TO Meets Marcus Washington

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Hostile said:
Roy Williams 2002 (Boom)

Turn your speakers up loud.
That's a great video, but it needs some updating... the McNabb INT TD from last year for one... and probably the TO leg break, just for its significance. It played no small part in bringing TO over to Dallas.

E-Dog Night

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HeavyHitta31 said:
Yes, but considering ES is one of the worst moderated, least knowledgeable, ansd useless boards on the internet, me thinks we wont be following their example.

Dah...ok timmy.


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Yeagermeister said:
Where's the video of Roy laying Coles on the crossing route? :laugh2:

Somewhere in the file where our second string runnback, Betts, runs over your highly praised Terrence Newman.:lmao2:


Well-Known Member
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menace said:
Somewhere in the file where our second string runnback, Betts, runs over your highly praised Terrence Newman.:lmao2:
Right next to Roy knocking the crap out of your former #1 round pic qb Ramsey and blowing up your fb Cartwright.


The Duke
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E-Dog Night said:
They get special avatars over at Extremeskins, such as the masochistic clown or the guy with his head up his ***. My personal favorite is Bronco Billy.
Are you saying you want us to do things like that here?

We won't, but I'm just wondering how you'd feel if I gave you an unflattering avatar, signature, or user title?


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E-Dog Night said:
I'm afraid I'm going to have to bust on my fellow Commanders fan here...that's not Marcus Washington tackling TO, it's Sean Taylor. This is a fairly well-known play, so to not know who it was is just inexcusable.

Can't stand trolls, no matter who they root for. But if you're going to do it, at least get your facts straight.

To be honest the jersey number wasn't shown in the video, and Washington is arguably the best player on the defense (not the most talented but still the best). So I chose to award that hit to him, if I was wrong then so be it. Its just meant to be an attempt at humor.

I think all can agree that the signing of TO as well as the Commanders off season acquisitions gives both fanbases reasons for hope and for worry. I'll be honest, if Owens plays like he did in 04 he is a major addition. The question is whether he will be the same player, and whether he can remain healthy.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Sad when a skin fan doesnt even know his own players ................ shows how much football knowledge a troll has :laugh2:

E-Dog Night

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Hostile said:
Are you saying you want us to do things like that here?

We won't, but I'm just wondering how you'd feel if I gave you an unflattering avatar, signature, or user title?

It's your board, run it how you want. I merely made a suggestion and I am pretty respectful on the rare occasions I visit, but if you must clown me, I obviously can't stop you.

How would I feel with "an unflattering avatar, signature, or user title"? With about 30 posts since I joined it wouldn't exactly kill me to say the least, but I'd prefer not. The people who get one at ES definitely deserve it. Fans of opposing teams who are respectful don't get one - in fact, sometimes the get a custom avatar that represents them in a complimentary way (see 'Tom [Giants Fan]' for an example).

Am I imagining things or is mentioning ES a sore subject around here?


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zrinkill said:
Sad when a skin fan doesnt even know his own players ................ shows how much football knowledge a troll has :laugh2:

I think a troll is someone that simply says you suck we rock and gives no substantive evidence to prove why


The Duke
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E-Dog Night said:
It's your board, run it how you want. I merely made a suggestion and I am pretty respectful on the rare occasions I visit, but if you must clown me, I obviously can't stop you.

How would I feel with "an unflattering avatar, signature, or user title"? With about 30 posts since I joined it wouldn't exactly kill me to say the least, but I'd prefer not. The people who get one at ES definitely deserve it. Fans of opposing teams who are respectful don't get one - in fact, sometimes the get a custom avatar that represents them in a complimentary way (see 'Tom [Giants Fan]' for an example).

Am I imagining things or is mentioning ES a sore subject around here?
That's the point, you can't stop us. It's an abuse of power and is 1 of the 3 reasons why ES has vocal detractors. That isn't what we're about. I doubt this will make you respect us more, but there the information is. Consider it however you wish.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
So is he crying because your not abusing your power? I'm confused :confused:

E-Dog Night

New Member
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Hostile said:
It's an abuse of power and is 1 of the 3 reasons why ES has vocal detractors.

Only three reasons? :eek:

Ok, I'll bite, what are the other two?

It's not a matter of respect BTW, it's just that if you come on ES and your first post is something like "DANNY BOY TRYING TO BUY TROPHY AGAIN, WONT WORK CAUSE YOU SUCK, YOU ALWAYS SUCK, WHOLE CITY SUCKS..." You get the picture, and that's hardly the worst of it. We get a lot of that, for whatever reason. Snyder inspires strong negative opinions, I guess. That doesn't mean we should tolerate every mental midget with a computer. A "special" avatar is an appropriate response to fools like that IMO.


Drunken Mick
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E-Dog Night said:
A "special" avatar is an appropriate response to fools like that IMO.

