Top 5 things you would do today....

zrinkill;2358517 said:
Did you really hate Campo as a Defensive Coordinator?

I always thought we had a good Defense when he was the coordinator.

It was our Offense and Personnel moves that were horrible when he was around.
The worst times in Cowboys history that I've seen were with Campo as head coach, I don't understand why he's anywhere near the Cowboys except that he is the ultimate yes Mr. Jones sir coach.
This kinder / gentler players coach stuff has got to stop. Maybe it was good for the team last year, but that was last year! The product is broken, and from what i saw yesterday, it doesn't look like anyone is playing with any heart, save for a few!! Whether that comes from Wade's personality or what I don't know, but this is crazy! We are heading into division games here pretty quickly, and if we don't get our stuff together, I hate to say it, but there's no way we're going to beat the Giants or Washington for that matter, they already beat us, and they're improving and we're declining! I love this team, but that's what it is!

If I were the coaching staff, I would have them practicing in pads and hitting every day, no more shorts and jerseys. They haven't earned it! Something needs to be done.......anything!!!

The product is broken.........
zrinkill;2358517 said:
Did you really hate Campo as a Defensive Coordinator?

I always thought we had a good Defense when he was the coordinator.

It was our Offense and Personnel moves that were horrible when he was around.

Campo was a good D-Coordinator when he manned that position with Dallas. From 95 to 99, his Defenses ranked 9th, 3rd, 2nd, 18th and 9th. Considering how badly the talent eroded each year, he did pretty good.

People just forget that because he was a puppet head coach.
I would do some kind of mental exercise with the team. I believe everything that is happening is because of their lack of focus.

They have shown us that they have what it takes to win. Physically, they can do it. There are teams that can't physically do it, so 100% focus only gets them so far.

Just like someone posted in another thread, go back to basics. Know when the count is. No illegal motions. Make sure you hold on to the ball tight. When you tackle, wrap up.

When a team begins to gel it usually starts with their attention to the mental part of the game.

Its all between the ears.
nyc;2358463 said:
Spencer is a little big to be playing OLB in a 4-3. Who are your other DEs? Don't say Canty, Spears, Hatcher, or Bowman. They are WAY to big to play DE in a 4-3.

I actually think Bowman is perfect for the 4-3 DE....the other guys are DTs...Ratliff could play anywhere, imo.

We suck at the LB position, but I'd keep James at MLB and play Zack at WLB and Carpenter/Burnett at SLB...I thought Carpenter looked a little more aggressive on Sunday.
HomeOfLegends;2358472 said:
If I'm Jerry

1. Put Wade on notice. Not fire him now but put him on notice, the bye week is soon approaching.

2. Discuss with the coaches making a "Statement" roster move. Cutting of Pacman Jones and Tank Johnson possibly.

3. Fire Bruce Reed, just like the roster statement, you let the staff know their jobs are not safe and served up with the warning you already gave Wade this should make the point you are serious.

4. Quietly start assembling a list of possible replacements.

If I'm Wade

1. Hold a coaches only meeting. Let them know not a single job in that office is safe and we need all idea's on the table now.

2. Make a roster "statement" (see above)

3. Start practice and then about half way through call the players together, let them know changes are coming and how upset you are with them and then walk out. Yes, turn your back on the players and let them know, the result of this season is on their shoulders. All they have is each other, they better figure out a way to get it done.

4. Start looking for another job.

I fully subscribe to this course of action as it is prudent and gets the point across. Change is a comin.. You either get with it or get the %$#@ outta here.
BrAinPaiNt;2358553 said:
1. Tell the players that if you see a player not giving it all they will be inactive for a game and you will tell the press why they are being inactive for the game.

2. Pay someone to sneak into Wade's house and pour some Tabasco on his sphincter to fire him up and make him cranky.

3. Superglue the sideline bench to Stewart's butt and make him walk around like that in practice.

4. If I am Jerry I would apologize to the team for coddling them and make sure they understood that mistake will not happen again until they earn it.

