Honestly there is no question anymore.
Those Zeke supporters have the same thinking as Jerry Jones. Let that sink in for a moment.
Tony Haullard
we are more like the media and Romo stated on National TV, who cares who named the starter as long as they are getting their carries. so Zeke starts but Pollard still gets his fill..
sorry the incessive need by the fan base that in your way of thinking that needs pollard to be called RB1 is causing a fan controversy that's not there in the locker room. Pollard and Zeke are coexisting in the current setup and thats how it works.
nothing fan thinks or states matters. real fans dont care they see zeke as rb1 but see pollard as 1b and know pollard will get plenty of quality snaps now, so what your little head depth chart is making you uncomfortable??
Maybe you all don't fully understand a locker-room. pollard has zero issues not being called Rb1 as long as hes playing.
Let this sink in,
Fans support all the players, not one over the other.. you are trying to creat an issue that NOT THERE.. same thing with the Hire a real GM, LMAO just because jerry owns the title, we all know Mcclay is the true GM here , just allows jerry the spotlight..Jerry has allowed this staff and FO to make most of the decisions here and most fans see if. Those that like to create issues, well they like to whine complain and need definite titles or they cant sleep!!
Get over yourself our team is team and we support the team.