Twitter: Training camp officially moving to Oxnard


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Before I go down this rabbit hole with you, why the hell would that matter? Is your point that you want to do things like every other team? I ask because, let me just point out here, 31 of 32 teams lose at the end of the year. 18 don't even make the playoffs so I don't really care what other teams are doing. 31 of them are doing it wrong. I am all about doing what will help you win, not what will help you be like the majority of teams in the League. Change is not always good. In fact, it's usually not good. Its usually a a sell job that ends up in failure, to be honest. But hey, everybody thinks they either know better or believes that there is one born every day.

The facilities at The Star are world class. They never need to practice outdoors, if they don't want to. The team could literally practice in a controlled environment every single day, if they wanted to. There is no need to go anywhere else, if that is what they wanted to do. They could just stay home, lord knows, they've gotten enough money to build that facility from the tax payers, they've increased the ticket prices and the merchandising enough to account for those expenditures so why do they need to go to Thousand Oaks, rent facilities, for the purpose of practicing in better temps? How exactly does that work?

Yes, I played in those temps and hotter, when I was a kid. I've coached teams in those conditions you mention and hotter. Yes, I believe in practicing in those conditions. If it didn't help you when you were a kid, I don't know what to tell you. It helped me win, I know that for a fact. So we disagree there. I don't see how making it easier for these guys helps them. What helped Jimmy win in the 90s? I don't think it was making it easier on these guys in TC. But hey, we're gonna find out real quick here. Lets see how going back to Thousand Oaks works out then come back and tell me all about it after the season.

Lets make that a plan.

No worries we ain't going down any rabbit holes. Korey Stringer knew football was tough and he signed up for it. He and his family didn't expect that he would give his life for it in a practice situation. Your outdated mentality is that it is OK to lose a few along the way as long as the rest of us are mentally tough enough to play a GAME?

I have never been a coach and coached teams to be successful but I have trained guys to perform in life and death situations in temperatures exceeding 500 degrees. And I have to ask this of them on a regular basis and they are mentally tough enough to rise to the challenge. If I can say anything with any certainty, it is that there is absolutely no benefit to putting the human body in temperatures above 98.6 degrees.

It is easy to believe that the way you were taught is the only way, but there are other ways to build mental toughness.


Regular Joe....
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No worries we ain't going down any rabbit holes. Korey Stringer knew football was tough and he signed up for it. He and his family didn't expect that he would give his life for it in a practice situation. Your outdated mentality is that it is OK to lose a few along the way as long as the rest of us are mentally tough enough to play a GAME?

I have never been a coach and coached teams to be successful but I have trained guys to perform in life and death situations in temperatures exceeding 500 degrees. And I have to ask this of them on a regular basis and they are mentally tough enough to rise to the challenge. If I can say anything with any certainty, it is that there is absolutely no benefit to putting the human body in temperatures above 98.6 degrees.

It is easy to believe that the way you were taught is the only way, but there are other ways to build mental toughness.

You call it outdated. I don't see it that way. Time will tell who is correct here. Soft teams are soft and it doesn't really matter how you sell it, end of day, your still soft.

I don't agree with you on temps. In fact, I know for a fact that it does. I've coached it, I've played it and I've trained in conditions and temps that will break you. They are designed to do just that and I'm not just talking about football. If you don't think that it makes a difference, then you go ahead and continue down that path. I know better and I know that training will make the difference. Conditioning will save your life and the mental toughness you develop over this type of training, it keeps you in the fight when most people on this planet will fold. I know this for a fact but believe what you wish.

As I said, I'll be here at the end of the season and I'll eat crow by the plate full if this soft approach proves successful but it wont. I know this, believe what you will.


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You call it outdated. I don't see it that way. Time will tell who is correct here. Soft teams are soft and it doesn't really matter how you sell it, end of day, your still soft.

I don't agree with you on temps. In fact, I know for a fact that it does. I've coached it, I've played it and I've trained in conditions and temps that will break you. They are designed to do just that and I'm not just talking about football. If you don't think that it makes a difference, then you go ahead and continue down that path. I know better and I know that training will make the difference. Conditioning will save your life and the mental toughness you develop over this type of training, it keeps you in the fight when most people on this planet will fold. I know this for a fact but believe what you wish.

