RXP said:
Vermeil had no other choice other than to say what he did.
It was an obvious call.
The refs would have been completely negligent in their duty to let that play go by without a call.
Why is it that people on this forum have so much trouble giving credit to other teams? Vermeil could have totally whined and made a big deal out of it or provide the more subtle yet sarcastic "no comment" response implying the refts made a bad call which is what most coaches would say even if they knew the call was legitimate.
The same thing happend with the Eagles and TO. Andy Reid did the right thing and instead of some you giving him credit, you said he had no choice. Now there are rumors that Jerry Jones is interested in TO. Trust me, Reid had a choice. A lot of teams are interested in TO and you will see that when all of this drama dies down.
Give credit when it is due.