Trent Dilfer on Jason Garrett


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Actually he’s best suited for HC. His number one trait is communication and leadership which is most important role of HC rather than coordinator.

I think he honestly could succeed his mentor Saban at Alabama and crush it. His leadership would translate most to the college level. Plus he’s actually really smart at X’s and O’s. He just chooses to be risk adverse which can cost you in big games.

This is actually a very reasonable, rationale take.

But it will likely get ignored or crapped on by CZ because folks here are so emotionally wrapped up in literally hating Jason Garrett with every fiber of their being as if he kicked their dog or punched their sister or committed some other personal crimes against them.


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If he is as instantly employable as this suggests and is as good a coach as this suggests and has his hands tied by JJ as this suggests then why the hell would HE want to stay HERE?


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Garrett is well respected
He will get another shot and could very well be successful
All that ails this team is not Garrett
I can’t honestly say all this staff is Garrett’s fault but much is, especially special teams
I think for this team is well past time to move on but I’m not a Garrett hater as some are. I wish him well and hope he is successful except against us


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I can see where he would be respected as a man, but I am not buying he is respected as a head coach. Just look as his decisions during games. Who can't see how bad he is a game management?


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I think Garrett's coaching style would work well in a "lunch pail" environment like Pittsburgh or Kansas City, etc...


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If he is as instantly employable as this suggests and is as good a coach as this suggests and has his hands tied by JJ as this suggests then why the hell would HE want to stay HERE?

That subject was actually brought up and discussed on a recent podcast.

Considering that the Cowboys actively looked into replacing him last season, made him coach out the 'lame duck' year of his contract, and have already started looking into replacing him this year, it's reasonable to think that Garrett might not want to return.


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I’ve said it before.

I would actually like it if Jerry were to put Garrett in the front office, to act as a front office check on his worst impulses. Garrett would make a good GM I believe. Due to his communication and consistency and level headedness.

But I don’t like his lack of flexibility and willingness to adjust as a head coach.

I do think his skill set is better suited to be a front office executive than head coach. It would not surprise me to see him in that role someday.


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I interpret is Garrett is a good guy, a good person and respected as a man. But as a Head Coach? That's something different.

He’d be a good coach for a team with lesser expectations. Jets, Lions, Commanders etc. Lower expectations, lower standards.

He just doesn’t seem to have what it takes to thrive in a Dallas, New England, Green Bay etc.

Some teams would be happy to be 9-7 and make the playoffs once in a while.


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I’ve said it before.

I would actually like it if Jerry were to put Garrett in the front office, to act as a front office check on his worst impulses. Garrett would make a good GM I believe. Due to his communication and consistency and level headedness.

But I don’t like his lack of flexibility and willingness to adjust as a head coach.

I do think his skill set is better suited to be a front office executive than head coach. It would not surprise me to see him in that role someday.

Would not surprise me at all if Jerry actually offers him a chance to stay as an assistant GM now or return if wanna continue coaching elsewhere. I'm not sure there's one person outside the Jones family Jerry or Stephen would trust to run this team other than Jason.


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He’d be a good coach for a team with lesser expectations. Jets, Lions, Commanders etc. Lower expectations, lower standards.

He just doesn’t seem to have what it takes to thrive in a Dallas, New England, Green Bay etc.

Some teams would be happy to be 9-7 and make the playoffs once in a while.

fair point. agreed.


Fattening up
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I’m not sure what to make if this quote. I mean, it says exactly what I’ve said all along on this topic, but that would mean Trent Dilfer is a vile disgusting homer who needs to get help and who only says the things he says for attention and because he’s too stubborn to budge from his agenda.

But the thing is, I like Trent. It seems kind of juvenile to call him all those names when he’s just relating the truth to people who don’t hear it. I’m really torn.


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I'm sure Garrett is a liked and respected guy, which is why I don't get the vitriol and imagined personal grudges some have for him. There is no reason to believe he isn't a good guy who works hard.

But, he hasn't got the job done, and he has had ample time. I'm sure many or most of those people that like and respect Garrett would admit to that. There just comes a point a team needs to go in another direction.