TO suspension upheld

only question is do they have to allow him back at the practice facilities.
jman said:
Absoultly NOT!!!!!!!!!

Why would you. Now he can be had on the cheap and not have to take on his contract.

If youre a team that knows you wouldnt be in the running for TO if he was fielding several free agent offers, trading for him might be your only shot of landing him.
I can't believe that for once common sense wins the day and the lawyering by the NFLPA didn't trump common sense this time!! But hey, how stupid does the Newsday writer feel right now? So much for his sources, huh? :D

But for those thinking this ends the off-season T.O. to Dallas rumors, you are mistaken. If anything this increases the chances of T.O. to Dallas, because if he would have been released this week, the chances of another club picking him up and eventually working things out with him would have increased.

Now, T.O. has no leverage for his next negotiation and he will have to be on his absolute best behavior next year or he will find himself totally out of the NFL. If Jerry and Bill are entertaining thoughts of T.O. in Dallas next year this decision does nothing but increase the probability of it happening.

That is just the reality of the situation.
Danny White said:
Newsday sure as hell has egg all over their face.

That's one of the biggest errors since "Dewey Defeats Truman"

Wait ... what? Dewey didn't win?

Seriously though, what did Newsday report?
NovaCowboy said:
big win for the Eagles.... now they can negotiate a trade in the offseason and maybe get something for him.

Only if they or his new team is willing to pick-up his huge roster bonus due this offseason....

I think it is $7,000,000.
vicjagger said:
Only if they or his new team is willing to pick-up his huge roster bonus due this offseason....

I think it is $7,000,000.

The team trading for him could renegotiate his deal before the trade is ever made, sorta like we did with Galloway.
Newsday basically said that TO was going to win the arbitration. WRONG, DUMBO.
Newsday said that because all evidence pointed to it. I'd like to read the arbitrator's ruling to see what his decision was based on. I don't see NFLPA sitting pat at the decision after they go through the written document.
I seriously doubt this is done by the way...

Though I don't have a link to the actual 37 pages I will say I haven't seen anything with regards to preventing TO from using the practice facilities. I think part 2 of Owen's battle was to file a grievence when he actually is deactivated (you can't question a call before the call is made). I guess it will depend on what the Eagles do when he is deactivated. If they tell him to stay at home, he might still have a case. If he instead goes to practice and is such a disturbance, they might still release him. It's not like he's going to clear waivers to any contending team. For that matter, it's not like the Eagles will be a contending team in 2 games.

So long as TO is a good player on the field, and there is a chance we might get him, this topic is not going to die. Such is life.
NovaCowboy said:
big win for the Eagles.... now they can negotiate a trade in the offseason and maybe get something for him.

What are you dreaming about.....

He will be released right before the roster bonus is due.
playit12 said:
I seriously doubt this is done by the way...

Though I don't have a link to the actual 37 pages I will say I haven't seen anything with regards to preventing TO from using the practice facilities. I think part 2 of Owen's battle was to file a grievence when he actually is deactivated (you can't question a call before the call is made). I guess it will depend on what the Eagles do when he is deactivated. If they tell him to stay at home, he might still have a case. If he instead goes to practice and is such a disturbance, they might still release him. It's not like he's going to clear waivers to any contending team. For that matter, it's not like the Eagles will be a contending team in 2 games.

So long as TO is a good player on the field, and there is a chance we might get him, this topic is not going to die. Such is life.

If T.O. is smart he will accept the ruling and just move on after the season. To continue to fight only keeps him in a bad light and just adds fule to the fire. One of his biggest problems is he can't keep his mouth shut
Doomsday101 said:
If T.O. is smart he will accept the ruling and just move on after the season. To continue to fight only keeps him in a bad light and just adds fule to the fire. One of his biggest problems is he can't keep his mouth shut

I am not sure anyone will ever excuse him of being smart. :laugh2:
boysfanindc said:
I am not sure anyone will ever excuse him of being smart. :laugh2:

That's the truth and again part of the reason I don't want him. To learn from your mistakes takes at least an ounce of smarts and I don't think T.O. is smart and I don't think he has learned a damn thing from any of this
Well he should have, at the very least, learned the meaning of the word "NO". Heck never mind

I doubt it.
playit12 said:
I seriously doubt this is done by the way...

Though I don't have a link to the actual 37 pages I will say I haven't seen anything with regards to preventing TO from using the practice facilities. I think part 2 of Owen's battle was to file a grievence when he actually is deactivated (you can't question a call before the call is made). I guess it will depend on what the Eagles do when he is deactivated. If they tell him to stay at home, he might still have a case. If he instead goes to practice and is such a disturbance, they might still release him. It's not like he's going to clear waivers to any contending team. For that matter, it's not like the Eagles will be a contending team in 2 games.

So long as TO is a good player on the field, and there is a chance we might get him, this topic is not going to die. Such is life.

This is the point that caught my interest when listening to the story on the radio.
Someone from ESPN said that he couldn't be barred from iggles facilities and meetings based on this decision.
Of course, ESPN didn't really seem to know what they were talking about at different times today so they may be misinformed.
If not, am I the only person who thinks TO starts showing up and causing major problems in order to get waived so he can play somewhere else this year?
ESPN also claimed a sound clip of players cheering was several iggles players upon hearing the TO news today. If thats true, so much for the theory all of his teammates were on his side.
2much2soon said:
This is the point that caught my interest when listening to the story on the radio.
Someone from ESPN said that he couldn't be barred from iggles facilities and meetings based on this decision.
Of course, ESPN didn't really seem to know what they were talking about at different times today so they may be misinformed.
If not, am I the only person who thinks TO starts showing up and causing major problems in order to get waived so he can play somewhere else this year?
ESPN also claimed a sound clip of players cheering was several iggles players upon hearing the TO news today. If thats true, so much for the theory all of his teammates were on his side.
At this point, causing yet another headache for the Eagles will only hurt T.O. in the hunt for a job next year

Add to that, I'd think that the Eagles could take anything new he does here on out and suspend him AGAIN for conduct detrimental to the team.

I mean, it would be a brand new instance of bad-conduct. Why not?

Lastly, the Eagles actually have a right go after a portion of TOs signing bonus because of this. I believe that are not. If TO starts up again, they may go ahead and do that.

The little pissant is finally boxed into a corner. Finally, after getting his way out of SF and getting his way out of BALT and whining his way into creating a horsecollar rule, he doesn't get his way.


His only choice is to shut the hell up until after the season.
All this talk about TO is getting old, some of you act like he is the second coming of Jesus. TO is good but he is not that good and he is not worth the trouble anyway.
I would love to see him go back to the Eagles facility and cause more trouble. Then they could fine him again and put him out more money. Some of you people seem to forget he was repeatedly warned and he did what he wanted to anyway. I have no sypathy for that pile of excrement. If you are looking for sympathy for him you can find it in the dictionary between S#!+ and syphyliss
If anyone picks him up at his price then he will know he can get away with it and he will do the same thing. If anyone picks him up at league minimum or anything like that he will be bitter and will cause problems because he thinks he is worth so much more than the 6 million a year he is (was) getting with the Eagles.
Do you want an overpaid Prima Donna with an attitude or a bitter trouble maker?
Maybe we could all pitch in an extra $100 each per game to pay the TO what the TO thinks he is worth. :bow:
Maybe we should have a parade in honor of the TO everytime he scores? :bow:
I really thought that it was a good move for the Eagles when they got him but now I think he is more trouble than he is worth for any team. That is a key right there, this is a team sport and no it was not created and mastered by TO to honor him. Curly

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