I'm not blaming anyone. If I were, I could just as easily blame the countless idiots that listened to the media in their adoration of Tiger....the ones that buy anything Nike makes, the ones that own 3 Red Soxs jerseys and 4 Yankees hats, the ones that have likely never played golf more than twice in their lives, and the ones that have probably never watched an entire round of golf on television or in person.
I could care less about Tiger's latest indiscretions. Seriously.
I'm simply calling it how I see it. Tiger is an *******. He's a self-absorbed egomaniac, and having him represent a gentleman's game like golf is, while profitable, very wrong.
I'd much rather see golf retain it's dignity than become a media whoring sport held hostage by the goings on of one person. Golf deserve a better ambassador than Tiger Woods.
Will it happen, not likely. Just saying.