Tony on CBS **merged**

Tony started off awkward and nervous, but as the game has progressed, he has become more natural. He is best when he gets excited and starts calling things out. He called several plays before they actually happened.
He just called that last drive before it happened. Two hand offs and the rest passes, aggressive passes. And he nailed it! :)
Been listening to Tony, sounds a bit nervous and excited. Hope he does great! Gonna watch his game. Those of you watching, chime in with your thought.

Romo has been right so many times before the play is run both on offense and defensive. It's really amazing.

People will be educated in the game of football just by watching a game he calls.

I agree that he was a little nervous at first, but I'm confident he'll be one of the best with time. It will be interesting to see what Madden says about him. Like other's have said, wish he was on Fox

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