5. Mandate that every player wear shock collars during practice and have officiating crews during practice. If the player has a penalty...ZZZZZTTTT they get a taste of the shock collar.

#2 - I don't care who you are that's some funny **** right there!
ABQCOWBOY;2358485 said:
Top 5 things I would do.


2. Fix our Turn Over Problem, even if it ment benching somebody.

3. Fix our Special Teams problems. Honestly, this is inexcusable. There is no reason we should not be able to run down the field and make tackles. Special Teams is about effort and discipline. Those are both coachable attributes.

4. Fix our penalty problem. I might consider going Jimmy J. on this one and just cut somebody. Again, this is just not acceptable.

5. Fix the Left Guard problem. A lot of the pressure is coming off of that position. Flozell is not playing well at LT and our Left Guard is not getting it done. We have to fix that problem.

finally,a voice of reason! You fix these five problem areas,and nobody has to call other posters "idiots" or worse,for the rest of the year....guaranteed!
BTW,the idea of Dave Campo as DC is a good one,IMO. He was a lousy head coach,but a damn good DC. That's his strength! And before you go off on him for the bad play of the secondary,consider what is left of the secondary.
sacowboysfan513;2358623 said:
I would do some kind of mental exercise with the team. I believe everything that is happening is because of their lack of focus.

They have shown us that they have what it takes to win. Physically, they can do it. There are teams that can't physically do it, so 100% focus only gets them so far.

Just like someone posted in another thread, go back to basics. Know when the count is. No illegal motions. Make sure you hold on to the ball tight. When you tackle, wrap up.

When a team begins to gel it usually starts with their attention to the mental part of the game.

Its all between the ears.

Wow,you may be on to something here! While we're at it,let's see if we can start the process for getting them ISO certified!
1-5) Replace BJ with either Bollinger, Crayton, or Stanback. Team improves 90% immediately....:thankyou:
Before I list my top 5 things, I gotta say... going to a 4-3 right now would be completely stupid.

1. Fire Wade

2. Fire Stewart

3. Fire Read

4. Beg Jimmy Johnson to come coach the team and offer him a crapload of money.

5. Ban BSPN from Valley Ranch forever.
Rack;2358764 said:
Before I list my top 5 things, I gotta say... going to a 4-3 right now would be completely stupid.

1. Fire Wade

2. Fire Stewart

3. Fire Read

4. Beg Jimmy Johnson to come coach the team and offer him a crapload of money.

5. Ban BSPN from Valley Ranch forever.


Not bad Rack. Not bad at all. I especially like #5.
Practice in pads full contact! Put MB3 back in his role of last year!
Fine players for anything and everyting!
Lower the prices on the PSLs!
1. No knee -jerk reactions.
(actually, I thought the Rams game WAS NOT going to be a pushover since they were playing better, and had drawn confidence in Hasslett. seriously, Bulger Holt and Jackson can play in this league so we really shouldn't have taken them lightly.)

2. Assess the damage. ( What are the things WE CAN CONTROL as opposed to those we have no control over like injuries ect..)

3. Attempt to stop the bleeding. The gameplan must reflect where we are actually at right now personel wise.
(To say that the offense doesn't change just because Romo is out is just stubborn idiocy)

4. Try to put this game in the rear view mirror as quickly as possible. Don't dwell on it, just learn from it.

5. Understand NO ONE has qualified for the playoffs yet. (I still believe)
Fire no one mid season. Look into it in the offseason.

Get more speed on the field, particularly on defense. When Spencer is back, start him over Ellis. Ellis really isn't providing a pass rush. Spencer can do the same (not provide one). Spencer is at least faster, more athletic... and better in coverage. So... start Spencer, until he gets hurt again.

It'd be awesome if Burnett or Carpenter could start playing well enough to take time away from James.

