Travis Frederick looks like best lineman since Larry Allen

Travis Frederick just pushes people around. He is a bully :cool:
Ok... but it really burns me up when people jump on posters who are excited about the team that we are all supposed to be rooting for but shoot venemous barbs at anyone who disagree's with their disparaging remarks... my apologies. I still reserve the right to enjoy this win... :D

Settle down..all it will take is no running game this week, Romo sacked 5 or 6 times and a big L, and every post will be about how this line is garbage again.

this was in response to the unedited post.
Gurode was one of the most physically dominant centers in the NFL for a while, but it took him a very long time to understand the mental side of the game. Those few years where he "got it" before his agility started to decline he was considered by most to be top 3 in the NFL, if not the very best.

What makes Frederick so exciting is the fact that he's grasped the mental aspect of the game so well as a rookie while also being one of the biggest and strongest players at his position.

No argument here counselor!

One thing Gurode proved to us is that when it comes to offensive linemen, it can take 3-5 years before they truly blossom.

Nate Newton and Kevin Gogan was that way also. While we are at it, you can throw in Mark Tuenei as well.

So when you get a Travis Frederick, the great Erik Williams, or the great HOF'er Larry Allen, you count your blessings.
Boy, come to think of it, wouldn't it had been nice if Travis Frederick relieved Ray Donaldson at the center position 17 years ago instead of ...

... (cough cough) Clay Shiver?
Frederick is the base of offensive line. The center is where you start a line and we have a good one.
I really wish this was working for me. sadface


Having trouble editing my original post, so here you go
he will only get stronger with woicik and better b/c he has work ethic and intelligence.
Frederick deserves a great handle...consider ing what he does best...

Having trouble editing my original post, so here you go

Great post theogt and thanks for that gif dbonham.

I dub Travis Frederick as "The Bison"

He plays like a bison and has the same type of beard as a bison. And much like the history of the bison - Great centers were near extinction around here.

Here's from the Bison fact sheets on the parks website - Seems like a strong comparison between Frederick and a bison:

- "Longest hairs on beard"

- "For their size, bison are agile and quick"

- "moves with surprising strength and speed to defend their young" (such as Frederick pushing in our youngin' RB in the above gif - Very "Bison-Like")

If you search Frederick's draft pic or any pic and look at it side-by-side with a front view close-up of a bison face - you may see what I mean with that beard...It's an amazing resemblance. ;)
Who would you like to see him take catches away from?

I don't care who it takes a few catches away from. I just want to see him utilized a bit more is all. As much as the Cowboys throw the football I'm sure they can find a way to get him a little more involved. That's all I'm saying.
Has Travis had a bad shot gun snap yet? We are usually good for a few of those a year
Bite me (us)! Everyone wants to be negative around here so when a little positive comes in here you have to try and stomp on it? How about you go to some other board and let us enjoy some enthusiasm for once.

I'm actually always optimistic, but some comparisons need to be held off for a while. LA is one of the GOATS at his position.
Hope Frederick plucks some birds feathers today when we play the eagles.

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