joseephuss;4579472 said:
I would consider DeMarcus Ware or LeBron James far greater athletes over any soccer player. That includes your categories of fit-heart rate, weight control endurance plus the categories I mentioned about strength, explosiveness, power, quickness, agility and speed. And I could come up with a long, long list of others that I think are greater athletes than soccer players.
I don't believe your Wild World of Sports story. I have never seen or heard of anything of that manner where soccer players dominated or asked not to compete. If you did a competition of different events, I bet the top guys would be from the NFL or the NBA.
And what does Ochocinco have to do with this? Just because soccer training requires more endurance than football training, does not mean you have to be a better athlete to play soccer. You just need better endurance and that is only one single element into what makes a great athlete. The top soccer athletes would struggle pushing a blocking sled in practice everyday and see that as being more challenging than what they do everyday in their own sport.
I have watched all manner of competitions and am myself a big soccer fan. While I can appreciate them as athletes, none of them are as athletic as guys from the NFL or NBA. And I am not saying the difference is some grand chasm, but there is a different level in the athleticism. Sure some fat lineman may not be a better athlete. Soccer does not have or need equivalent fat guys in their sport, but the NFL also has linebackers, running backs, wide receivers and defensive backs who are far different than lineman.
It def depends on what you consider a "athlete"
I think your underestimating what it take to be a soccer player and the skills one needs.
I grew up in Brooklyn and lived across the street from a public school and to my right was Prospect Park that had football fields and BB diamonds so I've basically played every street game and major sport including Football,Soccer/Futbol,baseball and basketball and was on teams of all at diff levels since I could walk.
Now IMO basketball skills and soccer skills are similar - obviously the biggest diff in one uses their hands and the other their feet.
In both sports you need to RUN - a BB player dribbles the ball with his hand and needs to look up to distribute the pass - same as soccer - again except you dribbling with your feet.
You need to out jump ppl for the crosses/rebounds, you need to box out ect a lot of the same skills but in soccer its a much larger area.
Like I said played them all especially Football and Futbol and the skills it took were different and some the same - like if your a defender and you have to stay with a forward making a long diagonal run, sort of like a CB staying with a WR - but to me one was not "easier" than the other.
As for the Wide World of Sports someone else mentioned - I think he might have been referring to "The Superstars" competion that included athletes from all over the sports world that competed in all kinds of things and the guess who won the first 3 of 5 years.....
You guessed it...a soccer player by the name of Kyle Rote Jr. son of a former NY giant, and the other 2 winners in those 5 years, were Bob Seagram (pole vault) and OJ Simpson.