I do remember because your absence was felt. I got the hug and please keep your hands above the waste, I am a gentleman.
That's the key to me, not my favorite but those that I would miss that make this what it is. And it is the mix of the serious and frivolous and at times, downright hilarious. Especially when unintended.
This is about the sum of the parts being greater than the whole and just how many it takes to contribute to expand that whole. The true value of the presence of some is only known during their absence. How can you miss me if I won't leave?
No way I could pick an absolute favorite for anything because I still miss posters that contributed from DC.com that didn't make the trip over. This is something I cannot describe to people who do not partake. It's like this dish you're eating and you can't determine all the ingredients, all you know is it is a great meal and very satisfying on many levels.