As I said, I'll be here at the end of the season and I'll eat crow by the plate full if this soft approach proves successful but it wont. I know this, believe what you will.
The topic was never about conditioning it was about the heat. You can condition athletes in 80 degree weather. San Francisco has won Superbowls, LA, Green Bay, and even the Patriots have won a few Superbowls and none of them have trained in 105 temps. But you definitely know more about coaching than I do so I will just stay out of your rabbit hole.


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So you've seen something from this team that suggest to you that things have changed? I haven't, I've seen more of the same with a slightly different flavor.

I mean, TC is already watered down. It's a bunch of shells practices with no hitting. The very least you should do is condition the hell out of the team in real heat. That, to me, is one of the few benefits to TC you still have left.

More of the same.
Your point I conceed, there is no tangible evidence that anything has changed..I think we won't know till the game 5 - 7.

Plus camps are no where near as tough as say Jimmy Era.


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So you've seen something from this team that suggest to you that things have changed? I haven't, I've seen more of the same with a slightly different flavor.

I mean, TC is already watered down. It's a bunch of shells practices with no hitting. The very least you should do is condition the hell out of the team in real heat. That, to me, is one of the few benefits to TC you still have left.

More of the same.

*Get off my lawn*!!! Jesus of all the actual things to complain about this team, this is the hill that you choose to die on?? The temperature of training camp?? Lol ridiculous


Regular Joe....
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The topic was never about conditioning it was about the heat. You can condition athletes in 80 degree weather. San Francisco has won Superbowls, LA, Green Bay, and even the Patriots have won a few Superbowls and none of them have trained in 105 temps. But you definitely know more about coaching than I do so I will just stay out of your rabbit hole.

The topic is training camp. That's about conditioning. I mean, how are you suggesting that anybody take you serious if you are going simple obvious truths?

I don't know if I know more or not, but I do know what I know. You can accept it or not, doesn't matter to me. I've already told you, we are going to find out soon. Don't get lost when we do, I won't, then we'll see what's what.


Regular Joe....
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*Get off my lawn*!!! Jesus of all the actual things to complain about this team, this is the hill that you choose to die on?? The temperature of training camp?? Lol ridiculous

The Hill to die on?



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I use to live right across the street from the river ridge when I was station in the military there. I can remember seeing Tony Romo out for his morning jog down vineyard road and he would wave at you while running bye. He is actually a big guy in person. I always liked ol' #9. Good guy for sure.


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I’ve been on vacation in California for 2 weeks and when going from Santa Barbara to Malibu I saw Oxnard. If I were a player I’d take that spot. Good times. I’m trying anything to delay my return to Texas heat


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Nobody forced Stringer to go to camp. Nobody is forcing any of these guys to play professional football. If I die in my truck, tomorrow, on my way to work, are you gonna try and say that there should be a law about going into work? I seriously doubt it. So you can throw out Stringer or anybody else you want, I don't care. Nobody is making anybody play football. You don't like the business, get out of it.

Stringer died not because of football, but that old school coach mentality that if he thought you were slacking, hed run your arse off and withold water. The days of being stupid are over. The body is a machine, and it must be respected or stuff like Stringer happens. How many teams now play in air conditioned stadiums? How many teams are playing in 100 degree heat? The NFL is a business now that demands luxury box seats and comfortable conditions for fans, which means same for players.

49er games SUCK in their new stadium because the avg blue collar worker gets stuck on the east side of the stadium for 1:25 kickoffs and the sun is BLASTING those poor ba$tards all game... most people hate it.


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Dogs travel……

The softness perception (I agree) is based on the last administration perceptions and results.. Garrett Era.

McCarthy has not been afforded a full Offseason for reasons known to ALL.

I doubt location of training is the reason Garrett had a soft team
were we soft when we were cramming the ball down teams throats with Zeke?


Regular Joe....
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Stringer died not because of football, but that old school coach mentality that if he thought you were slacking, hed run your arse off and withold water. The days of being stupid are over. The body is a machine, and it must be respected or stuff like Stringer happens. How many teams now play in air conditioned stadiums? How many teams are playing in 100 degree heat? The NFL is a business now that demands luxury box seats and comfortable conditions for fans, which means same for players.

49er games SUCK in their new stadium because the avg blue collar worker gets stuck on the east side of the stadium for 1:25 kickoffs and the sun is BLASTING those poor ba$tards all game... most people hate it.

That's your opinion. It's not mine.