Trey Lance fined $22,511 for unnecessary roughness

I mean, it’s not George Teague defending the Star, but in this season it’s about the best thing that’s anyone’s done. So… wtg Trey?
What misdirection?

Your words are pretty clear. Unless you're going to claim that calling someone a troll is a compliment rather than an insult....

Seems ludicrous but then again you've defended Dak for years so you're liable to say some crazy stuff.....
Calling someone a troll is not an insult. It's a word describing what you have been doing...

Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to deliberately upset others. In short: Trolling is when someone deliberately tries to upset others online.Jun 13, 2024 › trolling

Trolling | What does trolling mean? - eSafety Commis
[COLOR=var(--YLNNHc)]: a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. Internet trolls. In the late 1980s, Internet users adopted the word "troll" to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities.[/COLOR] › ...

[COLOR=var(--JKqx2)]Troll Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster[/COLOR]


That's you. ^^^^

Nothing insulting about calling one a troll when the definition clearly defines that poster's intent and posting history.

Sadly, the first time I've seen this play.... couldn't bear to watch the rest of that game last week. Doesn't seem like a play worthy of a fine... but then again... this team has just given up. So, who cares. The NFL is horrible now. Don't care one bit. See what happens after summer, or not...
Calling someone a troll is not an insult. It's a word describing what you have been doing...

Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to deliberately upset others. In short: Trolling is when someone deliberately tries to upset others online.Jun 13, 2024 › trolling

Trolling | What does trolling mean? - eSafety Commis

[COLOR=var(--YLNNHc)]: a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. Internet trolls. In the late 1980s, Internet users adopted the word "troll" to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities.[/COLOR] › ...

[COLOR=var(--JKqx2)]Troll Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster[/COLOR]


That's you. ^^^^

Nothing insulting about calling one a troll when the definition clearly defines that poster's intent and posting history.

you do realize that you called another poster a troll, because he said Dak was "pretending to be a quarterback"

I just noted your insult. I wasn't the original target of it.

You insult and attack so many people for having a different opinion than you, you can't even keep track. :laugh:

if there's constant friction between you and everyone who sees things differently, maybe we need to consider the common denominator......
you do realize that you called another poster a troll, because he said Dak was "pretending to be a quarterback"

I just noted your insult. I wasn't the original target of it.

You insult and attack so many people for having a different opinion than you, you can't even keep track. :laugh:

if there's constant friction between you and everyone who sees things differently, maybe we need to consider the common denominator......
Once again, read slowly...

It's not an insult to call someone for what they are doing:

"he said Dak was "pretending to be a quarterback"
Calling out someone's actions is not an insult. Got it or don't you like holding one accountable for their actions?
It's not an insult to call someone for what they are doing:
So then why do you get testy when people call out Dak for poor play?
don't you like holding one accountable for their actions?
Don't you like holding players accountable for performance?

most adults can debate without making it personal. You can't.

I just enjoy pointing that out.
Cheers mate.
Looks like he was trying to dodge a block by Isaiah Rodgers so he could get to Blankenship.

I'm enjoying the back and forth. Keep it coming.
That's unreal. Does anyone else think Lance would be a good tight end / wide receiver? I think he should consider it.
I think he has possibilities at WR - but I very much doubt he’d be open to the idea.

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