TO not practicing, Spears returns

Juke99 said:
Ah but this isn't any player...Parcells has to treat him like he's any other player because to do otherwise wouldn't be wise....but this isn't "any" player.

So Bill Parcells should walk on egg shells just cuz it's TO?


TO got his money, he needs to get his butt on the practice field. I've never EVER heard of a player missing a full week of practice cuz of a "Sore" hamstring. PULLED hamstring? Yes. But not a sore hamstring.

If he's actually hurt, fine, he should sit out. But all the reports are saying that he is NOT hurt, and that's it's only soreness.
NorthDalal said:
Give no credit to the training staff. Spears is just another in a long line of young or unestablished Cowboy players forced back too early from injury, many reinjuries have resulted.TO and Terry Glenn are old enough to know the game but JJones, Beriault, Canty, Burnett, Anthony Henry, Keith Davis to name a few have all returned too early.
That would make alot more sense if we didnt have the story about Beriault where Parcells is advising him to never play again. This was a kid BP hand-picked as his starter opposite RW this year and he has simply not been healthy and BP sees him as being truly injured.

I have heard the talk of how he rushed Julius back; and he did, but I've also heard nothing but questions about JJ's toughness. If BP toughens him up even a bit it could man the difference between a nondescript 5 year career and a 10 year honor-laden one. The NFL is a grown man's game.
Rack said:
So Bill Parcells should walk on egg shells just cuz it's TO?


TO got his money, he needs to get his butt on the practice field. I've never EVER heard of a player missing a full week of practice cuz of a "Sore" hamstring. PULLED hamstring? Yes. But not a sore hamstring.

If he's actually hurt, fine, he should sit out. But all the reports are saying that he is NOT hurt, and that's it's only soreness.
Sorry but I vehemently disagree with hammys.

A slight twinge is all you need to feel to realize it could be torn quite easily with the wrong turn. And Hammy's can suck the life out of you lasting ridiculously long.

If TO says his hammy is sore then he has to be careful with it. The Wr corps is paper thin and a decoy of TO who knows nothign fo the offense is a much bigger weapon than Sam Hurd even if he was Jerry Rice style precise.

It would not be above TO to be bluffing about this but my guess if he would rather practive now then sit in the weeks after returning to Dallas as opposed to the opposite.
jterrell said:
Sorry but I vehemently disagree with hammys.

A slight twinge is all you need to feel to realize it could be torn quite easily with the wrong turn. And Hammy's can suck the life out of you lasting ridiculously long.

If TO says his hammy is sore then he has to be careful with it. The Wr corps is paper thin and a decoy of TO who knows nothign fo the offense is a much bigger weapon than Sam Hurd even if he was Jerry Rice style precise.

It would not be above TO to be bluffing about this but my guess if he would rather practive now then sit in the weeks after returning to Dallas as opposed to the opposite.

I've had plenty of experience with hammys. Drink water and stretch. Period.

You don't sit out a week of practice with a SORE hammy.
Rack said:
So Bill Parcells should walk on egg shells just cuz it's TO?


TO got his money, he needs to get his butt on the practice field. I've never EVER heard of a player missing a full week of practice cuz of a "Sore" hamstring. PULLED hamstring? Yes. But not a sore hamstring.

If he's actually hurt, fine, he should sit out. But all the reports are saying that he is NOT hurt, and that's it's only soreness. explain where I said Parcells should walk on egg shells?

I'm only saying that TO might react poorly.

In fact, if you go back and read...something I know you don't like to do...I even wrote that Parcells has no choice but to treat TO like everyone else.
There is no way anyone but the player can know if this is real or not. If it is sore for more than a day or so then the muscle is pulled. These are graded one thru five. This one shouldn't be more than a one or two although MRs are not bullet proof.

So it is a pulled hamstring or TO is just plain lying which I admit is possible. The problem is this injury is impossible and I mean impossible to either rule out or as one mentor said "why don't u rule it in". That jargon simply means making the diagnosis within a reasonable degree of medical certainty.

