Under the Cap? No Way!

AdamJT13;2088737 said:
I don't have any of the official numbers on the new contracts yet, so I'm just going by what has been reported. And both players reportedly got signing bonuses of $12 million. Most likely, they'll also get their minimum base salaries this season. If that's correct, and if there is no other money paid to them this season (such as a roster bonus), then Newman's new contract will cost us $1,188,583 of cap room, and Barber's new contract will SAVE us $42,000 of cap room. So combined, they'd cost us only $1,146,583 of cap room.

For Newman, his old base salary was $1,416,417. That likely will be $605,000 now, and his new bonus proration would be $2 million. His old salary disappears, and his new charges of $2.605 million are only $1,188,583 more than his old salary. His previous bonus proration stays the same.

For Barber, his RFA tender was $2.562 million. His salary is likely to be $520,000 now, and his bonus proration would be $2 million. So his new cap number would be $2.52 million, compared to his old cap number of $2.562 million.

Thanks Adam. You still seem like a mathmagician to me but I feel a little reassured. I'd still like to understand it better tho if you feel like tutoring an assistant.
May 20, 2008
Romo helps out
8:46 PM Tue, May 20, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Todd Archer E-mail News tips
In order to get Terence Newman and Marion Barber signed to these long-term extensions, the Cowboys had to create some salary-cap room so they went to Tony Romo.

The quarterback agreed to restructure his contract, but it didn't cost him a penny. In fact, it put some money in his pocket now instead of later. The Cowboys turned Romo's $6.5 million base salary into signing bonus, dropping the 2008 base salary to $605,000.

Instead of carrying a cap figure of $8.416 million this year, Romo's new cap number is almost $3.5 million, hence a saving of about $5 million and enough room to get Newman and Barber done and then some when added to the roughly $3.5 million they already had.

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The entry "Romo helps out" is tagged: Marion Barber , Terence Newman , Tony Romo
I know im new here, but the cowboys just did exactly what i said the were going to do to get Barber signed by restructuring Romo's contract, gave him almost the exact money i said the might give him, and then turned around and gave T Newman almost the exact money i said they where going to give him, lmao, thats funny cause i took a lot of flack for saying that from the people thats was ready to release MB3.

But From what i understand about the cap room pertaining to the rookies, is that each team has a rookie pool in which a certain amount of money is set in which the team can use to sign their draft picks. I thinks our is like 4 or 5 million.
starfrombirth;2088586 said:
See that's the part I'm not understanding. I went and researched it on the internet about how to calculate cap hits and the cap hit is the signing bonus divided by the number of years of the contract + the yearly salary so the numbers I posted above don't even include those amounts. So my question is.. how are we doing this math magic?

Well, for starters, both Barber and Newman were already under contract, so whatever they're making on this deal, it's only the difference between this deal and their old deal that's impacting the cap this year...

Indeed, it's quite likely that signing Barber long-term SAVED the Boys cap room against the cap this year, as he was counting some 2.6 mil (IIRC), and the first year hit of this deal is likely to be a bit less than that...

This is before the Cowboys even started the contract renegotiation game, with Romo's deal... after doing that, I'll bet the Boys are still at least 3-4 million under the cap, even factoring in Newman's new deal, and Barber's...
cowboyjoe;2088851 said:
ok best i remember adam said we had about 4 million in cap money before we resigned newman and barber.

to resign them, we had to create some cap money, so what the cowboys did and what Adam pointed to the cowboys guaranteed Romo's contract for this year, that freed up 4.5 million dollars

so add the 2 together,
4 million and change + 4.5 redoing romos contract = 8.5

now i dont know the paramaters of contracts, how much costs etc

but mickey said this earlier on david smoaks show, www.ktbb.com you can go back and listen to the podcast

but mickey said you have double jeopardy when you add to a contract, you have to use the contract he signed, and the new one he did,
so what i understand and im not the cap salary guy Adam is but mickey said
say newman counted 1.8 this year before he signed an extension, you have ot add what he got in the new deal, so say he gets 1.9 in new deal;

1.8 + 1.9 =3.7

do something like the same for barber;

so i think thats where you get the 2.5 million left over after adding extensioins to newmans and barbers deal.

best i can explain it, ask our sure guru salary cap guy Adam, but todd archer said we have about 2.5 million left,

again im not sure if that is enough money to get the draft choices and undrafted free agents signed, joe

The undrafted free agents are already signed and counting against the cap, only the draft picks remain to be signed... IIRC, in another thread Adam calculated that with the Rule of 51, the Boys would need about 2.1 million in cap room to get their rookie draft picks signed...

Adam has already said in this thread that the 2 contracts for Newman and Barber will likely only impact this year's cap by an additional 1.15 million dollars... in another thread, he's also said that before these 2 contracts, the Boys were some 3.5 million under the cap... this would still leave the Boys 2.35 million under the cap, even before any contract renegotiations... factor in Romo's contract renegotiation, which has been put at 4.5 million in a coupla places, just under 5 million in at least one place, and you're now looking at the Boys currently standing close to 7 mil under the cap... now, get the draft picks signed, and you'd still be close to 5 million under the cap...

And there are other contracts that could be renegotiated, if needed... so the Boys are not in any kind of cap trouble, not at this point...
starfrombirth;2088586 said:
See that's the part I'm not understanding. I went and researched it on the internet about how to calculate cap hits and the cap hit is the signing bonus divided by the number of years of the contract + the yearly salary so the numbers I posted above don't even include those amounts. So my question is.. how are we doing this math magic? I would just like to understand. Hey, I don't care how we get them signed, I just don't want to get hammered by the Sheriff because we know if there is any way in the world for Goodell to punish the Cowboys, he'll pounce on it. :banghead:
Relax dude, the salary cap is just an accounting gimmick. There are 100 different ways teams can create cap room.

Everything from restructuring contracts, converting salary to bonus money, guaranteed monies being prorated, ect....

If you have a good capologist, you can create millions of dollars of cap room by just moving numbers around.

Trust me, we will have plenty of money to sign our draft picks and probably give another extension out as well.:D

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