and no sentence structure because I do it on purpose......​
I don't have the time nor the inclination to want to make these perfect for you guys to read, but I do like to get these things off my chest in a hurry so talk to text works for me, but I can read them..​
I can read anything people write whether it's old text speak Twitter speak, you know fragmented sentences, run on sentences are easy to read for most people with any IQ whatsoever..​
they make jumbles you didn't realize that right, they make all those things in the back of the paper they're not just crosswords they're like find the words find the groupings find the numbers ,that don't match the rest of the numbers you know they give you a big giant page of just things and most of us can even read upside down...​
so yeah, I don't have autism I simply like to get my point across quickly in an area that a non priority for me, but maybe you need help, so I'll try to put a couple spaces and periods in this one, SO you can read really slow and maybe you'll get it, alright little D?:oldcouple::muttley::popcorn::welcome::bow:
Rabble rabble rabble
Rabble rabble rabble
it's OK you can go back to your color by numbers I figured you couldn't read it you're just not capable you don't have the patience you're like these new soft fan base the human race this generation has no paitnce, focus, if it isn't written in twitter form. it's not short enough and full of memes and gifs.. I get you need a condensed version to function, but i'm not giving it to you...

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