Again, this is an injury that can be easily diagnosed if it's severe enough. Otherwise you just have to give the patient or player in this case the benefit of the doubt.

All BP said was if he doesn't practice he doesn't play. No one is accusing TO at this point of lying although with his background who isn't thinking it. TO is just jerking people around as usual even if he does have a pull.

He is just smart enough to have picked an injury that no one can either prove or disprove. I think he may end up outsmarting his ownself messing with Bill. Bill will just go on without him and leave the problem to Jerry.

I just don't care. TO will either play or not and speculating while fun to some is fruitless.
Juke99 said: explain where I said Parcells should walk on egg shells?

I'm only saying that TO might react poorly.

In fact, if you go back and read...something I know you don't like to do...I even wrote that Parcells has no choice but to treat TO like everyone else.

What the hell is your problem?

What a great way for a mod to act. Criticizing members... :rolleyes:

Ah but this isn't any player...Parcells has to treat him like he's any other player because to do otherwise wouldn't be wise....but this isn't "any" player

Yes, he is just any player. If you think of him as "different" then you'll treat him different. TO has proven nothing to Bill. What he has done in the past is irrelevant as far as BP is concerned. Sound familiar? He's said it about ALL his veteran players in the past.

And if all you're gonna do is pop off with "I know you don't like to ... " then don't bother replying.
Have fun watching TO this year, I have a feeling it'll be his last here. IMO, the only way he's back next year is if this is BP's last season.

Everyone said they thought TO would be on his best behavior this year to prove something to the rest of the league and the Eagles. But, so far he's only playing his same games from day 1, trying to see what he can get away with and testing Bill. I guarantee you they both won't be back next year.
Rack said:
What the hell is your problem?

What a great way for a mod to act. Criticizing members... :rolleyes:

Yes, he is just any player. If you think of him as "different" then you'll treat him different. TO has proven nothing to Bill. What he has done in the past is irrelevant as far as BP is concerned. Sound familiar? He's said it about ALL his veteran players in the past.

And if all you're gonna do is pop off with "I know you don't like to ... " then don't bother replying.

Hey...hello...I'm a human being first...before I'm a Mod.

You might want to layoff using something "BS" in your response...which by the way could be interpreted as circumventing the language filter.

Now where is the leap that says that because I said TO isn't "any" other player that I was saying Parcells should treat him differently?

I said he's not "any" other player as a way of saying he might not respond well.

That doesn't mean Parcells should treat him differently.
Rack said:
TO got his money, he needs to get his butt on the practice field. I've never EVER heard of a player missing a full week of practice cuz of a "Sore" hamstring. PULLED hamstring? Yes. But not a sore hamstring.

If he's actually hurt, fine, he should sit out. But all the reports are saying that he is NOT hurt, and that's it's only soreness.

Steve Smith just missed his 16th day in a row over a hamstring "strain"
Yep, but his coach isnt making a big deal about it and pushing him to come back.
TheKey said:
Yep, but his coach isnt making a big deal about it and pushing him to come back.

Ours isnt making a big deal of it either.
TheKey said:
Yep, but his coach isnt making a big deal about it and pushing him to come back.

neither is TO's coach, since when does the God honest truth equate to getting mad?
BigDFan5 said:
Steve Smith just missed his 16th day in a row over a hamstring "strain"

A strain IS a pull.

BIG difference between a strained hamstring and a SORE hamstring.
TheKey said:
Yep, but his coach isnt making a big deal about it and pushing him to come back.
Like the others said, BP isn't blowing a gasket over it.

I guess last nights post where you used the word "NEED" in reference to TO coming back today didn't work out for you did it. We are still 4 weeks away from Jacksonville.
Rack said:
A strain IS a pull.

BIG difference between a strained hamstring and a SORE hamstring.

So you would rather rush him back and risk a tear, instead of doing as Parcells said "not jeopardize him for the season and erring on the side of caution" ?

I mean if Parcells says he doesnt want to jeopardize him, why would you want to?

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