Media reports say that Cincinnati Bengals receiver
Chris Henry has died.
previously reported this morning, he was involved in some sort of domestic dispute with his fiance (very recently engaged) Loleini late last night where he fell off the back of a truck. And he was fighting for his life throughout the night. Chris reportedly died around 6:30am EST this morning. He leaves behind 3 children with his fiance. So senseless and sad.
The crazy part–the two had JUST recently gotten engaged and Loleini had just written
a ******* status saying she had just paid for their wedding rings a few hours before police were called.
Here’s a few of her recent messages:
“Jus put deposIt down 4 weDDing piCs… Paid 4 ouR riNgs… Bout 2 eaT wiT my maN n bay bayz…. Startin 2 geT a headache thinKing bouT dis weddin.. I need A cuP,” wrote Chris Henry’s fiancee just 23 hours ago.
“GoT all 15 of my briDesMaids fiTTeD… Mah 4 maids of honors nexT.. All da boyz ready 2 b fiTTed…. Oh ya n my WeDding dreSs is oFF da ChaiN.. Got my sleeve” in a ******* post that describes her mood as “workin” posted on December 14th.
“ThiS youR girL LoLeInI SiLiKa..soon to HenRy.. I haVe a BleSSed Life… I am bleSSed to havE thRee beaUtiFuL kIds.. I come from from a wonderful family…U caN say thaT beIn a mom has cHangeD me in a LOt of wayz.. Now that I haVe childRen thiNgz that uSeD to Matter r JuSt a WasTe of TIme..
deY saY oncE a gangstA alwaYs a gangstA.. thoughT dem dayZ were ova haha.. u kno i gotta sT@y straPPed..
Homegirl looks just like
Monica “Danger” Leon to me. And clearly she has her ways too. She has a Pacific Island background and a Communicationsdegree from North Carolina A&T. The couple has three kids together–
DeMarcus, 10 months;
Seini, 3, and
Chris Jr., 2. They also have a home in Wyoming.