Trying to win with a QB who can’t run and is slow

The reason why everyone can't like the way Dak plays football. Start with that one. lol
I gave you numerous reasons. Some say they hate him personally, some say that he’s greedy, some say they hate how he looks, some say they hate he took Romo’s job….not sure which reason you looking for there a bunch.
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Let's see, Buffalo, KC, Cincy, San Fran, Philly..... Neither one of them had anything to play for, did they mail it in? Good teams don't do that.
those teams are actually better than Dallas. If we lose to any of them this tip your cap.

If we beat anyone not named Philly or San Fran this postseason run...then this was a successful postseason run. If we beat either San Fran or Philly....we have overachieved. to the OC about that and his play calling. The Commanders will say "We knew what they were trying to do."
Ugh. Been hearing that from other teams since Garrett became OC. In the 2000s.
Will it never end?
But yeah, they look predictable to me too.
The play calls are predictable. And then what happens within the play is predictable.
I don't feel like we're doing much play action. Anyone got stats?
I'm not a big fan of the pistol handoffs to a static back either, or the dump off passes to a static back.
It's the divergence between what you have to do for the different possibilities that puts a defender in a bind. Few options, and options that give you more time to adjust are just easier to deal with.
Years ago it seemed like Moore would be a new McVeigh, with fast moving misdirection putting defenders in a bind. But it looks more like GarrettBall these days. Predictable. Few options. Slow developing. Little misdirection.
Really, entirely the opposite of the offense that was roaring in a few games as they were trying to sign Dak. So much play action passing. Into *quick* passing to receivers on the move. "Let 'er rip", and Kitna counseled Dak.
I am convinced Dak's biggest problems are mental. Does anyone remember Steve Sax, who played for the Dodgers and Yankees? He was considered one of the better fielding 2nd basemen in baseball until one day he couldn't make an ordinary throw to 1st base. He'd field a ground ball and with plenty of time to throw 40 feet to the 1st baseman he would throw it wildly almost anywhere but at the first basemen. He had something like 30 throwing errors in one year. They dubbed it the Steve Sax Syndrome, and it is all mental.

Can a QB develop a similar ailment? Yesterday Dak was having difficulty throwing simple passes to the RBs in the flat. On one 3rd down play he had Pollard wide open and Dak threw it in the dirt. I have no idea why he was so off yesterday, but he was clearly struggling to hit his receivers running routine routes. Was Dak rattled for some reason? Or is he struggling with a mental condition similar to the yips in golf? If there is nothing wrong with him physically then the only explanation for a performance like yesterday has got to be mental. Who knows what is going on in Dak's head but let's hope it is a one game thing.

At the same time, I am getting sick of hearing Dak say it will get fixed, and it will not happen again, only to see him do the same thing the following week. Every week he says the same thing. Dak should just say I played poorly and leave it at that. We know he has to play better. We know he is trying. But that is not good enough. Words don't mean a thing. It is clear at this point he has no control over the INTs and he cannot stop doing it so why say it will stop? Just play better or shut up. The problem for Dallas is Dak seems to be getting worse every year.

I am convinced it is mental with Dak because he will play so poorly for a quarter in some games then have a HoF performance for the rest of the game. What changed? It cannot be physical and it never was with Dak despite all the excuses of bad shoulders, bad ankles, bad thumbs, etc. I am surprised the Cowboys did not rollout the hyperextended knee as an excuse after yesterday's game.
I've thought the same thing for many years. I think a sports physiologist could help him. I couldn't stand the Dodgers but a did feel sorry for Sax, it was hard not to. John Smoltz went from a very good pitcher to an elite one with the help of a SP.

I've witnessed mental toughness on a personal level. My daughter played on an elite travel team that competed on the national level and was the best 2-strike hitter I've ever seen. She told me she preferred being down in the count because it made her focus more. I remember one game where she fouled off 9 straight balls before driving a double in the gap. She was also the best bunter, whether it be a suicide play or just moving runners in a close game. When many other girls got 2 strikes on them, you just knew they were done. You could just see it in their body language.

All these years later and I am still envious of her mental fortitude. She never ceases to amaze me on how strong she is.

Sorry about the long personal tangent, but I do think you're on to something. I do believe his problems are between his ears and a SP is definitely worth a shot.
The Rodgers that helped his team win 4 straight just to even have a chance to get into the playoffs? The Hurts that helped lead his team to a 14-1 record in the games he played and secure the #1 seed?

So Rodgers had a better year than Dak?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it’s a team game. When we blow a team out it’s team game. When we lose it’s Daks fault. He played like total crap. So did the rest of the team. The ST put us in a hole from the jump. 2 lost fumbles and made a rookie qb look like a stud.

People say we aren’t getting sacks anymore because they figured out Quinn’s Defense. How so. Is Quinn slowing the DE’s down to help with the run or are teams getting rid of it faster. Is there any proof of teams getting rid of it faster. And if they are then why is the secondary not playing closer.

