Uniforms... Best to Worst

glorydaysrback;2609542 said:
the chargers regular jerseys are not powder blue.

Yeah, I guess you're right, their regular unis are pretty decent, though I am not a fan of the hat - solid color hat would look better, to me. Just seems like every time I see those damn Chargers they have those awful powdery blue uniforms.
5Stars;2609541 said:
Hold up!

For some reason, poor losers...the Lions unis are my 2nd favorite.


ironically the team that shares the lions colors hasnt won a game in like 4 years. Coincidence? Matt Millen may be the principal . I'll have to get back to you on that.
#1 - Dallas Cowboys
#2 - UTEP Miners

Everybody else = FAIL!
Muhast;2609569 said:
ironically the team that shares the lions colors hasnt won a game in like 4 years. Coincidence? Matt Millen may be the principal . I'll have to get back to you on that.

Those are about the only ones that I like.
The uglies are:
kingfish;2609610 said:
Those are about the only ones that I like.
The uglies are:

What about the Cowboys?
Hostile;2609338 said:
In your opinion who has the best and worst uniforms in the NFL? You can explain if you wish, but don't feel obligated.

My list.

1. Dallas Cowboys. The star is the icon, the colors are ingrained in my soul.
2. Indianapolis Colts. Great logo.
3. Oakland Raiders. Silver and Black is classic. Too bad the team sucks.
4. Washington Commanders. I may hate them, but their look works.
5. Green Bay Packers. Simple and clean.
6. Pittsburgh Steelers. Definitely classic.
7. New York Giants. Their metallic blue helmet is cool.
8. Buffalo Bills. Good logo and great colors.
9. San Diego Chargers. The lightning bolt is a good symbol.
10. Minnesota Vikings. The horned helmet is the reason.
11. Kansas City Chiefs. The arrowhead and simple red and white.
12. San Francisco 49ers. Gold as a football color sucks, but not this time.
13. Philadelphia Eagles. I think the previous green was better.
14. Denver Broncos. I liked the orange a lot better. They went backwards
15. St. Louis Rams. Also went backwards with the gold.
16. Miami Dolphins. Good mascot. Gay colors. NTTAWWT.
17. New England Patriots. The bad logo is the only issue.
18. Houston Texans. Not bad, but could be a lot better.
19. Chicago Bears. Dull as a butter knife.
20. Carolina Panthers. Gag. Copy the Patriots logo why don't you?
21. Detroit Lions. The helmet is good. The powder blue too girlie.
22. New York Jets. Gang green is an infection.
23. New Orleans Saints. Looks like pajamas.
24. Tennessee Titans. The Oilers stuff was good. Titans stuff, not so much.
25. Jacksonville Jaguars. Could be lower actually.
26. Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Better than the originals but still awful.
27. Arizona Cardinals. Putrid. No wonder they lose.
28. Baltimore Ravens. Stupid not stoopid.
29. Cleveland Browns. Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
30. Seattle Seahawks. What were they smoking?
31. Atlanta Falcons. The need to bring back the red.
32. Cincinnati Bengals. Clown outfits.

I think the throw back Commanders uniform, the one with the Florida St. looking arrow on the helmet, is far and away thier best uniform.

I would put the 80s Houston Oilers uniform at the #12 position. Gotta love the oil derrick;)

The Panthers white uniform is not bad, but the helmet could use some work.

The Cardinal on Arizona's helmet is sharp! Sad the rest of the uni fails to live up to it.

Denver needs to scrap the look they have now:(

I prefer Dallas' road uniform, but either way, the Cowboys uniform is still head and shoulders above the rest;)
glorydaysrback;2609534 said:
no offense but I cant believe you like those HIDEOUS white NYG unis..wow, if their home unis were that bad (i kinda like the blue home jerseys) I might have put them dead last on my list. Now you can attack my list lol.
The blue unis look too home made to me. The road ones actually look like more design went into em.
I agree with most of Hos' list except I'd move the Jets up. For me any team that has changed recently are at the bottom of the list. All of them a horrible.

Stick with the classics :thumbup:
Yeagermeister;2609680 said:
I agree with most of Hos' list except I'd move the Jets up. For me any team that has changed recently are at the bottom of the list. All of them a horrible.

Stick with the classics :thumbup:

You can change anything to what you want it to be.

But, you can't change a Star.

(stupid cowboy fans)

Hostile;2609338 said:
In your opinion who has the best and worst uniforms in the NFL? You can explain if you wish, but don't feel obligated.

My list.

