Unofficial 2021 Olympics thread

we all know why no one will treat her as she deserves for quitting.

Yep, instead she is being glorified for putting her own mental health ahead of her team. Funny how she never talked about any mental health issues until she had a bad vault. At least fake an injury for god's sake and salvage your reputation. The media is trying to dress this up, but a pig is still a pig even in a dress........... and a quitter is a quitter.

Can you imagine what would happen if Dak threw an INT his first pass and pulled himself from the game b/c he just wasn't feeling that day? lol
So, should USA gymnastics allow Simone Biles to go for personal glory in the individual events after dropping out of the team competition for no apparent physical reason? She was having a poor mental day and felt stressed is actually the official explanation. Wow. Just wow.

My opinion of her just went from all-time greatest gymnast to quitter who can't handle adversity. She can't come back from a poor vault? USA Gymnastics should make her sit the rest of the events out and let people who actually want to be their participate. She is literally the platoon leader who abandoned her troops in battle.
screw her.... im sick of these kids always going to the "mental health card," every time they face a little adversity. Its called life, and its exactly why this country is in big trouble in 30 years. This is what happened when everyone started getting participation trophies. Luckily for me, m 6 and 8 year old litterally said this is crap.... everybody doesnt get a trophy. They learned from being at their older sisters comp softball team tourneys literally since they were ten years old. They are now 19 and 21 and one is at UCLA, the other At Stan State and they are both absolutely amazing.

IM blown away by this... but I am not surprised in the least.
The same people at ESPN lecturing us today that we can’t be critical of Biles would be absolutely merciless in their derision of Dak.
screw them.. Ill be critical of her and all the others that sit back and cry about mental health. Life is a real bit....Life is waiting for you to become and adult... so are you training, because when you step in the ring against life.... he makes Mike Tyson look like a child. If you arent ready, life is gonna smack you in the mouth and laugh... so you better be tough. Simone... nah, not tough. Now she is more skilled and talented than I have or will ever be in my life... but she is a quitter. Unless her mom or dad or someone close to her just died, there is ZERO you can tell me that will allow me to think otherwise.

Remember Brett Favre going out right after his dad died and destroyed the Raiders? You dont think he had stress? There have been HUNDREDS of athletes in the past that have dealt with serious issues in life and came out and still kicked butt.
screw them.. Ill be critical of her and all the others that sit back and cry about mental health. Life is a real bit....Life is waiting for you to become and adult... so are you training, because when you step in the ring against life.... he makes Mike Tyson look like a child. If you arent ready, life is gonna smack you in the mouth and laugh... so you better be tough. Simone... nah, not tough. Now she is more skilled and talented than I have or will ever be in my life... but she is a quitter. Unless her mom or dad or someone close to her just died, there is ZERO you can tell me that will allow me to think otherwise.

Remember Brett Favre going out right after his dad died and destroyed the Raiders? You dont think he had stress? There have been HUNDREDS of athletes in the past that have dealt with serious issues in life and came out and still kicked butt.
UPSET: U.S. Women’s Soccer Loses To Canada, Ending Shot At Gold

It sucks that there are players on that team I feel bad for. Others I am happier than a pig in slop they won't be getting a gold metal.
You’re ilk has been losing for awhile now and happily you’ll continue to be losing.
*** This is NOT about politics so do not turn it into that! If you do, your access will be removed!

I think the biggest problem is that just throwing together individuals with their own corporate sponsorships, agendas, goals, personal interests, etc. does not make for a great team.

In the past, US athletes were so far ahead of much of the rest of the world in talent that it allowed them to compensate for that disadvantage, but that has changed in recent years as the world has not only caught up but in some cases passed the US in various sports that the US was always expected to win or even dominate.

US Men's basketball experienced this long ago right after the "Dream Team" retired and that made them realize they needed to return to putting together teams, not all-stars and suddenly they started winning gold medals again.

The world has caught up to the US and if the US wants to keep winning team sports, it better start selecting players who care more about the team winning than their own corporate sponsorships, agendas, goals, personal interests, etc.

Unfortunately, that realization will be delayed by the inevitable blaming of the pandemic, the coaches, the schemes, etc. because of course it cannot possibly be the athletes' fault who are the best in the world in their minds.
*** This is NOT about politics so do not turn it into that! If you do, your access will be removed!

I think the biggest problem is that just throwing together individuals with their own corporate sponsorships, agendas, goals, personal interests, etc. does not make for a great team.

In the past, US athletes were so far ahead of much of the rest of the world in talent that it allowed them to compensate for that disadvantage, but that has changed in recent years as the world has not only caught up but in some cases passed the US in various sports that the US was always expected to win or even dominate.

US Men's basketball experienced this long ago right after the "Dream Team" retired and that made them realize they needed to return to putting together teams, not all-stars and suddenly they started winning gold medals again.

The world has caught up to the US and if the US wants to keep winning team sports, it better start selecting players who care more about the team winning than their own corporate sponsorships, agendas, goals, personal interests, etc.

Unfortunately, that realization will be delayed by the inevitable blaming of the pandemic, the coaches, the schemes, etc. because of course it cannot possibly be the athletes' fault who are the best in the world in their minds.

My thoughts too. I think talent wise the US still were clear favorites on paper.
But, they were distracted to say the least on just focusing on soccer.

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