UFOs Are They Real?


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Do you believe in UFOs??? (Unidentified Flying Objects-Flying Saucers.)
Throughout the ages many people on this planet have written, talked and claimed
to have seen them...Even though there are thousands of witnesses, reports,
pictures, film, paintings, documents, books, movies and lectures from various individuals
including scientist, this worlds' governments,(for the most part,)universally deny
the UFOs' very existence....the evidence is abundant... the verdict is far from clear.

Some say UFOs are extraterrestrial...Others say they can only be manmade
technology...And a few even suggest UFOs are visiting us from other
dimensions or even from our own future!

People in all walks of life still insist that they have either seen this phenomena, or have
had direct communication (in one form or another) with the occupants of these aerial
craft....Are UFOs real?..or.. Is it really all just a hoax?...Could it be
an enormous planetary delusion??

All I can say for now is... "Watch The Skies!" ...


Kellen Moore baby
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I don't believe in UFOs reaching earth (no offense, Martian :)), but I do believe in alien life, and perhaps alien life that predates our evolution from bi-pedal primates to what we are today, and thereby, it's feasible they have reached a higher level of intelligence, reason, and technology.

If they were able to reach us, we would know for certain of their existence and their presence wouldn't be such a secret. Roswell wouldn't be a one-off. The pyramids a one-off, Nazca Lines, etc.

Stephen Hawking postulates that one of mankinds biggest threats is that of alien life making it here and exterminating us. Surely, if aliens have the ability to reach us, from such far distances (outside our solar system/Milky Way/galaxy), they would have incredible technology and able to do with us as they pleased.

Now, in the literal sense, yes there are UFOs. Stealth Fighters/Bombers at one point were UFOs. As were B-52s before and during WWll.

Lots of top-secret aerospace technology is not revealed to the public, but must be tested in our skies.
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...I agree there may be quite a bit of military UFOs in the skies these days; but it doesn't quite explain the sightings before man had the capability of flight...jus' sayin'....and I don't wanna hear 'bout no "freakin' balloons either!...lol


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Ha! There's an entire forum thread dedicated to u.f.o.'s
Over @ above top secret

,,, that "TRB-2" triangle floating silent thing? ,,couldn't tell you,,, nor about the u.s. governments 'space command' listing of never seen ships, and officer rankings/names.
But,,, if either one of you two laid witness to what myself and a (17 y.o. at that time) girlfriend got hit with one November evening you TOO WOULD HOLD A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW ON SUCH THINGS!
I Garrett tee you that.


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Its only a matter of time when our camera technology can zoom in at great distances. We need to see the detail of one up close in 8k HD. A lot of the ufos can be seen using infrared technology. Maybe in 10 years or so, the technology will get us there.


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I'm with @Trouty
Definitely believe there's life out there. Don't believe it has reached Earth or made contact.
As for ufos I think they're probably military technology that isn't publicly acknowledged

Well the military would have to have some kind of robotic entity flying one, because the human body can't withstand the g-force.


Slanje Va
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Well the military would have to have some kind of robotic entity flying one, because the human body can't withstand the g-force.
It's not something I've done any research into or anything so I'm not claiming to be knowledgeable on the subject. I don't see why if there was extraterrestrial life capable of crossing space to get here they wouldn't make themselves known be it friendly or otherwise. Unless of course they've been in reconnaissance mode and we're all ****ed shortly


Regular Joe....
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I think it's mathematically impossible to believe that there is no other life out there. Are they visiting us? I don't know but I will say this, in 1947, my Grandad was stationed in Roswell. He never said that he saw a UFO but he did say that something happened and it wasn't a weather balloon. Who knows for sure but he was not a stupid guy so I trust him that the whole truth was not told.


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Well, if alien life did somehow find earth--like finding the proverbial needle in a galaxy, not just a haystack :)--they would most likely predate us technology-wise by several million years. And that's if they travel at the speed of light or better.


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...I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime.....One a bright orb at night, and the other also at night....it was very much like this topics opening introduction picture!...
It was very close, and very large....I know it doesn't look like it, but the first thought that came to mind was....the "Starship Enterprise" lol....and if it was a military craft ,(and that is a possibility) then it was rigged for "silent running,"...not the slightest sound from such a large craft!...That was in 2014 by the way, about 10:45 pm ....right over my freaking house".....cool eh?:omg:


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Well, if alien life did somehow find earth--like finding the proverbial needle in a galaxy, not just a haystack :)--they would most likely predate us technology-wise by several million years. And that's if they travel at the speed of light or better.
..So!......what do you mean "IF?"...;)


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..So!......what do you mean "IF?"...;)
I just don't see with the vastness of it all, why they would specifically spend a million years traveling to find us....and that may not even be enough even they have the technology.
That's all.

I think some lose sight of the absolute scale. I mean, fill from here to the edge of our solar system (not to the moon or mars, but 100X that) with sand and pick one tiny grain of sand. That still wouldn't get us there on how small earth is.

Just filling a global area with the diameter of measly little Dallas, with sand, and then searching for "that grain" would take many thousands of years of searching years...lol
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