Toys R Us is no more

Hell, even that's too much. I ask my son and daughter-in-law to fill out the grandkids Wish List and I pick from that. They don't like it, I tell them to blame their parents. I wanted to give you guns and drugs.
I'll take a Colt 1911 and a bottle of Vicodins grandpa.
I worked there in the early 70's when the big box stores were exploding.

They kind of made you hate Christmas.

People will kill you for the latest toy.

You're right about the on-line killing them. And no ability to downsize the stores.
I was a store manager for Toys R Us while going to college in the 90s.

Kind of sad to see them fold, but not too surprising. They had a lot of issue back then as well.

I feel for you.
If you were there at a Christmas season... Ouch too many hours.
But it was a stepping stone on how to manage a store.
Toy's R Us is a victim of technology in today's society. The convenience of being able to jump on a computer at home in your comfy recliner and order just about anything you can think of is mostly to blame. Stores cannot keep up because they cannot keep the inventory necessary to be able to draw people from their homes. There's a huge lack of selection in stores. Even WalMart carries only a portion of what they offer online. And to boot, they offer free shipping without a yearly fee like Amazon does with Prime. This is why malls are becoming ghost towns and big chain stores like K-Mart, Sears and JCPenney are closing all across the country.
Well said indeed Sir !!!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
In my area, the first ToysRUs store did not get built until I was in my late 20's or early 30's so... I never got the chance... to grow up... AS A TOYSRUS KID!


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