1. Dallas Cowboys. The star is the icon, the colors are ingrained in my soul.
2. Indianapolis Colts. Great logo.
3. Oakland Raiders. Silver and Black is classic. Too bad the team sucks.
4. Washington Commanders. I may hate them, but their look works.
5. Green Bay Packers. Simple and clean.
6. Pittsburgh Steelers. Definitely classic.
7. New York Giants. Their metallic blue helmet is cool.
8. Buffalo Bills. Good logo and great colors.
9. San Diego Chargers. The lightning bolt is a good symbol.
10. Minnesota Vikings. The horned helmet is the reason.
11. Kansas City Chiefs. The arrowhead and simple red and white.
12. San Francisco 49ers. Gold as a football color sucks, but not this time.
13. Philadelphia Eagles. I think the previous green was better.
14. Denver Broncos. I liked the orange a lot better. They went backwards
15. St. Louis Rams. Also went backwards with the gold.
16. Miami Dolphins. Good mascot. Gay colors. NTTAWWT.
17. New England Patriots. The bad logo is the only issue.
18. Houston Texans. Not bad, but could be a lot better.
19. Chicago Bears. Dull as a butter knife.
20. Carolina Panthers. Gag. Copy the Patriots logo why don't you?
21. Detroit Lions. The helmet is good. The powder blue too girlie.
22. New York Jets. Gang green is an infection.
23. New Orleans Saints. Looks like pajamas.
24. Tennessee Titans. The Oilers stuff was good. Titans stuff, not so much.
25. Jacksonville Jaguars. Could be lower actually.
26. Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Better than the originals but still awful.
27. Arizona Cardinals. Putrid. No wonder they lose.
28. Baltimore Ravens. Stupid not stoopid.
29. Cleveland Browns. Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
30. Seattle Seahawks. What were they smoking?
31. Atlanta Falcons. The need to bring back the red.
32. Cincinnati Bengals. Clown outfits.

Hostile.....I totally disagree with your #29. I have long been a fan of the Brown uniforms with the Orange helmets. Now if you were to talk about their orange uniforms I would totally agree with you. The Brown and Orange combo is unique to them and it totally fits that team and city....well at least it fit the old Cleveland Browns.....not this new group of pound puppies and mutts.
All I can say is I think the Bills, Titans, Bengals, Commanders, Ravens, Broncos, Jaguars and Seahawks have some ugly uniforms

I agree that the Falcons need to go back in time....maybe the Deion Sanders era uniforms.

The Bills need to go back to the early 90s uniforms, those were nice and they were very successful in them.

The Titans need to do something with theirs.....I think they should have merely kept the Oilers color scheme, and just changed the Logo.

I have never liked the Lions uniforms.....I don't like the Lowenbrau Lion and I don't like that shade of blue. I don't think you can find a sissier shade of blue than the one the Lions chose.

I think the Broncos should go back to their Orange Crush uniforms.....but with an upgraded logo. Heck, just use the logo they have now, but put it on the old uniforms and helmets.

I think the Giants red uniforms are so stupid. Just stick with the blue jerseys, those look cool. You can't go wrong with blue, unless you are the Lions.

I wonder what the Cardinals would look like in a black uniform with red stripes on the sleeves and a black helmet with a red stripe centered between two white stripes
1. Dallas Cowboys-Best in the league by far.
2. San Diego Chargers-great unis. Powder blue is always a plus.
3. Green Bay Packers-Great look.
4. Kansas City Chiefs-always liked the red and white combo.
5. St. Louis Rams-liked them better when they were yellow, but still a sweet look.
6. Washington Commanders-can’t rate them higher as I hate them, but still have to give credit where credit is due.
7. Tennessee Titans-Nice logo and colors.
8. Carolina Panthers-I like the light blue and silver combo.
9. Jacksonville Jaguars-I like the logo but not a fan of the colors
10. Atlanta Falcons-decent looking. I liked the old orange/red (cant remember) helmets better.
11. Oakland Raiders-ok I suppose
12. Indianapolis Colts-a little too bland.
13. Houston Texans-ok I suppose.
14. Denver Broncos-Nothing special
15. Miami Dolphins-not good
16. New York Giants-too bland
17. Buffalo Bills-not a big fan of their red and blue combo.
18. Minnesota Vikings-purple? Really?
19. San Francisco 49ers-I liked the older uniforms better.
20. Arizona Cardinals-too bland
21. New England Patriots-go back to the old uniforms. Those were nice.
22. Detroit Lions-needs to change. Too many teams with the same colors.
23. New Orleans Saints-ugly
24. New York Jets-bland
25. Pittsburgh Steelers- give me a break with the black and “gold” crap. It’s clearly yellow. I hear enough of this already from idiot WVU fans that call their colors blue and “gold.”
26. Tampa Bay Buccaneers-liked the old unis better.
27. Chicago Bears-too old looking. Time to liven those unis up.
28. Baltimore Ravens-too dark.
29. Seattle Seahawks-clownish
30. Philadelphia Eagles-makes me want to gag.
31. Cincinnati Bengals-need a cleaner look
32. Cleveland Browns-putrid
Am I the only one who like the Buc's old uniforms? I always liked them when I was a kid. I also loved the Pat's old helmet. They need to go back to those.
rangers71;2609918 said:
Am I the only one who like the Buc's old uniforms? I always liked them when I was a kid. I also loved the Pt's old helmet. They need to go back to those.

i loved both their old helmets..
I wish more teams, like the Bucs and Pats, would bring back their older logos.
fruitsnax;2609945 said:
I wish more teams, like the Bucs and Pats, would bring back their older logos.

Me too. Falcons and Bronco's also.
rangers71;2609956 said:
Me too. Falcons and Bronco's also.

agree 100%

the broncos went from one of the best to one of the worst.

if the cowboys had some balls they would wear these SWEET jerseys.

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