Just ban them. If an idiot is going to start of with rubbish then they should be given the bullet straight away.

For a couple of reasons-

1. It is childish and brings the standard of conversation down.

2. Any opposing fans that are there to have a decent conversation will be tainted with the same brush as the dribbling vegetables that type "you guys suck. remember when ( certain player ) hit ( certain player ) and you guys lost, ( their team ) rullllllzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!1111

3.The Internet is a big place and it's not like finding a place to have gutter level discussion is hard and maybe a ban might just have them amend their ways.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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RiggoForever said:
Its just a little friendly bantering. As for getting shown up...poetic justice here for the heartbreaking pass we allowed to Crayton last year.


How about this hit, getting owned by Keith Davis?

E-Dog Night

New Member
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BAZ said:
Just ban them. If an idiot is going to start of with rubbish then they should be given the bullet straight away.

For a couple of reasons-

1. It is childish and brings the standard of conversation down.

2. Any opposing fans that are there to have a decent conversation will be tainted with the same brush as the dribbling vegetables that type "you guys suck. remember when ( certain player ) hit ( certain player ) and you guys lost, ( their team ) rullllllzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!1111

3.The Internet is a big place and it's not like finding a place to have gutter level discussion is hard and maybe a ban might just have them amend their ways.

They do get banned but not forever. When they come back, they have the avatar as a scarlet letter of sorts. If they behave for an extended period of time, the mods will remove the avatar.

I can't believe I'm having this conversation.


The Duke
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E-Dog Night said:
Only three reasons? :eek:

Ok, I'll bite, what are the other two?

It's not a matter of respect BTW, it's just that if you come on ES and your first post is something like "DANNY BOY TRYING TO BUY TROPHY AGAIN, WONT WORK CAUSE YOU SUCK, YOU ALWAYS SUCK, WHOLE CITY SUCKS..." You get the picture, and that's hardly the worst of it. We get a lot of that, for whatever reason. Snyder inspires strong negative opinions, I guess. That doesn't mean we should tolerate every mental midget with a computer. A "special" avatar is an appropriate response to fools like that IMO.
I've seen it happen to people who didn't do what you just described. But that isn't the point.

We get that kind of post here all the time too. When someone works that hard to be a troll we simply ban them and if the posts or thread is offensive, we remove it. No big trick to erase a troll completely.

I'm not bashing ES, how they run their site is their business. I've told my friends there before that this practice earns them a lack of respect. It does. So what I'm saying now, I've already said to them. Nothing 2 faced or behind the back about it. If they don't care, that's their business again.

I've also shared with them the other 2 things I mentioned. What they are doesn't matter for the purpose of this conversation. I'm sure you can probably guess what they are if you try hard enough.

Go on any other team's fan site and mention this practice, and you'll find that what I said is right on the money. Most people will see it as an abuse of power. There really is no need for it. It may impress the howling masses, but any drum banging will do that.


The Duke
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E-Dog Night said:
They do get banned but not forever. When they come back, they have the avatar as a scarlet letter of sorts. If they behave for an extended period of time, the mods will remove the avatar.

I can't believe I'm having this conversation.
You admitted you wouldn't like it if I did it to you, yet you defend it.

That doesn't strike you as the least bit hypocritical? Seriously?

E-Dog Night

New Member
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I can probably guess more than two, but as you said, how they run things is their business. Just curious as to what are the two other specific things with which you disagree. Not allowing yahoo/hotmail email addresses to sign up? Avatar changes w/ post count, encouraging meaningless posts? Allowing the Commanders to buy them out? Mods (particullarly Art) ruthlessly combating every anti-Commanders opinion? I understand if you'd rather not say -- like I said, just curious.

They've been quite successful, as I am sure you know, so they must be doing something right.

Nice chatting with you, Hostile. Hitting the hay. Good luck on the rest of the offseason.

E-Dog Night

New Member
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Hostile said:
You admitted you wouldn't like it if I did it to you, yet you defend it.

That doesn't strike you as the least bit hypocritical? Seriously?

Ah, I was going to bed, but...

No it doesn't strike me as the least bit hypocritical, and here's why:

Like I said, I'd PREFER not to have such an avatar over here, but it's not a major issue. And they reason I'd prefer not is because I know I'd never do anything to deserve it. I'm polite, and I made sure my first post here was respectful, like when entering someone else's home for the first time.

The board rules at ES are posted, and they state very clearly that, "While we enjoy having visitors, we did not leave the door open hoping to have people drop by intent on changing our way of thinking...don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment...when there is a presumption to be given, it will be given to a Commanders fan."

That's actually the first thing posted in the forum rules after the opening, which points to it's importance. Some may disagree, and that's their right. But no one should be surprised that, when they engage in disparging smack-talk, they get slapped with a less than flattering avatar.