When Newman is back, seriously consider starting Jenkins and Newman together. Henry is getting beat repeatedly. I am confident Jenkins can muster the same level of performance. And when Jones comes back, start him and Newman (if Newman isn't hurt again). Either way, with Newman/Jones or Newman/Jenkins, we have more speed at the CB position and can't possibly be worse off when Henry is getting beat repeatedly.

And at safety, pray to god Brown or Davis can at least play at a level resembling mediocrity.

If we are going to suck on defense, at least do it with younger, faster, more athletic players.
Canadian BoyzFan;2358440 said:
Top 5 things I would do.....

5) Cut Brad Johnson-Nothing persoanal Brad, but that was embarassing and you don't belong on a NFL team any longer.

I am not against having a better back-up QB, but I do want to say one thing.

Everyone and their dog new what Brad was and what he could do last year, including Coach Jones and the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

What amazes me is the hate being spewed at Johnson for being himself. I am not gonna say he played a good game yesterday, or even a decent one. But I will say in Johnson's defense, this teams problems are not a result of Brad being our back-up. If you buy an Edsel don't piss and moan when it does not perform like a Porche.

If you want to lay blame, put it at the feet of the two who gave Brad a contract knowing he was washed up........
Tweddle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, namely Jerry and Wade:banghead:
Rack;2358764 said:
4. Beg Jimmy Johnson to come coach the team and offer him a crapload of money.

This wil never happen no matter how much money he was offered. The fundemental problem that drove Jimmy away is sill here, namely Jerry Jones. Why would Jimmy ever want to deal with Al Davis, Jr. again :(
1. Fire Stewart and make Phillips call Defensive plays. He's a defensive coach. Prove it, or he's gone end of season.

2. Cut Carpenter - his effort out there stinks (and I supported this guy for 2 years). We need a sacrificial lamb. A first rounder will do. Unless we go back to 4-3, then he gets one more shot if that is really his cup of tea (how appropriate with his silk gloves that go past elbow - puke)

3. Design plays where we can make 5-12 yards. Too much focus on big plays, which when they don't happen mean 3 and outs over and over.

4. Design plays where TO is in motion, where we use Felix at least as a decoy more often, and where we attack what is given to us. IE if TO is doubled how can they 8 man the box and cover Witten, they can't!

5. Bench guys and yell at them - call them out. Stop being their FRIENDS. Having expectations that people can play better is NOT a bad thing. It shouts YOU ARE BETTER than this. It's actually respectful. Right now we treat these guys as if they AREN'T better with all this touchy feely crap. That is why they are so fragile. It's almost like the coaches don't feel they can do it, are protecting them, and this is seeping into the psyche. It's total BS. These guys are being treated like I coach my peewee soccer team (actually softer). That's ok Johny, build that sand castle, you are trying hard, you are proud of yourself, you are a good person, blah blah blah. If these guys were pocketing my millions, I'd be foaming at the mouth. If I was pocketing millions I'd expect and accept a public arse-chewing if I played like an idiot or a pansy! Goes with territory, just like paparazzi.

DWhite Fan;2359268 said:
I am not against having a better back-up QB, but I do want to say one thing.

Everyone and their dog new what Brad was and what he could do last year, including Coach Jones and the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

What amazes me is the hate being spewed at Johnson for being himself. I am not gonna say he played a good game yesterday, or even a decent one. But I will say in Johnson's defense, this teams problems are not a result of Brad being our back-up. If you buy an Edsel don't piss and moan when it does not perform like a Porche.

If you want to lay blame, put it at the feet of the two who gave Brad a contract knowing he was washed up........
Tweddle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, namely Jerry and Wade:banghead:

You make a good point. However, it doen's make Brad Johnson play any better for us now. Release him...his career is over. Why are we keeping him? I'd rather roll with Bollinger.
Canadian BoyzFan;2359352 said:
You make a good point. However, it doen's make Brad Johnson play any better for us now. Release him...his career is over. Why are we keeping him? I'd rather roll with Bollinger.

I agree with you that they should see what Bollinger has, he sure could not do worse. I will be glad when Romo is back and healthy :(

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