Unofficial 2021 Olympics thread

I really don't follow the Olympics like I did years ago, but it has nothing to do with stances and such.

For me, the athletes, teams, etc. are all professionals now bought and paid for by corporate sponsors.

It's not about representing countries but about winning medals to secure long term sponsorships and licensing deals.

That said, I do root for Simone Biles because she is a rare generational elite athlete that you cannot help but want to see win as many medals as possible.
Not sure who runs where on that USA mens 4x1 relay,

If I were the coach...

Tryvon Bromell handing off to..
Fred Kerley
Ronnie Baker
Noah Lyles

Speaking of the 4x1 relay, look for the Jamaican ladies to break the world record. All 4 have broken 10.90.

Speaking of world records, will we see the first 12.7 110hh? No problem seeing Grant Holloway cook a 12.78ish.
Track starts Friday, time to rev things up.

Expect Trayvon Bromell to win the 100m.

Bummer Christian Coleman isn;t here, there's a race,
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If Simone Biles was a football or baseball player, the media would be absolutely crucifying her right now. This would be like Tom Brady telling his team on Super Bowl Sunday "you know, I am just not mentally here right now.... you'll have to go on without me.... but I will be rooting for you!!"
I just turned on the TV in the UK this morning and 3 on 3 basketball seems to be an Olympic sport. Also skateboarding is in. And Surfing. Now dont get me wrong I understand new sports appear. 3 on 3 basketball ? Is this a laugh. Surfing is hardly inclusive as the most countries will have no access to ideal surf conditions.
Still no cricket ( 2nd most popular sport in the world) .
Why no snooker, darts or even fishing? Millions play and watch these sports.
8 of 12 teams advance. Even with that early loss, there was no way they wouldn’t go to the quarterfinals.
So, should USA gymnastics allow Simone Biles to go for personal glory in the individual events after dropping out of the team competition for no apparent physical reason? She was having a poor mental day and felt stressed is actually the official explanation. Wow. Just wow.

My opinion of her just went from all-time greatest gymnast to quitter who can't handle adversity. She can't come back from a poor vault? USA Gymnastics should make her sit the rest of the events out and let people who actually want to be their participate. She is literally the platoon leader who abandoned her troops in battle.
So, should USA gymnastics allow Simone Biles to go for personal glory in the individual events after dropping out of the team competition for no apparent physical reason? She was having a poor mental day and felt stressed is actually the official explanation. Wow. Just wow.

My opinion of her just went from all-time greatest gymnast to quitter who can't handle adversity. She can't come back from a poor vault? USA Gymnastics should make her sit the rest of the events out and let people who actually want to be their participate. She is literally the platoon leader who abandoned her troops in battle.
we all know why no one will treat her as she deserves for quitting.

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