So Rodgers had a better year than Dak?

Rodgers 350 of 542 64.6% comp % 3,695 yards 26 td's 4.8% td % 12 int's 2.2% int % 91.1 qb rating 39.4 qbr

Dak 261 of 394 66.2% comp % 2,860 yards 23 td's 5.8% td % 15 int's 3.8% int % 91.1 qb rating 58.3 qbr

Statistically speaking they both played like crap but then again conversing with you is like pissing into a hurricane.
I think it's quite obvious. Prescott is fairly limited in terms of actual ability to play the quarterback position. His work rate, commitment and desire to maximise his potential propels his level of performance however the aforementioned point is why he is inconsistent. Some days he will play really well and appear to be a very good quarterback yet other days not so much - he will play more like a backup quarterback. His lack of actual ability is why he's inconsistent and so this is as good as it will get. Given the RPOs and the threat of his wheels in 2016 - I would much prefer that version of Prescott to his current state.
Rodgers 350 of 542 64.6% comp % 3,695 yards 26 td's 4.8% td % 12 int's 2.2% int % 91.1 qb rating 39.4 qbr

Dak 261 of 394 66.2% comp % 2,860 yards 23 td's 5.8% td % 15 int's 3.8% int % 91.1 qb rating 58.3 qbr

Statistically speaking they both played like crap but then again conversing with you is like pissing into a hurricane.
So Dak had better overall stats AND a much better W/L record?

And you STILL tried to paint the picture that Rodgers has been better this year?????


LOL! As usual, your football opinions are complete and utter garbage.
It was probably the o line fault or the receiver or the weather or maybe, just maybe, it was an ill thought out and boneheaded decision to throw the ball
Geeez yet another Dak shot ?

What's next ? A QB who cannot handle the shotgun snap ? ... or shoot pool table ?
D AK is accurate the problem is he is off too much. He has bad games. DAK is above average Runner he is not elite. In my version the problem is not being mentally prepared to often during this season.
Oh I got you . . . Dak is accurate. . . Just not all the Time . . . It comes and goes . . . Sometimes He is . . . Other times "Just a bad day"

Could you imagine if they judged the accuracy of a Sniper in this way . . . Or even the guy who throws knives at the Circus
It was probably the o line fault or the receiver or the weather or maybe, just maybe, it was an ill thought out and boneheaded decision to throw the ball

Here you go . . . The Dak Trifecta all rolled into one play

He stares down the Wide Receiver . . . He still is late with the release . . . Then there is slight pressure He panics and he breaks protocol . . . Then he throws it to the side of the field that he didn't even look at the entire play

Meanwhile Dak Fan boys are crying that no one is getting open and the O Line can not block

Mind boggling
I am convinced Dak's biggest problems are mental. Does anyone remember Steve Sax, who played for the Dodgers and Yankees? He was considered one of the better fielding 2nd basemen in baseball until one day he couldn't make an ordinary throw to 1st base. He'd field a ground ball and with plenty of time to throw 40 feet to the 1st baseman he would throw it wildly almost anywhere but at the first basemen. He had something like 30 throwing errors in one year. They dubbed it the Steve Sax Syndrome, and it is all mental.

Can a QB develop a similar ailment? Yesterday Dak was having difficulty throwing simple passes to the RBs in the flat. On one 3rd down play he had Pollard wide open and Dak threw it in the dirt. I have no idea why he was so off yesterday, but he was clearly struggling to hit his receivers running routine routes. Was Dak rattled for some reason? Or is he struggling with a mental condition similar to the yips in golf? If there is nothing wrong with him physically then the only explanation for a performance like yesterday has got to be mental. Who knows what is going on in Dak's head but let's hope it is a one game thing.

At the same time, I am getting sick of hearing Dak say it will get fixed, and it will not happen again, only to see him do the same thing the following week. Every week he says the same thing. Dak should just say I played poorly and leave it at that. We know he has to play better. We know he is trying. But that is not good enough. Words don't mean a thing. It is clear at this point he has no control over the INTs and he cannot stop doing it so why say it will stop? Just play better or shut up. The problem for Dallas is Dak seems to be getting worse every year.

I am convinced it is mental with Dak because he will play so poorly for a quarter in some games then have a HoF performance for the rest of the game. What changed? It cannot be physical and it never was with Dak despite all the excuses of bad shoulders, bad ankles, bad thumbs, etc. I am surprised the Cowboys did not rollout the hyperextended knee as an excuse after yesterday's game.
Well that's it Dak is a syzoid . . . Have Him spend the lwhole offseason in a straight Jacket and a padded room and then see How he plays next offseason

:flagwave: How 'Bout Dem Cowboys
I feel like a big part of the 40 million dollar deal that Dak got was because of his mobility. Now it feels like week after week the opposing QBs is doing damage with their legs as Dak stands motionless in the pocket.

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