Hey, no hard feelings...but, you are an Eagle fan, therefore...in my thoughts...you suck, dude, simple as that!
Aw shucks, there you go getting all mushy on me ...right back to you!
But, have as much fun as you want.....it's all good! Just don't ever think you will get any respect from me!
I've heard that nothing gets past you! That said, you must be talking about my fooling people Into believe that I have a different perspective than the "A" typical mundane post. There's one thing I've learned being here to pull off my 124,473, 987 posts ...there's some very classy
Cowboy fans here at the
Zone ...keep trying, you may grow up to be one !
BTW, don't worry about respecting me ...
if your brother/sister fans you need to be concerned with.