Top 5 things you would do today....

fire and brimstone speech. something to remind them that at the end of the day theres glory to be won on the field, earning that playoff berth and fighting through to the superbowl. that it is not a given and that the players shouldnt take it for granted. that glory is not in being a member of a highly visual team playing for a highly visual coach, but in toughing it out on the field and bringing home victories. and that through glory comes honor. honor in having fought to reach the goal. winning the ring. its truly a destiny that each of those players, each of those coaches, every single member of that organization has in their hands to achieve. they just need to do it.

and then after the fire and brimstone speech, carry it onto the practice field. in pads. make im hit eachother awhile. no days off this week. its not punishment or practice, its honing. warriors never cease, champions never stop, they are continuously working on and honing their skills for battle.

sweat for blood, blood for glory, glory for honor.

it aint about stats or a paycheck or any of that ****, because NO ONE will remember these Cowboys if they don't carry the day on Sunday.
DWhite Fan;2359287 said:
This wil never happen no matter how much money he was offered. The fundemental problem that drove Jimmy away is sill here, namely Jerry Jones. Why would Jimmy ever want to deal with Al Davis, Jr. again :(

Shut up and let me dream, Dangit!

LarryCanadian;2359320 said:
1. Fire Stewart and make Phillips call Defensive plays. He's a defensive coach. Prove it, or he's gone end of season.

2. Cut Carpenter - his effort out there stinks (and I supported this guy for 2 years). We need a sacrificial lamb. A first rounder will do. Unless we go back to 4-3, then he gets one more shot if that is really his cup of tea (how appropriate with his silk gloves that go past elbow - puke)

3. Design plays where we can make 5-12 yards. Too much focus on big plays, which when they don't happen mean 3 and outs over and over.

4. Design plays where TO is in motion, where we use Felix at least as a decoy more often, and where we attack what is given to us. IE if TO is doubled how can they 8 man the box and cover Witten, they can't!

5. Bench guys and yell at them - call them out. Stop being their FRIENDS. Having expectations that people can play better is NOT a bad thing. It shouts YOU ARE BETTER than this. It's actually respectful. Right now we treat these guys as if they AREN'T better with all this touchy feely crap. That is why they are so fragile. It's almost like the coaches don't feel they can do it, are protecting them, and this is seeping into the psyche. It's total BS. These guys are being treated like I coach my peewee soccer team (actually softer). That's ok Johny, build that sand castle, you are trying hard, you are proud of yourself, you are a good person, blah blah blah. If these guys were pocketing my millions, I'd be foaming at the mouth. If I was pocketing millions I'd expect and accept a public arse-chewing if I played like an idiot or a pansy! Goes with territory, just like paparazzi.



In the short time he did play yesterday he looked better than Brady James. Although that isn't saying much.
1. demote brian stewart, Phillips call the plays

2. Full pads all week

3. Chew out O-line and Houck

4. Sign Ty law

5. Play Basic man coverage with safeties roaming because the can't play cover 2 for some reason

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