vta;1226273 said:
Because you tried to draw a conclusion about my opinion that I'm unable to give him the benefit of the doubt. I have had is past tense... this seasons follies hasn't been much of problem as far as I've been concerned.
As the season goes on, i.e., after a great streak of games a bad game arises and he acts like a child, it's obvious he can't change. Act more like a teammate than a child who's been wronged.
As for MLK comparisons, let's see:
MLK was shot to death, basically sacrificng himself for the betterment of a segment of society.
TO get's millions to play a game, derides his co workers and complains when things don't go his way.
Yes he similarities are glaring.
When did he act like a child ?
And I never said TO = MLK
I just said he, like many other young African American males draw inspiration and encouragement from MLK quotes.
He is lifting up MLK as a mentor or someone he admires, he is not comparing himself to MLK nor his situation to MLK's.
Attacking him for every little thing he says or does impacts your credibility. Pick your battles and then maybe your complaints make sense.
But to find fault for everything is hard to buy.
It reveals your opinion as biased.
I realize you don't like TO, like many others on this board, but give him credit where credit is due and then find fault where you see it.
I can respect that.