Two Questions for the Board

Redball Express

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If you watched Rivers the last few games of the season, you would probably not be interested in him as QB considering Dak is the likely solution there.

I think McCarthy and Moore are going to make Jarwin as a weapon a high priority for the offense. Hopefully his blocking will improve.
Keeping Witten off the roster is the only way to get new players involved.

Having him was great, but now due to lose of speed he is basically a blocker which needs to be upgraded in this new offense.

There are a good number of TEs in this draft to be selected..just do it.

As for Rivers, I do not go there.

You need to accept signing Dak to his new deal and move on. The Jones have told the entire football world Dak is our guy.

So do it and let's see. Every team that thinks it is vying for a title will have to deal with paying their QB.

We are just one of many teams faced with these decisions.

Fastpitch Dad

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I think the idea of signing a Vet who is a proven winner in the NFL is a really good idea for this team. It makes all the sense in the world, based on our current situation but I don't think Rivers is the answer. The idea is solid IMO, but the player is wrong. I don't believe Rivers is the right guy for our Offense.

The idea of TEs who block well and catch the ball are like unicorns anymore. Jarwin is no exception. He isn't a great inline blocker IMO. Honestly, we don't have one of those on the team any longer.
Very good post.

agree with everything you wrote.

Fastpitch Dad

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No, no, and hell no on Rivers. Nice career, but its over.

As for Jarwin, I don;t think McCarthy will put as much of a premium on blocking TEs. But Jarwin is not the only problem. The Cowboys receivers are bad blockers in general. I don;t think they have a good blocker in their receiving corps. The last one they had was Dez. If you watch a good running team you will see WRs that can block well. This is one reason the Cowboys can't run outside very well. Its why WR screens and other short routes don't work. Their receivers don't seem to be able to hold their blocks and keep defenders from swarming the ball. It will be interesting to see what McCarthy does with Dallas. He loves those bubble screens but to execute them the free WR has to be able to block downfield. McCarthy is going to be pulling his hair out with the Cowboys. I can see Noah Brown getting some playing time if he is still around.
Terrence Williams was an amazing blocker too. With him and Dez on the field, you were gettting quality blocking out of the wr position.


Since 1971
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Keeping Witten off the roster is the only way to get new players involved.

Having him was great, but now due to lose of speed he is basically a blocker which needs to be upgraded in this new offense.

There are a good number of TEs in this draft to be selected..just do it.

As for Rivers, I do not go there.

You need to accept signing Dak to his new deal and move on. The Jones have told the entire football world Dak is our guy.

So do it and let's see. Every team that thinks it is vying for a title will have to deal with paying their QB.

We are just one of many teams faced with these decisions.
Witten should not be brought back. He WAS a great player and is no longer as productive as needed.


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They think Dalton, Tannehill, Rivers and Stafford amongst others as well. The embarrass themselves every time they post.
The real embarrassment is your constant Dak love posts. Dak is pretty much the same QB as the ones you just named give or take a little.


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Most of you are far better attuned to salary cap stuff than I am, so the first question deals with that, namely, does the availability of Philip Rivers change any of the thinking on Dak? That is, is there any scenario in which paying Rivers in the short term while looking to draft a QB in the long term ---then letting Dak go---make sense?

The second is Blake Jarwin. The knock I constantly hear on him is he doesn't block as well as Witten or doesn't block well at all. It seems there isn't much question that he is a playmaker with the ball and has real talent as a WR. So my question is, have any of you seen film or closely looked at his blocking? Is he that bad? Is he getting mauled? Whiffing? Poor technique? I once heard that blocking by a FB or WR is all about will (I think Michael Irvin said that), that anyone could block if they put their mind to it.

Is Jarwin worth committing to as a #1 TE and get him to block?
Your best chance of survival is hitching yourself to another team... hopefully you won't have to wait 50 years like Chief fans to win Superbowl


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Well he’s brought us NFL Rookie of the Year, 2 time NFL Pro Bowler and within 1 yard of the Cowboys all time passing yardage record. Uh hem.
And all that means nothing, almost doesn’t get it and 7th alternate doesn’t amount to crap. The only place the sad participation awards mean anything is in Dak land. The only thing that matters is 8-8 but like you say over and over it’s not poor Daks fault it is the rest of the teams fault.


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I think more or less his desire is gone, which leads to poor play. I could be wrong but that's what it looks like.

The Fonz

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It will be a bad mistake to sign Dak he is nothing but an average bus driver.


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Absolutely no on Rivers. Like it or not, unless we want to have 1-2 years minimum of suckitude while we hope to be bad enough to draft a premium QB, we have to hold on to Dak.

Jarwin is definitely not a good blocker, and while I think he's a pretty good passing TE, I am not certain he's skilled enough there to warrant his lack of blocking. He's fine as a number 2 or complementary TE. I have no problem letting Witten walk. I will admit Witten is one of my favorite Cowboys of all time, and was a phenomenal 2-way TE. We aren't likely to find another as good as he was, but if we do let him walk we should look to the draft to get another.


Regular Joe....
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That's an easily proven lie.

Witten in 2019 was good for 525 yards, 4 TDs, and an 8.4 average per catch.

Donald Lee in 2007? 575 yds, 6 TDs, 12 yd average. Better, easily.

Jermichael Finley in 2009? 676 yds, 5 TD, 12.3 avg. Better, easily.

Finley in 2011? 767 yds, 8 TD, 13.9 avg. Better by a mile.

Finley in 2012? 667 yds and 10.9 avg are both easily better, though he scored a couple less TDs.

Richard Rodgers in 2015? He had 15 fewer yards, but he scored 8 TDs and had a better average. I'd take that over Witten's 2019 too.

We are talking about catches and targets I thought. How big a part of the Offense is the TE in McCarthy's scheme. Again, Witten's worst season vs the best in the entire time McCarthy has been in the league. We aren't talking about a TE who has posted a thousand yards and 20 TDs. So the question here is exactly how big a part of the Offense is the TE really in McCarthy's scheme.

Catches and Targets. That's what suggest how big a part of the Offense the TE in terms of the Scheme. Results are a different measure. This is not about Witten. This is about the TE in McCarthy's Offense. Figure it out.